Clrwatrtom's 1st Grow

Looks good in there.
My last question of the day Emmy. my RO water is at 6.3ph with the calmag added. After adding nutes, i see a ph drop to 5.8 or so. Do i need to get that back up to 6.3 before using, or am i good to go? I'm getting ready for a midnite awakening of my girls and i don't want to hurt any of them. Anyone following, please jump in.
Good morning to all, I got up about midnight to make sure the girls were awake and they were and they got a light drink at midnight. I got up again about 6 this morning and checked on them and they used up the drink they got at midnight. I am speaking of the autoflowers. And here's a blurple pic of the tent this morning.


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Got a lot of catching up to do, Tom. That lazy susan thingy is brilliant. I've read a lot of grow journals from people with disabilities and many struggle with tending to the plants in the back of the tent. This is a great idea for those folks. And cheers for finally getting to flower. Now you'll get to see the fruits of your labor. I think that I'll check out those Reefertilizer nutes that you mention. Your girls seem to love it. Good to see another first time grower hitting it out of the park. You and @Boogerfoot are killing it.
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