Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Triple Cheese dampened off right under her cotyledons.
G13 looks pale. Maybe the extra heat will help her since she's a Sativa.
Gorilla Zkittlez looks great.
It's like G13 just stalled out. I'm gonna feed her and watch progress. If she looks worse tomorrow I will pop more beans.
sad losses VG. at least the protected girly is ok and you have more barneys. sad to see seedling demise.
sad losses VG. at least the protected girly is ok and you have more barneys. sad to see seedling demise.
I guess it happens to us all. I've only lost three seeds in the last 15 months. She had to be the only one that Mr.Ground was interested in. Lousy unpredictability!
I guess it happens to us all. I've only lost three seeds in the last 15 months. She had to be the only one that Mr.Ground was interested in. Lousy unpredictability!
i feel tou there VG. lost nearly 15 seeds of my barneys sponsored grow last round. managed to pull 7 through brilliantly in the end and even had 5 Rqs Hulkberry snuff it before seedling stage. hate losing seeds. been so different this round 100% thankfully. lost 3 hulk to spidermite though so have to have some sacrifice it seems.
Onward and upward now vg. bring on the huge colas with sparkly rainbows
i feel tou there VG. lost nearly 15 seeds of my barneys sponsored grow last round. managed to pull 7 through brilliantly in the end and even had 5 Rqs Hulkberry snuff it before seedling stage. hate losing seeds. been so different this round 100% thankfully. lost 3 hulk to spidermite though so have to have some sacrifice it seems.
Onward and upward now vg. bring on the huge colas with sparkly rainbows
I'll take the seedling death over spider mites any day. Blaghh! I hate creepy crawlies, except spiders for some reason. I like messing with their little worlds. BWahahaha!
The girls are in the main tent along with my clones. I'm working on bringing the humidity up as well. I'll iron out any possible environmental issues, it certainly couldn't hurt.
Good news, my clones have rooted so I have my original bagseed and a Lemon Og Candy too. :love: I just stuck them into perlite and gave them straight distilled a few times a week, no humidity domes either, just sitting under my little light. They look the best of any of the clones I have done so far. It would be kinda cool to run my BS clone in hempy. I'm running low on her and she's a good nighttime smoke.
Yeah, but you have 0 rh where you are. I have an ultrasonic humidifier that I'm using. It clogged up my last filter because I forgot to remove it.
I put it in a garbage bag and sucked the air out of it. maybe I should get some damp rid to put in with it.
How do y'all store your carbon filters when you aren't using them?
I'm never not using them. They stay in the tent until they clearly don't work anymore then they go in the bin. I can't open the model I use to clean it but they're pretty cheap and last for about half a year
Sorry to hear Cheese Louise is no longer with us VG. I think Mr G had something to do with her demise. Just sayin.
It was an inside job....hmmmm. Maybe he's trying to take me down a peg.

She had the coolest name.
I'm never not using them. They stay in the tent until they clearly don't work anymore then they go in the bin. I can't open the model I use to clean it but they're pretty cheap and last for about half a year
holy shit !!!! i never even think about mine. had it for over 12 years ( stored for 8 ) my tent has more holes than a ....... ( Insert level of acceptable joke thing with lots of holes here ..) and leaks light like a lantern so assumed the smell was due to that. damn i need a new filter. cannot believe i have never even considered it , just keep throwing it in. !!!!!!!
holy shit !!!! i never even think about mine. had it for over 12 years ( stored for 8 ) my tent has more holes than a ....... ( Insert level of acceptable joke thing with lots of holes here ..) and leaks light like a lantern so assumed the smell was due to that. damn i need a new filter. cannot believe i have never even considered it , just keep throwing it in. !!!!!!!
Lol, I’d wager it’s probably both! I saw in professors thread you got some complaint about exhaust fan noise? Just wanted to mention I have cloudline fans made by ac infinity and they are so quiet you don’t even know they’re on. Seriously quiet, nearly silent. Just thought I’d let you know my good experience with them.
Lol, I’d wager it’s probably both! I saw in professors thread you got some complaint about exhaust fan noise? Just wanted to mention I have cloudline fans made by ac infinity and they are so quiet you don’t even know they’re on. Seriously quiet, nearly silent. Just thought I’d let you know my good experience with them.
What one?
S6, T6

May look into it
What one?
S6, T6

May look into it
I have the T6 up top for exhaust and the S4 for intake. The difference between the T and the S is the “computer” screen. The T model shows temperature and new models also show humidity. The S model has a small button that cycles through the power settings. T has 10 power settings, S only has 8 I think?
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