Chocolope DNA Genetics - First Grow

Put a second net with wider squares in the tent to help support them as they grow. Didn't keep my scrog tight enough and need it is growing taller.

Filled up the resoviour again. Found there are several crimps in the line I am trying to work out.

still too light green. As Bill said, they look hungry.

Added extra N to my feed.



Put a second net with wider squares in the tent to help support them as they grow. Didn't keep my scrog tight enough and need it is growing taller.

Filled up the resoviour again. Found there are several crimps in the line I am trying to work out.

still too light green. As Bill said, they look hungry.

Added extra N to my feed.



Group Pics don't look bad.
Definitely improving my friend.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you. The encouragement means a lot. I feel like I have messed up so much already
Don't get discouraged.
Your knocking it out of the park my friend :yahoo:
With zero experience you have one of the most beautiful gardens here.
Excellent work Amigo . Excellent !

stay safe
Bill284 😎
Don't get discouraged.
Your knocking it out of the park my friend :yahoo:
With zero experience you have one of the most beautiful gardens here.
Excellent work Amigo . Excellent !

stay safe
Bill284 😎

From Pulp Fiction (movie) the Wolf says ..."Lets not S each other D's quite yet"... Flower is by far the most challenging part of growing if you ask me. After the stretch, things get a bit more challenging. For me, I've learned the hard way that Cal/Mag deficiencies can hit hard around week 5-6 flower. On top of that, you really have to dial in your feed --- not too much and not too little...

I'm curious to see how this progresses, I may learn a trick or two from this new grower if he makes it all the way through flower smoothly, which is very possible considering how nicely the grow is coming along. I'll have my notebook out and will help if things go south the best I can.

Not trying to rain on your parade man, I just want you to get prepared for flower..Veg is easy, flower is where you might be asking for help. (and your in a very good place for that !)
From Pulp Fiction (movie) the Wolf says ..."Lets not S each other D's quite yet"... Flower is by far the most challenging part of growing if you ask me. After the stretch, things get a bit more challenging. For me, I've learned the hard way that Cal/Mag deficiencies can hit hard around week 5-6 flower. On top of that, you really have to dial in your feed --- not too much and not too little...

I'm curious to see how this progresses, I may learn a trick or two from this new grower if he makes it all the way through flower smoothly, which is very possible considering how nicely the grow is coming along. I'll have my notebook out and will help if things go south the best I can.

Not trying to rain on your parade man, I just want you to get prepared for flower..Veg is easy, flower is where you might be asking for help. (and your in a very good place for that !)
Noticed some yellow lines last night on a few leaves. Of several of the plants. It does look like early cal mag issues. Put 20ml xtra calmag in my res to be safe. Equals about an extra ml per gal.

Gonna hit them with a folder spray of it when the lights turn on
Noticed some yellow lines last night on a few leaves. Of several of the plants. It does look like early cal mag issues. Put 20ml xtra calmag in my res to be safe. Equals about an extra ml per gal.

Gonna hit them with a folder spray of it when the lights turn on

I've seen a lot of contradiction when it comes to Cal/Mag supplements, but with LED lights, I've experienced Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies often, especially mid flower. I'm not sure why but folks using halide lights seem to have less problems with Cal/mag...

For me, brown (rust) spots start to show and it progresses rapidly after that. A heavy dose of Cal/Mag seems to be the answer (for me) when this happens. In fact, I plan to feed a much more aggressive dose of Calmag around week 4 of flower to see if I can stop it from happening next grow. I'm still learning though and experimenting, but every grow gets better and better.

Cool that your learning to read your plants. Its not as easy as it seems as some many deficiencies look similar.

Wondering if your using a PPM/EC device? They may not be needed by advanced growers, but they are great when your learning....
I've seen a lot of contradiction when it comes to Cal/Mag supplements, but with LED lights, I've experienced Calcium and Magnesium deficiencies often, especially mid flower. I'm not sure why but folks using halide lights seem to have less problems with Cal/mag...

For me, brown (rust) spots start to show and it progresses rapidly after that. A heavy dose of Cal/Mag seems to be the answer (for me) when this happens. In fact, I plan to feed a much more aggressive dose of Calmag around week 4 of flower to see if I can stop it from happening next grow. I'm still learning though and experimenting, but every grow gets better and better.

Cool that your learning to read your plants. Its not as easy as it seems as some many deficiencies look similar.
Thank you for the insight. When the lights come on at 8 I will post some pictures of what I am seeing if there is more of it and, if you and the others have time, you can let me know if you agree with my diagnosis.

