Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Ok. I got them all transplanted and watered accordingly. My pH with my tap and 4gr/gal was 6.25.
When I looked at the G13 Haze it was less coiled but the very tip of the tap root was slightly damaged from being out of the soil earlier.
My clone now looks like a Truffula tree or topiary. She actually looks like she has nitrogen toxicity. Dark hooked leaves.
Greetings y'all.
Here's the news of the day. Not what I was hoping for,but that's life I guess.
I just got done giving her a Mg foliar. I'm getting fast moving necrosis in the leaves. ,
Rh 50-60%
temp 75-80
Some leaves are dry and brittle. The damaged leaves are tacoing. I'm waiting to see if they were just too wet from transplant. I figured that a Mg foliar wouldn't hurt. They soil is pretty dry today but I'm going to wait to water as long as possible.
I think that the last time I used Happy Frog I mixed it with FFOF. I think it gives the soil a spongy texture. The Happy Frog on it's own or even with a bunch of added perlite seems heavy and muddy to me. I'm going to mix some up and see what it looks like. SMH.
Checking pH pen in a bit. I don't think it's that though. I check and calibrate every week. I'm probably due for some new calibration fluid. I will test it against my liquid kit to make sure.

I feel like I have a dark cloud over me.
Tell me what y'all think.
Similar things happened to my GZ at the beginning during veg. The roots on her grew really fast and she became rootbound twice when I thought I could get away with another week or so. There were other problems as well but transplanting seemed to do the trick for a while then I'd get problems again. After flipping to flower everything just fell into place though. How often is the pot drying up? Sometimes rootbound plants slow up on the drinking and can cause the pots to take longer to dry which creates other problems
Similar things happened to my GZ at the beginning during veg. The roots on her grew really fast and she became rootbound twice when I thought I could get away with another week or so. There were other problems as well but transplanting seemed to do the trick for a while then I'd get problems again. After flipping to flower everything just fell into place though. How often is the pot drying up? Sometimes rootbound plants slow up on the drinking and can cause the pots to take longer to dry which creates other problems
It took 3-4 days for the solo cups to dry out. She seemed ready to up pot but didn't really look root bound. When I looked at her again it was obvious that she was hard packed in the center of the root mass.
Thanks a lot for helping me y'all. Big sloppy kisses and hugs! :kiss::kisstwo::hug::thanks:
Hopefully they will get into the groove here and just grow for pity sake.
SMH. Remember my little dead CBD Blue Shark? Her stem was all dried up and we wrote her off for dead. Just for the hell of it I stuck her in some perlite with the G13 Haze. She has stinkin roots! Lol.
The G13 doesn't yet but she still has just a bit of green on her so I'm not writing her off yet either. They may not ever amount to anything other than a fun experiment, but why not?

Funny stuff, goofy plants.
Strange things happen huh? Who knew adventure was a big part of this.
IKR! It keeps you on your toes for sure.
I wish I would have known this little perlite trick earlier.
How have you been?
Way to not give up on those babies VG!! Everyone is looking happy happy!
Hi HH. :ciao:
I'm on my last G13 so I had to do all I could. I really thought she was going to strangle herself. She looks good considering what she's been through.
Hopefully I'm done being a drama mama and can get back to growing.
Lol, I know the feeling, except I want to stop being a seed mama and get back to growing.
Are they from your C99? Or from the grow before?
I'm wondering if I'll get any. I did find a couple of immature seeds in my bag seed but I haven't found any seeds in the Himalaya Gold or the Lemon Og Candy yet.
I wasn’t sure at first, but it’s definitely the c99. More growers are finding bananas and another guy’s grow got seeded too. I’m thinking about chopping my last two and just be done with them.
I think it’s pretty normal to find a random seed here and there, and even a banana at the end. I hope you don’t get any. Kinda defeating after all the energy and time invested. All I can say is I’m glad to have a MB machine.
I wasn’t sure at first, but it’s definitely the c99. More growers are finding bananas and another guy’s grow got seeded too. I’m thinking about chopping my last two and just be done with them.
I think it’s pretty normal to find a random seed here and there, and even a banana at the end. I hope you don’t get any. Kinda defeating after all the energy and time invested. All I can say is I’m glad to have a MB machine.
Wasn't there something strange about the Alaskan seeds as well?
That really isn't cool. Pollen is impossible to get rid of so I'm betting there are some pretty unhappy campers.
She's standing at attention today
Well,that was fast...That's what a plant looks like when it's smiling....
Good Job ,VG-It looks like even the funky bottom leaves have regained the will to live....
Wasn't there something strange about the Alaskan seeds as well?
That really isn't cool. Pollen is impossible to get rid of so I'm betting there are some pretty unhappy campers.
Just me and another guy got seeds so far. P9 found one nanner set, but that’s all. The Alaskan purples have been a bit weird. Foxtails for sure, lol they look a bit like grapes! One of mine had no inner parts and the other has a twin. I just put it into flower so I’m fleeing a bit nervous, but what’s new? I’m always nervous about something!:nervous-guy::laughtwo:
Well,that was fast...That's what a plant looks like when it's smiling....
Good Job ,VG-It looks like even the funky bottom leaves have regained the will to live....
She was perked up last night but I was too lazy to post, plus I was watching Airplane and wouldn't be disturbed. Lol.
And stop calling me Shirley...
One of the funniest movies ever....Naked Gun is a close second...Nothing to see here!
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