Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

That recipe looks tasty!
It's so good that I'm forced to make it once a week. My kids can't get enough of the stuff. Falafel and tabouleh too.
They'll eat anything if you put feta and garlic on it.
If you've never tried it. It's fantastic.
I'm a garlic freak too.:drool:
I love oven roasting whole bunches of them. Just put it on bread...nummy!

Hmm. I can't seem to find my drying boxes. They are pretty big and really hard to miss. Kid must have taken them for camping boxes..ugh.
Then I won't need to go to the library.;)
even better, you can send instructions and tasks to do straight to it for the kids without shouting from the sofa when medicated. My kids think they come from Santa when the printer spits a new list of jobs out !!! Nobody fucks with Santa direct !
I've been up for three hours already. I fell asleep at 10:30 last night.
I'm with ya! LoL

Ugh... rolled out of bed at 5:30am.... because i fell asleep watching baseball at like 8:30 last night. LoL
even better, you can send instructions and tasks to do straight to it for the kids without shouting from the sofa when medicated. My kids think they come from Santa when the printer spits a new list of jobs out !!! Nobody fucks with Santa direct !
Brilliant piece of skullduggery!
I like it.
I'm with ya! LoL

Ugh... rolled out of bed at 5:30am.... because i fell asleep watching baseball at like 8:30 last night. LoL
#thenewoldfolks. #amioldalready
Brilliant piece of skullduggery!
I like it.
been a parent of young ones since i was 17 ( 8 now and 7 Grandchildren) , i am 53 now and still have toddlers . I know some tricks after this tribe !. Did think of writing a parenting book but the rejected title by the publishers dampened my enthusiasm to finish it. "If they walk , They work" had a ring to it in my opinion ?.
watching my youngest tapping her feet to music is so cute , also very productive if you place a sewing machine pedal just right and show her the fun in following dotted lines on a patterned garment and before anyone gets concerned about her being injured dont be ! , she learnt last time !!!!.
Chapter 2 " You pay , to stay" has some good tips for after school activites too.
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