Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

I do love your Canadian whisky and I promise to consume it responsibly.:p
Canadian whiskey is top shelf shit man. Crown Royal and some of their aged stuff is wild. I don't drink often, but when I do, it's not Dos Equis.

Lol, I knew what you meant Mr. S.
Joey: how you doin?
Phoebe: heehee, I’m pretty :battingeyelashes:
I should have known sis was yanking my little chain. :hug:
When the joint sticks to your fingers when taking it from your mouth, stop drinking. I find third degree burns are enough of a sign for me.
I learned the don't smoke in bed lesson last night. Burned through two blankets and my mattress top before I noticed it.....sitting just a few inches away. Didn't even notice my joint lost its cherry. SMH
My wife was bad for that in her drinking(alcoholic) days. Thank god she got herself straightened out. I actually had a video of her from drinking, passing out on the couch, with a cigarette in her hand. It finally touched her skin and man did she jump. She had no idea how bad it was until I showed her the video. Several sheets got tossed over the years as well. Bad times those were.
Oh ya... I was close to throwing in the towel. But Kurt never quits so why should I. She spent several stints in rehab over the years and finally one day the doc said to her 'One more drink and you'll die'. She spent the next 45-60 days in rehab and hasn't had a drop since. That was about 62 days ago :p
No it's close to 20 years now dry.
I often get paranoid that Mr.G is coming on here as a guest. I don't know why I'd be paranoid though...I'm a frickin angel.:D
I just stared watching a show called The Good Place on Netflix.. you seen it? Just ironically fitting for this comment. :laughtwo:
I just stared watching a show called The Good Place on Netflix.. you seen it? Just ironically fitting for this comment. :laughtwo:
No, but I know which one you're talking about. Pretty good?
No, but I know which one you're talking about. Pretty good?
I’ve watched a few episodes so far. Watch it and think of me, thinking of you in that “friggin angel” post.
I’ve watched a few episodes so far. Watch it and think of me, thinking of you in that “friggin angel” post.
Uh oh. You know me better than anyone here. I'm afraid to watch now.:eek::D
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