ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

ok the seed project


that was the lower parts I chopped off cause of the thrips

I still found about 40 viable seeds :thumb:


and still have the rest to check ill probably hack it about the end of the week









ok some groups shots












ok Enjoy Guys
What kinda bugs ya got Chronic? I see the leaf damage. Flying bugs?

They Are Thrips I got a few Gnats but the thrips are the main problem that is affecting the leaves
which in turn affects the growth of the plant
the bcn wasn't too bad because it had a lot of growth in the leaf dept. but
im hearing a lot of people are having bug issues this year around my general area
which includes the rest of the island :rofl:
Good day weed brotha. Nice harvest and the girls are looking very nice as always. Really good to hear that you are getting seeds. All the hard work is paying off. :goodjob::cheer::cheer::volcano-smiley::high-five:
Beautiful Chronic!

Gotta CS run on the horizon.

I am curious about the moon cycles. I was going to drop some beans tonight, but should I wait until tomorrow since its a new moon or is tonight good too?

Thanks bro!
Happy weekend weed to yea cronic my Brotha. It's Shatterday so take it easy and have some fun. :high-five:
Congratulations on your harvest ChronicHemphog.
Hey Cronic......there is a question for you in my Off Topic Pics. We need a translator! :circle-of-love::Namaste::circle-of-love:

I got you on the phone with the answer before the post which was only yesterday? lol
well at least we know what it means now :rofl:

Good day weed brotha. Nice harvest and the girls are looking very nice as always. Really good to hear that you are getting seeds. All the hard work is paying off. :goodjob::cheer::cheer::volcano-smiley::high-five:

well that was only the bottoms of the seed plant gave me about 40 or so the rest of the plant including that totaled just over 400 seeds
not bad for 3 little clones
got the harvest of the critical sensi star in this update kinda late acutally did res change on Saturday had to help a friend move again on sunday :rofl:
just been busy is all and tired besides I had the pain in my ribs which is going away so now I can feel the pinched nerve shooting
down my arm more :rofl:
funny how a worse pain can cancel or minimize another till its gone then you get to feel the other pain again :rofl:

Beautiful Chronic!

Gotta CS run on the horizon.

I am curious about the moon cycles. I was going to drop some beans tonight, but should I wait until tomorrow since its a new moon or is tonight good too?

Thanks bro!

sorry I took so long to answer just been chilling a lot tired been real hot takes a lot out of you and working right by the harbor so the moisture is in the air regardless
good on the cs make your own seeds from the strains you want and never have to buy them again as I Mentioned to Brotha Bee
I got just a hair over 400 on this last run from 3 small clones
the next one im gonna cut down to 2 clones and im not gonna use the big tub im gonna put 3 of them in 2 gallon buckets
use one to spray and 2 to pollinate
pop seed from sept 22 to oct 7 for now

hi Chronic....i would like to invite you and anyone else to check out my journal.......always can use advice from veteran growers:)

im there :thumb:

Wicked update bro! I always enjoy them :) :thanks:

Hey Brotha got more this week not much pics but more to come
ill also mention what seed ill be popping next

High my cronic brother

Thanks Brother

Happy weekend weed to yea cronic my Brotha. It's Shatterday so take it easy and have some fun. :high-five:

Thanks Brotha had a busy weekend is why im posting late and as I mentioned earlier the heat and humidity takes a lot out of you so just been chilling most nights ill get my update posted here in a minute tho Thanks again Brotha
:thumb: :volcano-smiley: :Namaste: :circle-of-love:

Sorry im late cronic congratulations on your harvest and looking forward for the rest man!!! Subscribe?

its never too late here the only time ill end this journal is when I have to stop to redo the room
wanna eventually partition the room and get rid of the tent so I have better height usage lol
but that's down the line so ytes sub in well be here starting new shit for awhile
in fact my next seed project is the sour diesel I now have in 12/12 I took 3 cuttings from it on sat so
need em to root lol then I got the next seed im gonna pop so things always going on here :thumb:

Where you at Chronic?

I trust everything is ok. Just stopping in to say hey! Hope all is well buddy! :)


just been Tired Thanks Sweet :circle-of-love:

cronic Skunkday
I hope you are resting up enjoy skunday when you get here :circle-of-love::peace::circle-of-love:

Been trying to lol yea just been resting

He is working too much! New job. I do believe.

I hope.

same job still better money just been really hot lately lets put it this way in the morning when I got to work my pants stay up on its own
by the end of the day every 3-4 step im pulling up my pants :rofl:
just been real hot, humid and im working right next to the water in the harbor area

Hey chronic man just wanted to pop in and check if all is good in your world :high-five:
Sure looks like it in the room at the least :)

Thanks Away its ok just been tired and a bit sore lately
more tired than anything :rofl:

Happy skunkday Chronic:Namaste:

and a Happy Tokerday to you tomorrow Green :volcano-smiley:

Congratulations on your harvest ChronicHemphog.

Thanks that wasn't really the harvest tho just the bottoms of my seed plants that had to come off
the thrips was just a pain lol
seems almost all but gone in my main tent now so one more shot of azamax at the end of the week and some 209 in the medium on res change day I flush the medium and roots with a bit of 209 and let it sit for 10- 15 minutes before I put it back in the res
was looking for them today didn't notice any so I figure on last time for good measure
but I did chop the critical sensi star on Saturday and I chopped the rest of the seed plant on Thursday so I got pics for those
coming up

Outstanding Growing. I wish you and the family the best.
Thanks CO Best to you and yours also you always got something interesting going on yourself :high-five:

ok I guess im gonna hit my update now I may have a couple group pics not with the group pics lol
it is what it is :rofl:
ok im gonna take a short break and get to it so im not up too late
ok so here we go before I forget and pass out which is what almost happened :rofl:

Critical Sensi Star

sorry not a lot of pics this week but different stuffs going on



looks like ill be lucky to get 2 oz of this one :rofl:
tried a small piece not sure if I like it maybe I need to let it cure


the Critical









ok the rest of the seed plant as I mentioned earlier just a hair over 400 well 402 to be exact


the 40 from the lower parts I took earlier



this would be the rest pic above and below



the Sour Diesel Cutting for hopefully the next seed project



and the bubbler lives again







NL x S




the either or plant














the next seed I am going to pop is
drum roll pls

purple berry kush
royal purple kush bubblelicious
may pop something else with it im still debating I may wait another 3 week for a 2 seed pop tho
Your smoking alittle tooo much product if it's 402,,, to be exact. I think you missed acouple recount might be in order..... And if you do mean you got even better stash hidden somewhere. Nice. And three jars of headstash Congrad's and Keepem Green
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