ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

Chronic How do plants process things like cane sugar or honey do you know if they are beneficial and if the plant can use them and break them down to sugars they can use.
ok sorry everyone was a bit busy today in a way sort of ill try to get to everyones journals tomorrow but for now at least let me
take care of my own lol
I still have some pics to post I swear ill get em up tomorrow and ill take a pic of the essential oil extractor and the end result
maybe I should packed more in there I don't know lol ill try another run tomorrow during the day when I can see with the sun

Damn how did I miss that one I wonder. Haha good deal. Bring out some transparency. If we all start locally we can overwhelm them with good guys and good policy. Use their corrupt system and then just punish them with it.

yep someone gotta do it :thumb:

I have no idea if its true I just read it in several grow journals. My autos didn't seem to finish any sooner than they were supposed too so maybe its BS :D

seems normal timing for me nothing ever sooner just because of the led's I don't see why it would it gives the light the plants need for the hrs you set for it how is it gonna finish any faster? it kinda reminds me of a movie my cousin Vinnie when he asked the guy about the grits
cooking faster in his kitchen than any other kitchen in the world somehow breaking the laws of physics lol

Chronic just remember I didnt have strong lights then just 2 partially working cfl and the 600 watt hps and just a small desk fan not mant nutes definitely not the led and not the grow space I have now. Smaller grow space means more veg if you want a bit more and are patient.

I don't know for me in hydro I only veg for 3 weeks cause I got 2 ft total height minus the lights I get maybe 18 inches or so
but when it goes into 12/12 at least the seed plants they stretch pretty good

I don't think my girls finished faster either. It was almost 10 weeks I think and if they were supposed to go longer than that ... Oh my....:circle-of-love:

I don't think it would I cant see how it would I know hydro makes for faster bigger growth but the bloom times are still right about where the seed info says it is


Nicely done Beemer
Looks like a harvest I dream of:thedoubletake::clap::clap::clap:

yea he got some nice plants and nice buds for sure :thumb:

Jaga I sent you a private message like 3 hours ago bud.


Health food store! That is the clue I needed. Elementary my dear Miss D!


Thanks Cronic! Just found the comment about GNC and we have those in the mall. I knew you all would know the answers!


I wanna see your essential oil extractor!

How much are they? What sort of end product do you get?

I paid 60 bucks plus tax locally ill find out what the end product looks like when I wake up
ill take a pic of it

I made a homemade one and the end product is similar to honey in texture, color, and thickness.


Chronic How do plants process things like cane sugar or honey do you know if they are beneficial and if the plant can use them and break them down to sugars they can use.

ok you got me wondering I have to go look not something I know off the top off my head as I don't play with sugars much
I still got a brand new bottle of unsulphured black strap molasses in a box ill go check tomorrow

Happy Thurweed Day and a Grand Cronic Evening to ya! :thumb:

Hey Brotha Thanks man you Have a Great FreeWeed day today :thumb:

Does the oil smell like weed?

no it doesn't and you need something to ingest it with like a nail or something
Happy Friday my good man!

Great info above for sure. Can't wait to see how your oil comes out. Don't some use a specialized vape to use oils? I think my Q is able to do oil but I have never had any so didn't look into it. This will be cool to learn about.
Happy Friday my good man!

Great info above for sure. Can't wait to see how your oil comes out. Don't some use a specialized vape to use oils? I think my Q is able to do oil but I have never had any so didn't look into it. This will be cool to learn about.

you know what ill take a pic of my little globe thing with the ceramic nail so you know what I use to burn it
And a Chronic Weekend to you Dr. Bob

Sweet, look forward to seeing the oil!


I got a pic of it I was gonna post next but now im gonna take a couple more pics of what I use to smoke full melt

Happy FreeWeed Day all and a Chronic Weekend too :thumb:

ok im gonna go eat dinner first take a couple more pics and ill post the sucker up
Oil,,,,,,,,,,I can hear ya coughing all the way over here. Hey I'll be back to see the pic's as soon as ya get em up till then Keepem Green
you know what ill take a pic of my little globe thing with the ceramic nail so you know what I use to burn it
And a Chronic Weekend to you Dr. Bob

Cronic, I have been smoking a long time and I can't picture at all what you are describing. I pic would be very interesting. Is it like one of those glass globe vapes?

A Chronic weekend back at you sir! I will puff right this very moment in your honor!
Oil,,,,,,,,,,I can hear ya coughing all the way over here. Hey I'll be back to see the pic's as soon as ya get em up till then Keepem Green

the stuff I made isn't oil more like wax or budder but its clear
I want to make hash but Im afraid I will mess it up and I rather have leaves to smoke for certain then mess up 3 pounds of leaves and turn them to sludge
Cronic, I have been smoking a long time and I can't picture at all what you are describing. I pic would be very interesting. Is it like one of those glass globe vapes?

A Chronic weekend back at you sir! I will puff right this very moment in your honor!

im gonna throw a pic of what im talking about right after I reply to these posts lol

I want to make hash but Im afraid I will mess it up and I rather have leaves to smoke for certain then mess up 3 pounds of leaves and turn them to sludge

you could just always make screened hash you cant mess that up I got a silk screen I use for that
and a press to make pucks you can even buy those bubble bags they only require ice and water
and some sort of blender im gonna buy one, some day when I have money too lol
but dry screened hash you cant really mess up and you will get a lot out of it depending
what screen size is I think ive shown either somewhere in this journal or my previous one

Can you oil you made be used as a tincture? Did you use a solvent?

actually you can make tincture out of grain alcohol is best and you can even use the magical butter maker for that
mine is not tincture, I don't know if I can talk about what I made it out of
ok here goes my nug and jar pics from my NYCD
and some other pics









ok the other stuff you guys wanted to see

essential oil extractor





ok the essential oil vape pen
actually my ecig battery I just had to buy the top comes with like 4 nails and the globe the thing to screw it to the battery
that the nail also screws too





the last pic I threw in the nug for shit and giggles Chronic weekend all
oh yea that first run the pic of the oil it weighed in at about 3/4 gram lol
I did a second run today its still working so well see how much I get out of it
ok here goes my nug and jar pics from my NYCD
and some other pics


the last pic I threw in the nug for shit and giggles Chronic weekend all

Beautiful pull! Congrats on that for sure. It looks delicious.

I get the pen/globe/vape thing now. That is very cool and golden honey tasty!
Beautiful pull! Congrats on that for sure. It looks delicious.

I get the pen/globe/vape thing now. That is very cool and golden honey tasty!

Thanks Dr. Bob
My second run came it @ 1 gram :rofl: getting better lol might be the fact that I actually threw some buds in there
so im debating wether to try some a bit before I gotta sleep
funny I bought the stuff before really dark green almost black looking
a light brown one, a darker brown one but none of them look clear
this is the first time ive made it im nervous :rofl:
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