Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

quick question how do you grow at a truck stop do work or live there lol
We were on the road going to visit relatives, we just stopped to use the restrooms and get snacks. I took the opportunity to medicate.:D
oh lol I don't hide when I med I smoke freely sometimes lol
My family lives in an illegal state so we have to practice caution unfortunately. Hopefully that will change soon.
I like your don't give a f%$# attitude. It's refreshing. Lol.

hiya vg

nice the trip went decent.

pretty much lived as an open consumer since i was a snowboard bum 25 yrs ago. working as part time light tech in the music and show production industry for 35 + yrs certainly helped as well.

i have enjoyed our favorite plant with some cool folk.
Hey y'all. I just got home and I have to leave right away, I forgot that I have physical therapy again today. Good thing I left when I did.

I looked in on the plants.... TC looks like hell. I'll give her a closer look when I get back home.
I'm not holding out much hope for her at all.
Dang. I don't think she's gonna make it y'all.
It wasn't the perlite after all,she was half stuck in her hull yet , she has a 3" tap root and a 2" stem and the hull was pinching in the center. I freed her from the hull and don't think that I damaged her further, but I think she may be a goner. She is still upright so we will give her a day or two.
Come on Cheese Louise!!!
Don't give up on her till she actually falls over-with
that fat stem,that's not likely to happen-2 days from
now she'll be back up to snuff...
She should be fine, she has good color.
She's a bit more yellow to my eye than the camera. He actual true leaves were down earlier, so maybe she's drinking again. They appear to be standing up a bit.
Hey guys! Good to see you here!:yahoo::hug:

I've had a busy day. I am in the middle of deep cleaning my tent and smoking chicken for the kiddos. I pulled my tent out from the closet and holy smokes...... Have you ever been to spiderland? I found it and it was impressive enough to charge admission. It hasn't been cleaned behind there since I got it a year ago. I'm going to do it after every grow from now on.
I still have to do the inside but it is a high priority. I want to get the girls in the tent asap. I think a little extra heat would help them. TC is still standing.
HighYa VG,

You have a very entertaining journal. I need to be entertained, so I hope you don't mind if I follow along. Actually, I like hempy grows. Seems they grow faster than soil. Also an intriguing medium, to me. Three ladies in a 2X4? Good luck with that, lol. I'm sure you'll do a great job, so no worries! Cheers
HighYa VG,

You have a very entertaining journal. I need to be entertained, so I hope you don't mind if I follow along. Actually, I like hempy grows. Seems they grow faster than soil. Also an intriguing medium, to me. Three ladies in a 2X4? Good luck with that, lol. I'm sure you'll do a great job, so no worries! Cheers
Yo Bode, good to see you again. You are most certainly welcome.
I grew 3 in a 2x4 for my first two grows and it went ok. Indicas are helpful in that situation for sure.
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