ChronicHemphog's - DWC - Advanced LEDs - Time to Grow - Grow

Im gonna comment and ask questions as I read from the beginning if thats ok with you. First up How are the diamond series? Have you used other led and how are these better? How good is cree because I notice diamond are the most expensive led that I have researched so far.
Is it possible to grow a fantastic crop with just led and cfl for side lighting or does the hps have ranges and growth that a led cant account for? I ask because I would like to take the hps/mh out of my grow room and go all led/cfl but not at the cost of the plants thc production or yield.
Hey When you said sponsor you some led what exactly did you mean by that? Is there somewhere we can recommend users be sponsored to try out different products? If that is the case direct me where to go Id like to sponsor you so led :)
Is fishcake still around? He seems like a cool cat. I want to get around to his journal but there is only so much time sadly. Ive cut back my sleep so I could read more journals and help more people and all. I wish I joined this site years ago but unfortunately I was a member of a different site that was pretty much garbage. Im writing to you as I go along in your journal so I dont forget what I want to say plus I only slept 2 hours so Im doing this also to stay awake. If that is a problem I can just write everything in a notepad file then copy and paste to your journal once im finished but that would be a huge wall of text plus im trying to make up for not being subbed when I first met you error on my part so busy replying I forget to sub to peoples journals who are subbed to mine.
What do you recommend for odor control? I cant have ducting and just use a oscillating fan and a small desk fan I have a tower fan and 2 other desk fans I could use as well but im no electrician so I am afraid to blow a circuit in this older apartment it cant even handle a toaster and coffee pot running at the same time as the lights.
Alright got to page 14. I bookmarked your journal with its own tab in my internet browser. Im gonna take a break from reading for a bit make some more coffee mess around on the computer and come back to read others journals but im gonna read yours everyday to get caught up. Take it easy. Heres some reps for you.
Is it possible to grow a fantastic crop with just led and cfl for side lighting or does the hps have ranges and growth that a led cant account for? I ask because I would like to take the hps/mh out of my grow room and go all led/cfl but not at the cost of the plants thc production or yield.

Yes, you dont even need the cfl for side lighting. Grab a 5w MarsII or something similar, just keep it FAR away when they are babies, 3' is too close. These things are no joke. Check out my journal they have been grown under just LED pretty much their entire life.
I have a 3w reflector grow going and also a 5w Mars II going so you can see which you like better. I personally like my 3w reflectors better. I train my girls so penetration is better and I don't have to worry as much about the height with the 3w and with the 5w you really have to have the height....:circle-of-love:
Hey Chronic I see your up now. Im still here for a few hours. My gf came home from work and made me a deal that if I stay up longer with our daughter then when she wakes up I can sleep as long as I want to. Deal.
Im gonna comment and ask questions as I read from the beginning if thats ok with you. First up How are the diamond series? Have you used other led and how are these better? How good is cree because I notice diamond are the most expensive led that I have researched so far.

well when I first started as seen on my first journal I was using all t-8 flouros they are actually not bulbs you can go to any store and buy either theyre specialty bulbs for growing called litro grow lights you can go do a search and read up on them they do really well for flouros
but I wasn't getting the yield I wanted and since im in dwc buckets and where I live is fairly warm all the time its really hard to keep the res at 69 my res goes up as high as 76 so my weekly res changes is important cause I clean my res and rinse my roots a bit
so that's where the led's came in and when I bought the diamond series lights there weren't any really cheap light like top led
and being American and buying American made products does mean something to me besides the fact that over time ive found that
you get what you pay for more times than not and is usually proven over time.
as far as comparing I cant as ive never run hid's because of the heat issues and I don't want to buy more things and run more power
to keep things cool and im not gonna bother freezing bottles just my thing I like to keep my shit as simple as possible even if it means regular maintenance so back to the light after the flouros which I still use to veg and you can see how close the lights are and how tight the nodes are under those t-8's, so from flouros I bought the 2 100 watt diamond series led's and used a couple of the
flouro fixtures for side lighting because I only had 2-100 watt led's but I did notice a big difference in how big the buds got
mind you I have never used hid's so no comparison for me hard to make judgement on something I haven't used
I think hid's can grow bigger buds tighter and more solid is questionable to me cause ive seen a lot of big airy plants under hid's
but ive seen some big solid ones to might be more of a question of the grower than the light, so from there My Friend OMM was kind enough to lend me a couple of his lights the 150 watt with cree so now all my 12/12 flowering is under led's and im not complaining when lately I been averaging just over 4 oz a plant from seed tho I cant do that with clones unless I can veg it longer and I don't have the height space to do that. I mean I hear of 1 lb plants but hell im damn happy with what im getting out of 1 plant now then when I started
I think my first nycd gave me just over or around 2 oz that one was under 2-100 watts diamond series and the flouro side lighting
the last 2 was under full led's and gave over 4 oz. but the first grow was using basic 2 part nutes now im using the advanced feed chart so theres a difference there also lotta variables man hard to say only real way would be for me to go back to full fouros and see what I get off the advance feed chart but honestly I don't wanna go back there and test lol
ok I may be confusing you im confusing myself lol lemme know if I gave you more questions than answers lol
but seriously when I bought the ones I did buy it was because they were made in the usa, there weren't really any cheaper lights
was a choice of expensive or more expensive, I was thinking about warranty issues easier to ship to the us than abroad the Chinese made lights at the time were crap, they are way better now and sara seems to do good customer service, the fact that advanced led's put in the effort to do the research and make sure the plants could do grow well under them is a plus and the information they had on their site at the time teaching about what lights the plant sees and their effort to make sure the led's they sell use those spectrums
most other led companies at that time didn't have any mention of par values of light