Like you said. It is hard to really know, especially without experience.
Thank you for the insight. When the lights come on at 8 I will post some pictures of what I am seeing if there is more of it and, if you and the others have time, you can let me know if you agree with my diagnosis.

Like you said. It is hard to really know, especially without experience.

I slipped another sentence in before you responded..

Wondering if your using a PPM/EC device? They may not be needed by advanced growers, but they are great when your learning....
I slipped another sentence in before you responded..

Wondering if your using a PPM/EC device? They may not be needed by advanced growers, but they are great when your learning....

I am growing in soil, but I test my resoviors water ph every few days. Someone recommended it because they said it can drift. I recently increased my total ppm to around 1100. It was around 800 before bill recommended that.

I'm using the GH trio, Cali Magic and Silica. Was using epsom salt too but have cut that out. Ph between 6.3 and 6.6.
I slipped another sentence in before you responded..

Wondering if your using a PPM/EC device? They may not be needed by advanced growers, but they are great when your learning....
Actually one of my photos has what I was talking about. It was better in other photos but it's what I have right now. It is on the right of the leaf central in the photo

I only see one leaf with discoloration, everything else looks pretty dam good (to me that is)... Any chance its just a water spot on the leaf? I've had discoloration like this when I leave water on the leaves, lights on...If it stays on that one leaf alone your fine, just watch to see if it seems to be happening on other leafs.

Looking at your stems, they seem to be in really good shape, green and healthy. Red stems can be a clue that your running into deficiencies. (although red stems can be there for many reasons, not always a problem)....

I talk too much, will trim it down. I think everything looks very healthy-- I wouldn't let little things like this worry you too much. Weird stuff happens all the time and its not always a problem.
Lights on. Time to look at the plants.

The color is slowly getting darker, which I am very excited about.

I did find several examples of the issue I was mentioning on my leaves. Please take a look and let me know what you think about the leaves they are discoloring and turning into holes

The buds are starting to condense into preflowers and I am happy with how thick my trunks are








And of course the hunidity issues are back. I'm stuck around 62% while my lung room is around 40%.

I think I need to thin out the leaves but, as it has been, my concern about taking leaves in flower has kept me from doing it.

I have one fan in the far right corner under the canopy. Two above the canopy one blowing down in each light fixture and my inline set to 10 constantly, venting the air outside


Weirdly enough my humidity is hitting the 50s when the lights are off.

Possibly this is be cause the feedings happen at 8pm, 10pm and 12am when they lights are on.

I found the "spikes" every hour or so are because I have the fans programmed to run for 55min and stop for 5. The spikes occur when the fans stop.

This all being said the rh is way to high for a good portion of the day. Suggestions are welcome and even encouraged.

I'm still thinking about it. Couldn't sleep l last night over it and work is going slow because it's on my mind
Today's photos of the girls.

Hairs are really growing and buds seem to be forming. Very excited to continue to watch this happen




Yeaaa, everyone has their fuzzy hats :thumb:
Party time.
Have you switched to the flower formula for your nutrients? Full strength?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Almost I am still on a preflower thing until the end of the week and then it is full strength flower formula. But it's looking pretty in there for sure.

Been losing my mind over the humidity and am starting to think that my probes must be off. I'm sitting around 60% with the inkine at 10, 3 fans below the canopy 2 above, and the 3 fans on my vivosun lights. When the lights are on.

Lung room is around 40 rh with the 50qt running.

Watering every day with the automated system I made, but am not getting runoff from 4 out of 6 plants

Starting to think that I will need to do a pretty good defol soon as my only option. I am concerned that will damage my yeild and quality though
Almost I am still on a preflower thing until the end of the week and then it is full strength flower formula. But it's looking pretty in there for sure.

Been losing my mind over the humidity and am starting to think that my probes must be off. I'm sitting around 60% with the inkine at 10, 3 fans below the canopy 2 above, and the 3 fans on my vivosun lights. When the lights are on.

Lung room is around 40 rh with the 50qt running.

Watering every day with the automated system I made, but am not getting runoff from 4 out of 6 plants

Starting to think that I will need to do a pretty good defol soon as my only option. I am concerned that will damage my yeild and quality though
When stretch is finished you can remove what ever isn’t getting light.
That will help.
60 rh isn’t terrible though a little lower going forward would help.
Check the lines on the girls without runoff.
Could be plugged or kinked.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
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