Chocolope DNA Genetics - First Grow

Took off a five gallon bucket full of leaves to help get better light and air penetration. Can't really tell. I don't know why but I don't want to remove more. Even though I have seen great photos of heavily pruned gardens

I am worried it will damage the plants
Once it's gone it's gone.
Sometimes it's better to do a little and watch how it effects the canopy.
You can always remove more later. :Namaste:


I think its good, especially if you have control of rh like you do.
Nice work my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Plants are looking good. Been leaving the tent open at night and finding that my humidity is under control.

It feels crowded but I'm not having any issues so I'm just pulling fans leaves here and there

Raised my lights a little bit because my polyploid was getting too close ans I didnt want to bend it.

Still worried my negligence in defoliation will cause issues but we will see. day 27 of flower

Noice growing @RevDr!

Have you done your official bud count yet? It's a requirement for 420 Journals.
Aw dude..... I hope that is a joke.....

That sounds like a whole lot of homework
Stop whining and get to counting! :Rasta:
Good evening

Everything is looking good. I raised the time the system runs by a second or two each cycle.

Buds are fattening up. Seeing purple on some stems. Not really worried because aside from some fan burn here or there it all looks good.


In other news had a good financial turn so I picked up a cannatrol, arriving Tuesday.

I'm thinking I will cut off everything above the first net and buck the buds and put them in the cannatrol. After that I am going to remove the top screen and start cherry picking anything else that looks good. Once that is done I'm going to take the larfy buds segments off freeze them fresh

Those will be used to make some hash with a portable washing machine and some bubble bags.

Stil have 4 or 5 more weeks I think but it's good to plan.

Oh and here are the other photos from the day


So I have been watering with nutes every water for at least 4 weeks. There has not been really any run off. Just the drip system I set up.

Should I be doing just water feedings to flush it or is that broscience?

It's been going alright, should I just stick with what I'm doing?
So I have been watering with nutes every water for at least 4 weeks. There has not been really any run off. Just the drip system I set up.

Should I be doing just water feedings to flush it or is that broscience?

It's been going alright, should I just stick with what I'm doing?
I wouldn't change a thing Rev! :Rasta:
Uh-oh. Got caught up this morning and did not close the door to my tent for an hour and a half after lights went out.

It's not a bright room, but I would not call it dark.

Cross your fingers and toes for me that it didn't cause a problem


In better news, the cannatrol came today. Have it set up on standby to store my bud until it's time to harvest. Very interested to see how much I can fit in there and if it holds up to all the great reviews for that 8 day dry and cure

I know one thing. Only a true stoner would invest in a cannatrol box! 😁
Nothing much new to report. We keep chugging along.

The fan leaves on a few plants are drooping so I increased the water time. Getting impatient for the buds to be ready to harvest. On week 7 of flower so, if the breeder can be believed, there are 2-4 weeks left.

Have some wind burn from the fans, but need them to keep air moving through the canopy and rh down.

Hoping the buds fatten up a bit more in the time they have left.




Noticed my humidity was higher than normal. That is because another oscillating fan from vivosun broke. That is the third brand new one since june that has broken. They really make shit products.
Shitty timing. Hope you get a replacement soon!
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