Chrome's 'Just Mess'in Around' CFL + Bag Seed Grow

Oh fucking hell... well no easy way to say this, the light fell on mary bell. she's fine all that happen was a lot of her top fan leafs got bent, not broken off just bent. Which really isn't so bad cause now her inner bud sites get more light.. still a shitty thing to have happen. Its all my fault too... I feel terrible..
If there's no serious damage to the plant, I think those kinds of things are far scarier for the grower than the plant! ;)

And perhaps you'll decide you like the additional trim, and will do it again next time. Although I would use scissors next time.

Very cool macro shots. Its sooo hard to do that with the mag glass, but the optical zoom of that glass is clearly much better than a digital zoom.

If there's no serious damage to the plant, I think those kinds of things are far scarier for the grower than the plant! ;)

And perhaps you'll decide you like the additional trim, and will do it again next time. Although I would use scissors next time.

Very cool macro shots. Its sooo hard to do that with the mag glass, but the optical zoom of that glass is clearly much better than a digital zoom.


very true, the plants probably just annoyed more than any thing. But oh well, its a plant and it can deal. at the moment I am trying to decide whether to let the leafs hang as they are now or whether to chop them. Its only to leafs that are damaged. they happen to be my biggest two leafs, thee two i really wanted to chop. Hmmm the choices.. If i do chop them I might take your suggestion on the scissors, the lights are just too dull..

I'm pretty happy with the way those shots turned out. If it was for the fact that my camera also mounts on my telescope tripod I would have never been able to get them. Once I get a round and better quality glass I think I can really get some excellent shots.
my girl has been in nutelock for like a week. she has been eating the fan leaves up to the 3rd node! i need my ph down to get here from cali!! but yeah dont chop fan leaves! why?! She will eat them eventually!
my girl has been in nutelock for like a week. she has been eating the fan leaves up to the 3rd node! i need my ph down to get here from cali!! but yeah dont chop fan leaves! why?! She will eat them eventually!

If its that bad go to the pet store and buy some PH down. it'll coast ya like $3. Its in the aquarium section.
The girl that I dropped my light on suffered a fatality to her second main branch last night. Sighhhhh.

If you remember I had taped it up and it was doing fine. Later I removed the tape and all seemed strong and well. Im not sure if the weight of my popcorns etc tore it off again or whether I knocked it against something during the switch over to the new grow room.

Anyway I went in last night and every leaf was like raggedy and lifeless down the entire branch and has passed the point of no return I am sure. A sorry sight I can tell you.

Wonder if I will get any juice in the half done buds?
Oh man I'm sorry to hear that. that sucks. Luckily my light some how missed all the branches and just took out the fan leafs which I would like to say are recovering nicely. Though the bitch reacted in no way i would have imagined. She fucking bushes the fuck out on me, got all up in my lights and burned her dumb self. She hasn't grown like this since she finished her stretch last week. So maybe leaf trauma some how triggered a growth spurt. who knows. but if she keeps burning her self i'm gonna have to explain the authorities that she is just clumsy and that I dont abuse her, cause domestic abuse is not funny. Unless its clown on clown abuse, then its a riot..
talk about being up.. then down...

And perhaps you'll decide you like the additional trim, and will do it again next time. Although I would use scissors next time.

Hmmm the choices.. If i do chop them I might take your suggestion on the scissors, the lights are just too dull..

i'm gonna have to explain the authorities that she is just clumsy and that I dont abuse her, cause domestic abuse is not funny. Unless its clown on clown abuse, then its a riot..
omg,, funny as hell..


Anyway I went in last night and every leaf was like raggedy and lifeless down the entire branch and has passed the point of no return I am sure. A sorry sight I can tell you.
:thedoubletake: damn,, that sucks..
...cause domestic abuse is not funny. Unless its clown on clown abuse, then its a riot..

ummm....I resemble that remark! Has Slappy been tellin' you things I told him not to tell anyone! Looks like he has a beat down coming!

