lol im not a cook man didn't say I cant cook im just not one by trade lol
the prizes haven't been sent out yet but I have borrowed one before used it to make cooking oil
to make brownies the messed up thing is most brownie mixes only take a 1/2 cup of oil
I found one that takes 3/4 cup but
theres a min of 2 cups to make the oil in the butter maker and instructs to use 7-14 grams
I guess buds trim whatever lol im still waiting on word from the last batch I just give em away
I used mostly sugarleaf trim I throw in some buds too
the first batch of oil I ever cooked up I used abv and it came out great im trying to get it as good lol
abv being already been vaped you don't use everything when you vape it even tho it looks like it
so I threw in like 3-4 grams of buds and another 20 grams of trim lol
still waiting for word how it came out ill let you all know the friend I gave it to can eat a lot of them so well see what he thinks ill let you all know
when I do get mine tho im thinking of trying to make tincture use some kinda 150 proof if I cant find 190 everclear
which is near impossible to find here
Sweet on the HBD and More Seeds!!!
Hey Guys thanks for stopping by and Happy Tokerday To All