Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Here's what you need to know VG...

at 5.8g/4L of MC and 2ml/4L of CM will give you a N Load of 169ppm. Typically anything higher than 150ppm and you risk nute burn. Your NPK ratio becomes 8-5-13 which is about 1.3-1-2.3. The ideal ratio that you want to be at is 2-1-3 of NPK throughout your grow.
5.8g puts you in the Bloom/Flower week 3-4 range. 169ppm on the N load is probably fine, but if you have light feeders your tips will burn. The ratios I would like to see closer to 2-1-3.

4g/4L of MC and 4mL/4L of CM puts you at an N Load of 144ppm and puts your NPK at 7-3-9, which is 2.1-1-3, almost perfect!

Those are the numbers you want to shoot for. This allows for FFOF buffering if the soil is hot.

Hope that helps.
Thanks again for this last night. I knew the words would eventually make sense.
The only other question that I have is in what order to mix. I assume it would be MC, cal-mag and then the adjuster.
Thanks again for this last night. I knew the words would eventually make sense.
The only other question that I have is in what order to mix. I assume it would be MC, cal-mag and then the adjuster.
And no problem... finish off the Crown? :p
And no problem... finish off the Crown? :p
No, but I did some damage. Looks like I've got another session still in the bottle.
I don't do shooters anymore. I'm a sophisticated lady now, I sip with my pinkie up.
I use a crystal highball.
I figured that..
I was a "why dirty a glass?" drinker when I used to drink-the closest I'd come to a glass was pouring my vodka into a plastic water bottle...or an iced tea bottle for the whiskey- whiskey looks "funny" in a clear water bottle... :)
I figured that..
I was a "why dirty a glass?" drinker when I used to drink-the closest I'd come to a glass was pouring my vodka into a plastic water bottle...or an iced tea bottle for the whiskey- whiskey looks "funny" in a clear water bottle... :)
I don't drink often but when I do it had better taste good. Plus , I get to use the crystal I got in the divorce. It was the only thing I took with me. It would be a shame not to enjoy it. ;)
I lost everything in my divorce- I was only 21,so I didn't really have much...losing everything when you don't have anything isn't too bad,really... ;)
Yip EEE My seeds came in 20 Blue Dream and 10 Gold Leaf from 420 Now I have to wait until next spring to pop them, Dam I am excited for next spring. I hope to have a nice crop I may only plant half and keep the others. I may get the a mix pack that has Gold Leaf , Super Silver Haze and Purple Haze and plant a couple of the Haze strains for variety I also Love a good Sativa :rollit:
I lost everything in my divorce- I was only 21,so I didn't really have much...losing everything when you don't have anything isn't too bad,really... ;)
I see your point there.
I didn't want a thing from him. I left just about everything I owned behind. It's just stuff anyway....baggage.
Yip EEE My seeds came in 20 Blue Dream and 10 Gold Leaf from 420 Now I have to wait until next spring to pop them, Dam I am excited for next spring. I hope to have a nice crop I may only plant half and keep the others. I may get the a mix pack that has Gold Leaf , Super Silver Haze and Purple Haze and plant a couple of the Haze strains for variety I also Love a good Sativa :rollit:
Fun!!! I've heard good things about their seeds. It's gonna be really hard to wait until spring to pop them.
Fun!!! I've heard good things about their seeds. It's gonna be really hard to wait until spring to pop them.
Yes it will, I am doing a grow now with 4 plants so I am learning from this first grow. Next year I will use a living soil and bigger pots and start the seeds in March and I hope to have them in the greenhouse by middle or end of March. :thumb:
Yes it will, I am doing a grow now with 4 plants so I am learning from this first grow. Next year I will use a living soil and bigger pots and start the seeds in March and I hope to have them in the greenhouse by middle or end of March. :thumb:
Are you going to start a journal? If you start one,let me know and I will come and cheer you on!
D'oh.....fungus gnats. The are tiny ones.
Guess I got some hitchhikers in with the new soil. I have some DE but it's such a pain to apply and then reapply.
Are you going to start a journal? If you start one,let me know and I will come and cheer you on!
Yes I will start one when I pop the seeds. I would Love to have you watch and give advice I am a Rookie well really a Newbie I am doing my first grow now I didn't start a journal We got a late start and I found the web site a month or so ago so no journal for this grow, Its not much any way small plants but I am learning. The Members on here have been GREAT ! I have learned So Much from here already. I am here to take all the information I can soak in and the members have a lot of information to steal Lol :snowboating:
I lost everything in my divorce- I was only 21,so I didn't really have much...losing everything when you don't have anything isn't too bad,really... ;)

Seasick Steve
“I Started Out With Nothing And I Still Got Most Of It Left”
Great song.
A couple of things you can try VG for the fungus gnats.

Mix one part 3% hydrogen peroxide with four parts water. Allow the top layer of your soil to dry, and then water your plants with this solution as you normally would. The soil will fizz for a few minutes after application; this is normal. The fungus gnat larvae will die on contact with the hydrogen peroxide.


It helps control fungus gnats by destroying the fungus that the larvae feed on. Only true Ceylon cinnamon, or Cinnamomum verum, will work. Simply sprinkle enough cinnamon to form a visible layer across the top of your potting media, and repeat every few weeks, if needed.

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