Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

I'm really sorry you're having trouble with the GZ-It just doesn't make any sense.
She'll probably finish well,though-she just won't be pretty,but "pretty" doesn't get you high...
That Northern Lights of mine was "ugly as sin", but she gets me "high as f*ck"...
I'm really sorry you're having trouble with the GZ-It just doesn't make any sense.
She'll probably finish well,though-she just won't be pretty,but "pretty" doesn't get you high...
That Northern Lights of mine was "ugly as sin", but she gets me "high as f*ck"...
I'm more worried about the two that still look healthy but appear to be on the same course as the GZ.
Did you say the GZ has a K Potassium lack or excess?
She looks like the pic for K excess. She has the burned roots, pale leaves. It can bring Ca and Mg deficiencies. I'm not sure what I'm dealing with....
Did you run a bunch of water through her? Crap what's the term? To wash the K out and start fresh. Flush. Whew, that was hard.
Not yet. Couldn't find help today and I can't lift them. I really need to get a copy of The Little Red Hen for my family.
I paid for my rig, I got the seeds and everything else. I'm doing all of the growing, worrying etc. He just does the complaining and is conveniently missing when I need any sort of help.
Hi VG,
if it's excess K then I'm baffled as to why. If you've only run MC through the entire grow then there should be no reason for K toxicity. You would have to have some crazy K numbers to make it go that way.
FFOF has never given me signs of K tox either. Unless your pH is way out of whack I can't logically see why you would have a K tox.
Maybe somebody else can pipe in on their thoughts.
But you don't actually smoke weed do you?
I'm quoting VG here!
Hi VG,
if it's excess K then I'm baffled as to why. If you've only run MC through the entire grow then there should be no reason for K toxicity. You would have to have some crazy K numbers to make it go that way.
FFOF has never given me signs of K tox either. Unless your pH is way out of whack I can't logically see why you would have a K tox.
Maybe somebody else can pipe in on their thoughts.
I don't see those leaves as a K toxicity, at least not to my reading of the chart. Looks more like K deficiency to me.
Hi VG,
if it's excess K then I'm baffled as to why. If you've only run MC through the entire grow then there should be no reason for K toxicity. You would have to have some crazy K numbers to make it go that way.
FFOF has never given me signs of K tox either. Unless your pH is way out of whack I can't logically see why you would have a K tox.
Maybe somebody else can pipe in on their thoughts.
I have no idea. It certainly looks like K excess but didn't make sense to me either. Should be K def but her roots are burned.
Burned how? I must have missed that.
GZ and the G13 Haze had brown roots when I repotted them. The Blue Shark had really bright white feathery roots.
Can't lack of Ca burn roots or at least stop them from growing?
If you think it's a K def Shed, then I can run some new numbers for her to get the K up. It may require the use of Bud Explosion which she has if I recall.
I do have bud explosion.
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