Cherries DubeLee In A S.I.P. - An LOS Grow

Don't smoke them all at once!
You know me!
Yeah, it was all the SIP. Had nothing to do with that TLO Super Soil, training, lights or the grower's skills. :rolleyes:

The SIP does allow a plant to get closer to max potential though since there's never a slow down or pause waiting for water and nutrients.

That TLO soil in a SIP might just be the dream combination!
Thanks for that Azi. I do remember wrestling with her but losing! This LOS is the magic though, I agree. Can't wait to do it again!
Nice Haul and Looking GOOD !
I swear she hid half of it from me!
Beautiful! 354.4 grams is quite a haul. Cherries and Aniseed sounds yummy. Now I can't wait to see those SA genetics under your skillz! Are they going on SIPs too?
Hi Carmen, yes, one alone in the 3 x 3 and one outdoors.
What a good looking bag/mountain of buds you got from her, well done Otter!
I'm enjoying using bags for whole plant storage Stunger. Open bag, fan with a magazine or something, close bag for curing and touching up drying. Easy peasy.
Highya SO,

I'll second that bag of buds looks delicious! So between the SIP, the fancy light, top shelf soil, and a learned bud tender, it all came togetherin the Cherrie Dubalee! Congratulations to you!! Happy Smokin'
Thanks Bode! She was something! "Everything's better with a bag of weed!"
Wowza and :bravo: !

All that and hardly any roots in the top 6". :)
Wowza is right! Room for improvement with that top 6 inches is what I see! One more inch is my goal next round! Marking the pot.
Ever cut a bud with a sharp knife? Here's how it looks inside.
This one's an inch around or less. A good solid indica leaner!
Yup. I prepare mine with a knife for use in my extracts. Never used a grinder.

That's a nice looking bud there, SO. :welldone:

Good Saturday folks! These buds have sat at 62% for a while now after dropping slowly. I've been keeping the bucket liner open for an hour or more depending on the day. It started small, ramped up to 8 hours and ramped down to now nothing. I'll put a big boveda in and lock it away in a bucket after I give them a cure by opening it up and fanning fresh air in and closing twice a day first week then once a day for the following two weeks.

Speaking of final weight she came in heavy at 12.5 oz! All her buds are nice and solid like we like an indica bud!
Elevate and relate, it's great!
Congrats on the harvest S.O.!
That looks tasty!
420.... BLAZE IT!! A couple of SIP clones bringin' back the SCROG. Ya'll be safe and if you have to take a nap today, no worries... you are probably doing something right. :rofl: :peace:

Truth be told @StoneOtter, this is my 5-foot 2x4 and I was worried about the 35-day old clones GOIN' CRAZY in these SIP's and I was right, training, training, and then MORE training. I hope your 420 treated you well, I went with a very tropical/mango flavored g13/haze, was feeling nostalgic and the flavor makes me feel like I should be on a beach, maybe an island, with an umbrella drink and THIS dank. Stay Frosty Folks!!
Highya SO,

You are right!! That is good pot!! That stuff took me to a place (mentally) I hadn't been since I was 20 or so. Wow! I was getting ready to send the message when power went out to the internet. I thought it was the cable company. Then I checked the power supplies, and found a strip outlet was bad. Replaced that, and good to go! But, yeah, that's better than any I've had before. So glad you were able to meet me halfway, and bring some goodies with you! Thank you very much!! Cherries Dubilee has a very strong flavor, very dank, earthy. One gets used to it in a couple hits. I usually smoke 3-4 bowls around supper. With this, I didn't even finish the second one!! Can't say enough about that!! So glad to be your friend. Happy Smokin'
Truth be told @StoneOtter, this is my 5-foot 2x4 and I was worried about the 35-day old clones GOIN' CRAZY in these SIP's and I was right, training, training, and then MORE training. I hope your 420 treated you well, I went with a very tropical/mango flavored g13/haze, was feeling nostalgic and the flavor makes me feel like I should be on a beach, maybe an island, with an umbrella drink and THIS dank. Stay Frosty Folks!!
That's a beautiful visual! I was there for a moment! I had spiced rum and orange mango tango on ice in my dream! :hookah:
Highya SO,

You are right!! That is good pot!! That stuff took me to a place (mentally) I hadn't been since I was 20 or so. Wow! I was getting ready to send the message when power went out to the internet. I thought it was the cable company. Then I checked the power supplies, and found a strip outlet was bad. Replaced that, and good to go! But, yeah, that's better than any I've had before. So glad you were able to meet me halfway, and bring some goodies with you! Thank you very much!! Cherries Dubilee has a very strong flavor, very dank, earthy. One gets used to it in a couple hits. I usually smoke 3-4 bowls around supper. With this, I didn't even finish the second one!! Can't say enough about that!! So glad to be your friend. Happy Smokin'
Second opinion in the house, I'm not embellishing am I? Whew I wasn't sure! I like the little extra kick it gives me 5 or 10 minutes in! There's a peak. I'm going to try one outdoors too. See how it does in nature.

Had a great day yesterday! What's better than friends, coffee, talking weed and life stories!? Nothing!
Getting higher with less hits is healthier on our lungs! That's helpful.

Yes it is! Good day all! It's officially a summer grow here! I'm all excited for it too! I have a select Table Mountain lady being dampened , and also 3 Cherries DubLee's of mine! Bring on the happy balance of deadly indica and ultra flighty sativa!

Hoping for a planting date of first week in June. Let's see if I can sex them in 30 days beginning them with 12/12 for 10 days, then switching to 18/6. It's a The Rev thing brought to light by @Keffka ! Nice attention to details Kef!
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