Closet Farming With Barney's Gorilla Zkittlez, G13 Haze, Triple Cheese & More

Local guy near me just caught a State Jail Felony for cartridges. TX definitely doesn't play around about concentrates.

They hit him with Manufacture & Delivery of a Controlled Substance.

No bueno!

Well there we go

No SOUP for you!!!!!!

Guess it's a Bud light diet for 3 weeks
Well there we go

No SOUP for you!!!!!!

Guess it's a Bud light diet for 3 weeks
Pretty sure they were trying to make an example of him. We're really rural out here (Pop 1300-ish), so there are still a few yokel cops.

Since they get all of their information from Fox News, they believe carts to be as bad as meth.

Fucking numbskulls!

Ya know.... you can always use the ol' prison wallet! Jajajaja!
:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:
Purple Punch...
Sounds like it will work. Sounds strong. Kewl.

I've been thinking about the noobies. I belong to an aquatic forum where we have to troubleshoot constantly. Much like here.
We wrote up a sticky post to help with things. It has a list if questions that the OP can fill out to make it less of a hassle.

In the case of our forum it would include things like...

What Strain?
What type of lighting is used?
Age of plant.
Type of medium?
What kind if nutrients?
What is the Temp?
What is the rh?
Are you pHing water? How?
Indoor or outdoor?

You get the idea. When they ask what's wrong with my plant you'd just add the sticky and ask them to fill it out. That way you have most of the info in the first few posts for everyone to look at. Makes things way less confusing and much easier to figure out.

We seem to ask the same questions over and over. I think it could be a time and sanity saver.
Ask and u shall receive

The old growth won’t recover so watch the new growth for signs of recovery.
It will be hard to tell for a few days. The day after the lining some old damage was still creeping in.
Ask and u shall receive

Typical VG...I thought I had a good idea. Lol.

That's why

I always post that link

And the retards still don't read it

Then I turn into an asshole...and so e other retard chimes in and recites the entire thing again, and it continues and continues till we get into a retard circle of RETARDATION

ooooooo hark at you all antsy Vg. lol. i think it confused me with if you include all the info everytime you post an issue ?
I'm always confused so it probably wouldnt effect me too much.
I'm going to cut and paste it next time. See if it works at all.....prolly not.
Yup, I have to do the same when I read anything even mildly complicated.

My Dr. wants me on meds but I opted to grow my own. I'm still strain hunting for my best match. Indicas seem to work the best at slowing me down so far.
I've come this far so I'm with you with growing my own meds for it. A good indica puts me in a better place to concentrate.
Looks done from here. I'm on the couch across the room though.

I ate too many cookies for breakfast...again. I can't seem to move...or stop laughing.
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