My thoughts on trimming leaves are to leave them alone (no pun intended). I use to trim leaves so that light can get into the plant better but we have since changed our method. We let them grow naturally (as natural as they can sitting in a bucket of water that is). Besides we don't like to do too much work and so we don't :thumb:

Sorry to hear about the light hitting your plant. It is such a horrible feeling when stuff like that happens. I'm guessing that for at least 2 days after it happened you couldn't stop going in and checking on her. Right? Right? Be honest! hahaha... I think we've all been there.

Keep up the good work Chrome! Things are lookin' good over there...and please. No more clown abuse. We have feelings too :yahoo:
If its that bad go to the pet store and buy some PH down. it'll coast ya like $3. Its in the aquarium section.

I vaguely recall being told on this site that the stuff in the aquarium section has more of a salt base or something and is not as healthy for your plant as the plant formulated types. I can dig around for it, might take a while though. Maybe someone else can verify this?

As for the plant a little bit of physical trauma is good...remind it who's in charge and if it doesn't bud up real nice like you'll have to smack it around some more. Just don't tell it what you're gonna do at harvest time ;)
lol@clown stuff..

Well the main cola that died from my lights hitting them got smoked last night. It was about 4 weeks into flower and I wasn't expecting anything at all from its little shitty buds so wasn't very careful with it. I squeezed it up into 2 small one skinners and I was mashed! A good sign for my cheese to be wicked once its finished, tho have a slight worry now that It wont have any buds left by then as I can see me nipping em off for a toke now haha
Well I am a bit.. been off the smoke for 3 months and after one joint I was feeling all the 'want another one' vibes coming back already.. lol Pros and cons to that one!

Hey every body! Sorry i haven't been a round lately been busy. I hope every ones grows are still going well, I will try to catch up as soon as I can. But since I am here how about some photos!








well thats all for now!! I will stop by later for a fuller detailed post!
Looking good...although I would highly suggest you add some more bulbs, especially around the sides to help that lower growth. With CFL's you really need to put them in as many locations around the plant as you can due to poor penetration ability. You've got time to add 'em if your budget doesn't allow for them in the next day or two but I'd try to double what you have in there within the next week or two judging by her size. Even 2-4 additional bulbs will help immensely.
Hey thanks guys. She definitely is looking good and filling out nicely. I would like to add more lights too but the misses kind of put her foot down on spending cash on her right now.. :( How ever all is not totally lost. If you look at the first pic you'd notice a void in the center of her. That void is from me training her lower branches off to each side, its hard to tell by the pics but those sites get really decent direct light from the side bulbs. though I'd really prefer to have two more of those reflectors with 4 bulbs each on them. but that would be another $30 the misses wont let me spend. :(

Oh hey yeah so thanks to the misses spending freeze I never got the nute pack i wanted that had the cloning gell and i have yet to clone, now the lower branches i was saving for clones are starting to flower. My question is, is it too late to clone them if they are forming buds?
Hey buddy, Mary Bell is moving right along. :grinjoint:

I remember reading somewhere that taking a clone while in flowering stage, will actually allow it to generate roots faster. However it also stated that you could have some time before it reverts back to vegetative growth. Maybe a few weeks anyhow.

Better start kissing some misses a**! Maybe that's all she's after....;)
Hey buddy, Mary Bell is moving right along. :grinjoint:

I remember reading somewhere that taking a clone while in flowering stage, will actually allow it to generate roots faster. However it also stated that you could have some time before it reverts back to vegetative growth. Maybe a few weeks anyhow.

Better start kissing some misses a**! Maybe that's all she's after....;)


That good to hear about the clones. I'm going to try and get them started ASAP and i dont mind if they take a few weeks to switch back to veg, Its still better than starting from seed and now knowing what you'll get. Plus since i plan on going hydro its just easier to start with clones i think.
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