Chocolope DNA Genetics - First Grow


Well-Known Member
Strain/s: Chocolope - DNA Genetics
Genetic Makeup: Sativa
Pot/Bucket Size: 5 Gallon
Tent Size: 5' x 5'
Grow Space: 10' x 10'
How Many Plants: 6
Environment: Indoor
Stage: veg
Medium: fox farms happy frog
Lights: 3 x 250 watt vivosun aerolights
Nutrients: GH
Room/Tent Temperature: 80
Relative Humidity: 65-69% vpd avg 1.1
Media/Res PH:
Pests: None
Watering: automated system 3x daily for timed interval

This is my first grow and I have been keeping photos and hard copy notes will post the notes and photos here.

Any encouragement is appreciated. My anxiety needs it and has me obsessing over my plants all the time
Strain/s: Chocolope - DNA Genetics
Genetic Makeup: Sativa
Pot/Bucket Size: 5 Gallon
Tent Size: 5' x 5'
Grow Space: 10' x 10'
How Many Plants: 6
Environment: Indoor
Stage: veg
Medium: fox farms happy frog
Lights: 3 x 250 watt vivosun aerolights
Nutrients: GH
Room/Tent Temperature: 80
Relative Humidity: 65-69% vpd avg 1.1
Media/Res PH:
Pests: None
Watering: automated system 3x daily for timed interval

This is my first grow and I have been keeping photos and hard copy notes will post the notes and photos here.

Any encouragement is appreciated. My anxiety needs it and has me obsessing over my plants all the time
@RevDr welcome to the forum. Looking forward to seeing those pictures of your grow.
I am new here too and on my first grow (last one was in the early 80's). I am a little over a month into mine. I am also quite obsessed with my plants. Trying not to kill em more than anything.
The following is a dump for june. I will be posting my July files a little later today

June 14th - planted seeds in soaked rapid roosters

Jun 15th - calibrated ph meter and tested soil slurry for ph. Sample was 4.9Ph used balanced water to bring it to an acceptable range


June17th - 1, 2, 3, and 5 have sprouted. 2 was ready to transfer to pot 2

June 18th - all have popped but c6 (ended up helmeting and was replaced)

All seedlings transfered to pots damaged root of c4 when removing from tray

June 19th- c4 stalled from root damage all others look healthy

Jun 20th -watered up to 16.7 lbs and put dome on 6 to see if it helps

June 23rd -

Watered tossed failed and planted new seedling I had going as backup

June 24th - increased light to 275 +/- ppfd

June 25th - c4 is looking rough. Possibly issue from damaged root?


June 27th - c4 is recovering. Watered plants again

Jun 29th - plants look good. Closest to humidifier look best

Made juice for veg but still feeding with only ph balanced water
@RevDr welcome to the forum. Looking forward to seeing those pictures of your grow.
I am new here too and on my first grow (last one was in the early 80's). I am a little over a month into mine. I am also quite obsessed with my plants. Trying not to kill em more than anything.
Great to meet you! The good news it with resources like this it should be much easier this time around lol.

Do you have a journal I can follow back?

I'm in a state where I can legally grow so this is wish fulfilments for me. Its something I always wanted to do and now I can without fear of being put in jail because I like a plant lol.
Strain/s: Chocolope - DNA Genetics
Genetic Makeup: Sativa
Pot/Bucket Size: 5 Gallon
Tent Size: 5' x 5'
Grow Space: 10' x 10'
How Many Plants: 6
Environment: Indoor
Stage: veg
Medium: fox farms happy frog
Lights: 3 x 250 watt vivosun aerolights
Nutrients: GH
Room/Tent Temperature: 80
Relative Humidity: 65-69% vpd avg 1.1
Media/Res PH:
Pests: None
Watering: automated system 3x daily for timed interval

This is my first grow and I have been keeping photos and hard copy notes will post the notes and photos here.

Any encouragement is appreciated. My anxiety needs it and has me obsessing over my plants all the time
Looking good Amigo :high-five:
Glad you set up a journal.
I’m in. :popcorn:

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
July 31 had some issues with c3. Turns out it was way underwaterd. I cut off thd net and weighed it and it was only 12 lbs. Watered by hand up to 16.7 and adjusted the halos.

C6 seems to be having a lot of run off. None of the other plants have run off. Raised halo to reduce water. Keeping eye on it
From my last post and from the first post I made on this forum I am wrestling with wheather I should flip this today and indluge my impatient nature or is I should wait another week or two for the screen to fill out more

Received a helpful answer on this already in my last post but welcome more input because I still can't make up my mind haha
C6 (rear right) is younger than the others and does not seem to be drinking the same ammount. This is evidenced by large ammount of runoff that is comming off this plant.

I cut the line and installed a shut off valve so I could turn off the flow to that plant alone. I am going to turn it on and off as needed to help balance it out.

It looks like my other plants are slightly underwatered so I'm sure the extra flow will do them good.

Currently have my timer set to water for 10 sec 3xdaily.
Decided to flip to flower. I was having difficulty getting everything spread out as is and didn't want the hassle of the 100% full net to deal with

Put some s curved tube's through my lower vent holes to allow for air exchange in darkness and am running 8pm to 8am to help keep humidity and temps more stable

my rh levels were shooting up when the lights went off at night so i am keeping the lights on to help keep the evaporative forces and heat going when it is coldest

fingers crossed. I don't want to shell out 200 for a dehumidifier
Posting my charts and settings for my grow tent

Would really like to balance out the temps but I do not have the room on my office's breaker for an ac and I should not really be spending the money.

Worried about keeping a good vpd durring flower because temps get high when the lights are on.


Peaking at 81f isn't bad but the rh is an issue.
You want to be in the 50's for flower.
73 rh will improve the possibility of mold/budrot and make it difficult to get decent buds.
You need to control rh a little better :Namaste:
Don't sweat the VPD it will fluctuate.
Just keep temps at or below 80 and rh below 60ish as best you can.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Peaking at 81f isn't bad but the rh is an issue.
You want to be in the 50's for flower.
73 rh will improve the possibility of mold/budrot and make it difficult to get decent buds.
You need to control rh a little better :Namaste:
Don't sweat the VPD it will fluctuate.
Just keep temps at or below 80 and rh below 60ish as best you can.

Stay safe
Bill284 😎
Thank you for your input. I have been very worried about vpd.

Ordered a 30 pt dehumidifier for the lung room. Hopefully if I drop the rooms rh to 40 or so it will drop the tent humidity
@RevDr I agree with @Bill284 that you will do your plants a favor if you keep the temps between 70 and 80 play with RH before you buy anything else.

One way to get the RH down is increase the temperature a couple degrees and RH will respond by going down and it does not cost anything. Play around and you will find a sweet spot.

I will stop in occasionally, if you don't mine?

Stay safe and grow well my friend,

Another way is with larger fan's for air circulation.
Dropping another update photo. Had to mess with the watering system as I still try to dial it in. The timer runs 3x 18 seconds each day. Still don't seem to get runoff. They are drinking heavily. Thinking about letting them go a day or two before doing any more tucking.

Next time I will use smaller squares on my trellis.

Spent time moving fan leaves out of the way of growth sites

Was given two clones at a class I went to and put them outside after a few more days I will put them into some 10 gal pots and hope I'm not to late to get something out of them for the year.

Photos of plants incoming


Clones are green Crack and bannana daddy. Trying to root a cutting from my chocolope too.

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