Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Speaking of Sharks

My WolfShark


If looks could kill
Mine is a 6qt, but for cooking I'd get a 8qt in it for cooking too
I can cook anything...cept boiled this cooks eggs

A 4qt would be fine for just oils though

I run mine on high pressure for 2hrs, let is self cool, either overnight, or like 2hrs, then run it again same same

The oil is fantastic, better than the other process I've used, cleaner, and NO smell

Pressure cooker?
I do have 3 crockpots for some reason....
I have a very large brand new crock that someone gave me thati haven't even taken out of the box, you can have mine too.
I have a very large brand new crock that someone gave me thati haven't even taken out of the box, you can have mine too.
** Runs away**
No more crock pots!!!! Lol.

I only use them to keep food warm. I would rather cook in cast iron. I always get better results.
Hey y'all. Thought that I'd updated both the good and the bad.
GZ... All of her new growth looks great and its almost time to repot.

And then there are these girls. Neither of them got roots outside of their coir plugs. One went kamikaze and shot her tap root out of the top. And the other just spiraled around, choking itself. They are still standing but I'm going to consider them a loss. At this point they are just something to play around with. Perhaps I will set them outside and see what nature does for them.
So I'm going to pop some more directly into the dirt. I'm on my last G13 so I really need her to take.
Hope y'all are having a great week so far.
Good vibes going your way.
Evening ms.Ground ya first on my list of hellos this evening, that skittlez is looking great and I hope that last g13 takes for ya......
Hey Smeegs.
Glad to see ya,It's been a bit.
Yeah, I sure hope she takes as well. Can't bear to lose another one.
Just looked to see if they are coming up yet.
Rediculous. Stupid G13 is trying to grow in a corkscrew fashion upside down had the tip of her tap root out of the soil.
Here she is looking like a snake all coiled up.

I must have a gravity anomaly in my bedroom. I turned her over and replanted her. SMH.
Blue Shark is up as well.

I lifted the GZ and she's drinking. Looks pretty crappy today. I'm trying to raise the rh. It was down to 35%. I moved some stuff around, we will see if it makes a difference.
I think I might’ve read that can happen with not being buried deep enough? Who knows? Hopefully she’ll start flying right for you now. HEY KIDS - BE GOOD FOR YOUR MOM!!
I dunno. I planted her almost as inch down just like the Blue Shark. I ended up covering her with a bit more soil. Hope she doesn't strangle herself.
I dunno. I planted her almost as inch down just like the Blue Shark. I ended up covering her with a bit more soil. Hope she doesn't strangle herself.
Fingers crossed. Toes too!
Stupid G13 is trying to grow in a corkscrew fashion upside down had the tip of her tap root out of the soil.
Here she is looking like a snake all coiled up.

I must have a gravity anomaly in my bedroom. I turned her over and replanted her.

i wonder if genetics plays a part. a good friend bred out a bunch of strains chasing orange terps, the seeds he developed would do that at least 30% of the time. seedlings would choke themselves off a few days after sprout.

i used to call it the suicide weed. that really bugged him lol.
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