Chocolope DNA Genetics - First Grow

For everyone following along at home, I got fed up with my humidity levels and wanted to test out one more thing before mass defoliation

I had several people I trust tell me that the numbers didn't make sense. Because of that I bought an activeair hygrometer and sure enough my vivosun probe was off by over 20%

Loved their other products I've used but this is pathetic and has caused me signifigant stress and cost me money trying to fix. Do not buy or trust this product.

Waiting to see what happens when the lights come on but my humidity looks great, and is even a little low right now.


When stretch is finished you can remove what ever isn’t getting light.
That will help.
60 rh isn’t terrible though a little lower going forward would help.
Check the lines on the girls without runoff.
Could be plugged or kinked.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Had a kink in the main line last night. Will check the rest of it
I caved and pulled the tent out into the middle of the room. Cleaned up all of the stocks under the net and thinned out a lot of leaves.

Don't feel like I went overboard. Had suspended the last feeding until I was done.

My probes are rising but my stand alone is high 50s.

All the water from the feed will spike the rh so I am going to try to get some sleep and check it out in the morning




Humidity was a good 60-70% last night. But the data was skewed because my ducting came loose from my window mount and it was venting into the lung room.

trying an active intake to force in the low humidity air from the lung room.

I am getting very discouraged by this runaway humidity. Can't seem to find a solution. Fingers crossed this one is it

Humidity was a good 60-70% last night. But the data was skewed because my ducting came loose from my window mount and it was venting into the lung room.

trying an active intake to force in the low humidity air from the lung room.

I am getting very discouraged by this runaway humidity. Can't seem to find a solution. Fingers crossed this one is it

Bigger discharge fan maby?
I use a 6" discharge on my 4x4x10 I don't have an issue.
On my 5x5 I have a 8" discharge again no issues.
Try a 6" discharge and a 4" blowing in. :Namaste: that has to do it.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
The new active intake is helping. But still too high. Around 62-65

Opened the side flap and put a 9" fan there at canopy level outside the tent where it is blowing in air.

Finally it is below 60%

It still doesn't make sense why the humidity spikes with lights on and drops with lights off. Gonna have to figure that out.

But it is what it is.

Can not reiterate how insane this is driving me. Been staying up until 2 or 3 each night trying to read to find an answer.

This doesn't make any sense.

Gonna hold off on watering tomorrow to see if it is related to that.

If it is maybe I need to change my frequency
I know this isn't a solution to your RH problem, but waiting for the winter months (depending where you live) can drop RH drastically. I use a large dehumidifier in the summer months but aim for flower during winter... The RH in my home gets very low as temperatures drop, around 30-40RH. Heavy watering during flower still pulls the RH up to 50 or more inside my cabinet..I simply turn the fan up when RH gets too high. (pulling in lower RH air from the intake.)

You also have to be careful that your carbon filter isn't taking in overly humid air as they will degrade quickly when they get wet.

As normal, I'm typing too much. Bottom line, make sure whatever air your tent is pulling in is already low RH, with either a decent dehumidifier, or timing flower with drier months (winter for me). Another option is to install a dehumidifier in the tent, but that takes up a lot of space.

You have a lot of plants, that's a lot of water ! I'm only growing one plant at a time, so I'm not sure how helpful this is.
The new active intake is helping. But still too high. Around 62-65

Opened the side flap and put a 9" fan there at canopy level outside the tent where it is blowing in air.

Finally it is below 60%

It still doesn't make sense why the humidity spikes with lights on and drops with lights off. Gonna have to figure that out.

But it is what it is.

When your lights are on the girls transpire .
This causes the rh in the room to Spike as they gas off.
Once you turn off the lights they stop filling the room with humidity and the rh drops.
Do you keep the fans on 24/7?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
When your lights are on the girls transpire .
This causes the rh in the room to Spike as they gas off.
Once you turn off the lights they stop filling the room with humidity and the rh drops.
Do you keep the fans on 24/7?

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Yes, it feels like cheating but I am using the vivosun smart hub. The fans and vent are run on that.

The inline goes from settings 7 -10 constantly. It would drop to 1 if my hunidity went to 45%

My fans are on the default setting for flower which is to run for 55min and shut down for 5 every hour. This includes the aerowing light fans.

I have one 9" static fan below the canopy running constantly


I think the volume of water in my feedings is not helping me so I have switched from 20s every 2 hours 3x a day to 5 times a day for 12s every 2 hours.

I understand that this is unhelpful because we do not have a frame for what 1s means in volume. I am going to find out when lights go on today by detaching the main line and running it for 30s into a container, measuring the volume, and dividing by 30.

Been just trying to go off runoff.

My two smallest plants keep having sognifigant runoff while my large plants have none to almost none.

Ordered a pack of these shut off valves and will install on each of the plants lines so I can shut off water to individual plants.


They both look a little but puffy and the one on the rear right seems to be behind the rest on flower development and growth. Will post photos when lights go on tonight.

Middle rear is looking thirsty again.. no kinks in the line. Will manually water it today to give it some extra.

Will continue to remove fan leaves that are blocking the sites a little bit at a time. I don't know that I think this is best for the plant, but I need to remove leaves to help get the rh down.

Finally I am pretty much out if f. Micro and f. Bloom so I ordered a gallon of each and got suckered into one of those 'nute needles' because I'm done using an normal 20ml to pull out nutes

If you stuck with me though that long post, thank you.
I was not able to get some of the stiff done I wanted to. Noticed that the larger colas were a lot closer to the lights than the others and decided to tie them down with some coated wire to eaven out the canopy and get the lights closer to the main part of the canopy.

Probably should not be getting too creative but it is done.


I was not able to get some of the stiff done I wanted to. Noticed that the larger colas were a lot closer to the lights than the others and decided to tie them down with some coated wire to eaven out the canopy and get the lights closer to the main part of the canopy.

Probably should not be getting too creative but it is done.


Your garden is still a star my friend :thumb:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Mixed up a new batch of feed for the res. Must have overdone it because I'm at 1400 ppm. It doesn't feed until 8pm so I am taking a nap and then removing some of the feed from the res and adding fresh water to lower thay concentration.

Very happy with how everything is looking thd smaller plants in the back are catching up a little bit. Turned off the water to the two smallest and am letting them dry out for another day. Will turn it back on Tuesday for those two
Took a look and they seem to be comming along well. Day 22 of flower. The rear plants are much smaller.

My humidity is hovering between 55 and 48

Feel like I should thin out the lower canopy where it is more dense but can't really think of what to remove or if I even should.

Seeing what I think are tricombs forming already on the leaves. Especially near the top. Some of the more shaded leaves on lower down are not developing them yet



Took off a five gallon bucket full of leaves to help get better light and air penetration. Can't really tell. I don't know why but I don't want to remove more. Even though I have seen great photos of heavily pruned gardens I am worried it will damage the plants



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