Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Congratulations on harvest day!! She made it, you did it, meds for VG, and all before I got outta bed! :party:
Great job getting her to the finish line :cheesygrinsmiley:
Her bud look so good. I wish I wouldn't have screwed her up. They could have been so much bigger.... I think. Lol.
even better, you can send instructions and tasks to do straight to it for the kids without shouting from the sofa when medicated. My kids think they come from Santa when the printer spits a new list of jobs out !!! Nobody fucks with Santa direct !
that is dad brilliance fer sure
unfortunately, they're gonna grow to be more tech savvy than you one day , and will remember lol

Chopped, washed, dried, cut and boxed up.
Goodbye Gorilla Zkittlez!:thanks: For staying alive until harvest. It was a pleasure to murder you this morning.

those look great. good job.

I'm on the verge of a migraine. I'm staring to get the little floaty pink, blue and yellow visual distortions that preceded it. Time to dose heavily and try to lessen the coming blow.

hate migraines. be careful and take it easy.

mine are ocular migraines. i have optic nerve necrosis and am 1/3 blind in my left eye.
cannabis really does a good job as a central part of a management plan. i went from 5-6 a month to 1-2.
CongratZ on the harvest Vg! I’m eager to see how you like the gorilla :headbanger:
I had a sample of her a few days ago. Quick dry never really tastes good but the effect was quite good. I tried some smaller buds so I'm excited to try the 'topshelf' stuff.
mine are ocular migraines. i have optic nerve necrosis and am 1/3 blind in my left eye.
cannabis really does a good job as a central part of a management plan. i went from 5-6 a month to 1-2.
I'm sorry to hear that.
My sis has this. She can only see shadows from her left eye now.

Mine are usually from my nerve damage in my neck. Self-trepanation sounds so good right now.
Her bud look so good. I wish I wouldn't have screwed her up. They could have been so much bigger.... I think. Lol.
You did great! You quit that negative self talk right now!! (That was in my mom voice btw). Those buds look fantastic and you should be very happy and proud you got her to the finish line.
great job on those Babies Vg. look perfect to me . It is a great strain to enjoy too. Huge pat on the back for getting them through so well.
Thanks dear. We made it!!! I've been waiting so long for this day.
Just a few more weeks to harvest the other two and I will be able to take a few weeks off.
I'm looking forward to doing less.
You did great! You quit that negative self talk right now!! (That was in my mom voice btw). Those buds look fantastic and you should be very happy and proud you got her to the finish line.
What Double H said!
You're right. It could have been worse. Like that time Barney's sponsored me and I killed most of my seedlings...... Lol.
de·bauch·ee | \ di-ˌbȯ-ˈchē , -ˌbä-; ˌde-bə-ˈshē, -ˈshā\
Definition of debauchee

: one given to debauchery

Is that similar to Douchbagery?????
Did someone call me ??....
It's boring with NO PLANTS

Hookers, blow, crack, etc keeps me from dieing of boredom
I hear ya. I like to start fires.

Controlled ones in my fire pit. I've come a long way baby!
Goodbye Gorilla Zkittlez!:thanks: For staying alive until harvest. It was a pleasure to murder you this morning.
Congrats on the harvest! Those buds really look nice!
I'm on the verge of a migraine. I'm staring to get the little floaty pink, blue and yellow visual distortions that preceded it.
My son gets migraines really bad - first the aura, then the fogginess, then the nausea and pain. Usually 8 hrs of moaning and vomiting, then 24 hrs of migraine hangover. Kinda what got me started with growing cannabis. He doesn't smoke very often, but since he started, he's only gotten one in the past year.
Congrats on the harvest! Those buds really look nice!

My son gets migraines really bad - first the aura, then the fogginess, then the nausea and pain. Usually 8 hrs of moaning and vomiting, then 24 hrs of migraine hangover. Kinda what got me started with growing cannabis. He doesn't smoke very often, but since he started, he's only gotten one in the past year.
Thank you. I'll be happy to have my jars full again. I'm very low on smoke right now. We are rationing.

My pain is still creeping in. It's probably not helping that I'm staring at a phone screen right now.
My sis has this. She can only see shadows from her left eye now.

i am so sorry for your sister.
if she gets the migraines make sure she knows cannabis is a very effective tool in the treatment bag.

i am extremely lucky as it affects the outside third of my left eye. i get weird lava lamp like visual reactions as the nerve is not totally dead.

Mine are usually from my nerve damage in my neck. Self-trepanation sounds so good right now.

try a grapeseed oil infused thc topical as well.

grapeseed oil for it's ability to absorb deep into the tissue. a topical can help reduce the pain signal from the nerves.
i would probably add few drop of eucalptys and / or frankincense essential oils to help with inflammation of the muscle tissue due to pain stress.. plus it smells more pleasant.
that is dad brilliance fer sure
unfortunately, they're gonna grow to be more tech savvy than you one day , and will remember lol

those look great. good job.

hate migraines. be careful and take it easy.

mine are ocular migraines. i have optic nerve necrosis and am 1/3 blind in my left eye.
cannabis really does a good job as a central part of a management plan. i went from 5-6 a month to 1-2.
I have them until the Santa illusion bursts mate , hopefully before they can attract a " minimum wage" at least. 2 oldest were moaning about ploughing a neighbours field last week and how hard it was getting , i made them swap over wearing the harness which solved it for a bit !
Sweet. Not a full blown migraine. Just a really nasty headache.

I'm watching this really odd documentary on Hulu called Cannabis Evolution. There are some strange clips where medical professionals stare into the camera making uncomfortable eye contact for extended periods of time. Especially the Herpes guy.

Not sure that I like this one.....
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