Is it possible to grow a fantastic crop with just led and cfl for side lighting or does the hps have ranges and growth that a led cant account for? I ask because I would like to take the hps/mh out of my grow room and go all led/cfl but not at the cost of the plants thc production or yield.

the good thing for me about led's is lower heat if you get led's that are pushing out as much heat as an hid then ad probably use the hid
you can grow a fantastic crop under just led's a lot of guys are proving that right now, what is your yield off 1 plant right now?

Hey When you said sponsor you some led what exactly did you mean by that? Is there somewhere we can recommend users be sponsored to try out different products? If that is the case direct me where to go Id like to sponsor you so led :)

I was just kicking it out there rolling the dice hoping some sponsor sees it and gives me a shot to try their products in one of my journals
nothing serious just tossing it out there :rofl: just saying ya know I cant afford to buy stuff to try so lol

Is fishcake still around? He seems like a cool cat. I want to get around to his journal but there is only so much time sadly. Ive cut back my sleep so I could read more journals and help more people and all. I wish I joined this site years ago but unfortunately I was a member of a different site that was pretty much garbage. Im writing to you as I go along in your journal so I dont forget what I want to say plus I only slept 2 hours so Im doing this also to stay awake. If that is a problem I can just write everything in a notepad file then copy and paste to your journal once im finished but that would be a huge wall of text plus im trying to make up for not being subbed when I first met you error on my part so busy replying I forget to sub to peoples journals who are subbed to mine.

Fishy is a Good guy for sure his journal is not really doing anything at this time because he had to move and he was not very happy with the move so hes still trying to deal with that

What do you recommend for odor control? I cant have ducting and just use a oscillating fan and a small desk fan I have a tower fan and 2 other desk fans I could use as well but im no electrician so I am afraid to blow a circuit in this older apartment it cant even handle a toaster and coffee pot running at the same time as the lights.

im sorry I have and don't use any odor control my room is sealed off to the outside the only smell is in the hallway close to the room door
all my windows are sealed off with plastic sheathing and duct tape, I don't usually have guests and don't really like all kinds of people coming around and this was even before I started growing I guess kind of an introvert maybe? I mean I can be sociable I just don't want the party at my house :rofl:

Alright got to page 14. I bookmarked your journal with its own tab in my internet browser. Im gonna take a break from reading for a bit make some more coffee mess around on the computer and come back to read others journals but im gonna read yours everyday to get caught up. Take it easy. Heres some reps for you.

cool thanks for taking the time man its nice to know people can use the information to form their own styles

Yes, you dont even need the cfl for side lighting. Grab a 5w MarsII or something similar, just keep it FAR away when they are babies, 3' is too close. These things are no joke. Check out my journal they have been grown under just LED pretty much their entire life.

yep no side lighting required only used it when I had a lack of led wattage for my space

I've never seen a side by side in which led yielded as much as hps..........less energy...yes, less heat....yes......equal yield...never. I hear alot of talk, but as far as what I have SEEN....nope!:goodluck:have a look at jon705's grower who did side by side comparisons.

yea hard to compare with hid's but theres the pros and cons so for whatever reason may sway people one way or another
also a lot of hid user use co2 and works efficiently because of the higher temps
just a thought but good point there Mc

No I have never found it anywhere except a health food store or I'm sure you could get it off line. It is just an additive emulsifier to better extract the goodies.....:circle-of-love:

yea I bought mine at gnc

I have a 3w reflector grow going and also a 5w Mars II going so you can see which you like better. I personally like my 3w reflectors better. I train my girls so penetration is better and I don't have to worry as much about the height with the 3w and with the 5w you really have to have the height....:circle-of-love:

I love it that leds are getting better
Id say average is about 2-3.5 oz per plant but ive not done a full grow with the led yet since I got it right before flower in my last grow. The cola I have in this months contest is 19 grams dry weight and that plant yielded 6.5 oz but Ive never vegged over 2 months before so I may go for more veg time after my august grow is finished. I got 1 more between now and then however. Thanks for answering.
mr. cronic,
My 2 cents worth ain`t gonna be very long winded, cause I don`t have it in me. Just stopping by after a few hectic days being gone and back, gone and back. Anyway have a good Weednesday, my friend. Later.
Good evening weed Brotha and a Happy Weedsday. It was beautiful here today and it's suppose to be the same tomorrow. Love it here when it's like this. Can't wait to get some babies outside.
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