Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

I met a new person at our Easter get together. She is a young bud tender and she showed me how to roll a cone joint with a new tip, to me anyway, a Dutch Crown. I love new things small as it were so here is how it goes. You may not live under a rock and already know of this but I thought it was fun! I'm not good at it so here.
There is the cool factor to the crown (people notice) as well as a clean look and starts out the joint on a perfect journey(you can light the outer circular edge of the "bat", and if you did it right, you can pop the circular top for less paper), I also take a long sewing needle to the center of the joint and poke a hole almost half way down if I'm rolling 1.5g or greater (not necessary for regular size). The extra airflow helps tremendously with monster phatties (the full king size bambu's can roll a 3.5). I hand roll all of mine, it's part of the payoff for me (learned from the best rolling TOPS, although he did roll his shit too tight at times, but consistently PERFECT... Some folks ROLL sum TWIST! :rofl: (miss you bro, just UP in my feelings). :meditate:

The "crutch" or filter at the end is the WAY. Cheers Folks!
There is the cool factor to the crown (people notice) as well as a clean look and starts out the joint on a perfect journey(you can light the outer circular edge of the "bat", and if you did it right, you can pop the circular top for less paper), I also take a long sewing needle to the center of the joint and poke a hole almost half way down if I'm rolling 1.5g or greater (not necessary for regular size). The extra airflow helps tremendously with monster phatties (the full king size bambu's can roll a 3.5). I hand roll all of mine, it's part of the payoff for me (learned from the best rolling TOPS, although he did roll his shit too tight at times, but consistently PERFECT... Some folks ROLL sum TWIST! :rofl: (miss you bro, just UP in my feelings). :meditate:

The "crutch" or filter at the end is the WAY. Cheers Folks!
Very nice now 🔥 spark that critter. lol CL🍀
There is the cool factor to the crown (people notice) as well as a clean look and starts out the joint on a perfect journey(you can light the outer circular edge of the "bat", and if you did it right, you can pop the circular top for less paper), I also take a long sewing needle to the center of the joint and poke a hole almost half way down if I'm rolling 1.5g or greater (not necessary for regular size). The extra airflow helps tremendously with monster phatties (the full king size bambu's can roll a 3.5). I hand roll all of mine, it's part of the payoff for me (learned from the best rolling TOPS, although he did roll his shit too tight at times, but consistently PERFECT... Some folks ROLL sum TWIST! :rofl: (miss you bro, just UP in my feelings). :meditate:

The "crutch" or filter at the end is the WAY. Cheers Folks!
WoW now that's a bat Johnnie! You're not kidding! All both of my tries lit perfectly without canoeing. With a big smoke producer like these that's important! I can take three good hits and waste the meat of that bat if they go canoe! Make a nice cherry and take my sweet time along the way. Nice and even is the way.

Good Saturday folks! These buds have sat at 62% for a while now after dropping slowly. I've been keeping the bucket liner open for an hour or more depending on the day. It started small, ramped up to 8 hours and ramped down to now nothing. I'll put a big boveda in and lock it away in a bucket after I give them a cure by opening it up and fanning fresh air in and closing twice a day first week then once a day for the following two weeks.

Speaking of final weight she came in heavy at 12.5 oz! All her buds are nice and solid like we like an indica bud!
Elevate and relate, it's great!

Good Saturday folks! These buds have sat at 62% for a while now after dropping slowly. I've been keeping the bucket liner open for an hour or more depending on the day. It started small, ramped up to 8 hours and ramped down to now nothing. I'll put a big boveda in and lock it away in a bucket after I give them a cure by opening it up and fanning fresh air in and closing twice a day first week then once a day for the following two weeks.

Speaking of final weight she came in heavy at 12.5 oz! All her buds are nice and solid like we like an indica bud!
Elevate and relate, it's great!
Very Tasty looking 👀 buds ya got there S.O. CL🍀
That's a lotta' weed Stone! 👀
Good morning, yes it is! Azi's SIP did it! I can't wait to fire them all up and see what happens!
Yeah, it was all the SIP. Had nothing to do with that TLO Super Soil, training, lights or the grower's skills. :rolleyes:

The SIP does allow a plant to get closer to max potential though since there's never a slow down or pause waiting for water and nutrients.

That TLO soil in a SIP might just be the dream combination!
Beautiful! 354.4 grams is quite a haul. Cherries and Aniseed sounds yummy. Now I can't wait to see those SA genetics under your skillz! Are they going on SIPs too?
Highya SO,

I'll second that bag of buds looks delicious! So between the SIP, the fancy light, top shelf soil, and a learned bud tender, it all came togetherin the Cherrie Dubalee! Congratulations to you!! Happy Smokin'
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