Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Is it 4-0-0? I wouldn't cut the MC by a quarter as it's providing all the K you need for flowering. I'd drop it by .5mg/gallon and use the cal-mag at 3/4 strength. If you're trying to deal with a deficiency it's better to get ahead of it.

How many MC g/gal are you using now?
Is that factoring the new FFOF too?
Just because it's 4-0-0 I would dose the amount of ca or mg you need. Also, there are products out there with 3 and 4 % ca and mg with p/k vs N.

I use their ph up and ph down and it's either 0-16-0 down or 0-0-16 up. But one is adding such a small amount.

How much ca and mg is in that product?
Hey Vg you are starting to get some real chunky buds on the Gz :thumb:
Lol. Her leaves are a bit beat up but she isn't really slowing down growing those buds.
I'm cautiously optimistic. :green_heart:
Once you get a couple of feedings of cal mag she will turn around. I add cal mag from the start as a preventive thing but even with that I still get deficiencies around the middle of flower they are just much less then it would be if I didn't use it. I usually hit it at just under full strength the plants seem to respond well to it.
Here's what you need to know VG...

at 5.8g/4L of MC and 2ml/4L of CM will give you a N Load of 169ppm. Typically anything higher than 150ppm and you risk nute burn. Your NPK ratio becomes 8-5-13 which is about 1.3-1-2.3. The ideal ratio that you want to be at is 2-1-3 of NPK throughout your grow.
5.8g puts you in the Bloom/Flower week 3-4 range. 169ppm on the N load is probably fine, but if you have light feeders your tips will burn. The ratios I would like to see closer to 2-1-3.

4g/4L of MC and 4mL/4L of CM puts you at an N Load of 144ppm and puts your NPK at 7-3-9, which is 2.1-1-3, almost perfect!

Those are the numbers you want to shoot for. This allows for FFOF buffering if the soil is hot.

Hope that helps.
Here's what you need to know VG...

at 5.8g/4L of water and 2ml/4L of CM will give you a N Load of 169ppm. Typically anything higher than 150ppm and you risk nute burn. Your NPK ratio becomes 8-5-13 which is about 1.3-1-2.3. The ideal ratio that you want to be at is 2-1-3 of NPK throughout your grow.
5.8g puts you in the Bloom/Flower week 3-4 range. 169ppm on the N load is probably fine, but if you have light feeders your tips will burn. The ratios I would like to see closer to 2-1-3.

4g/4L of MC and 4mL/4L of CM puts you at an N Load of 144ppm and puts your NPK at 7-3-9, which is 2.1-1-3, almost perfect!

Those are the numbers you want to shoot for. This allows for FFOF buffering if the soil is hot.

Hope that helps.
I'm sure that it will help immensely...tomorrow...when I'm sober and words make sense.
How you doin? ;)

Seriously though, I hear ya and appreciate the help. They should be ready to feed soon. They were still to wet this morning.
Awesome Joey! :battingeyelashes:
Who is Joey?
Are you trying to guess my name? We might be here for a while.
I do love your Canadian whisky and I promise to consume it responsibly.:p
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