Charly's 4th Grow - G13 Haze Soctober 2011

12 december 2011 - YouTube

U are right Grant ......IM a PIRATE HAR HAR....fuck the law.

i give you a peek at week 3.5....atm im precisley 28 days in bloom(my bloom starts at first bloom ....not when i go 12/12)
strain=4xNLX cuttings
PLAGRON SOIL LIGHT MIX in 30 liter buckets
1200Watt HPS phillips son tia greenpower
no pests/beasts
1 week pregrow....
dimensions grow closet 1.46/1.12/2.03

i wont be making a journal tho....

the start of the babies....5 th day on you see i rape them in the first 5 days.
Ive got a bad back....i cant handle opiates as painkiller they make me vomit...medicinal weed is shit in holland and coffeeshops, i dont trust...the only way to know for sure you got good, pure unhandelled(they even use heroin) Herbals of relief is when you grow your own....but still i have to be careful, i dont wanna be caught over something that i myself find tottally not a alcohol man.....they ought to forbid that poison....i say tax the herb for people that sell to commercial distributors and keep an eye for safety issues, monthly check ups by a theweedinspectors(NO POLICE) and let homegrows be legal....give the people a amount of 4 plants in a space of 2.00x2.00x2.00 max lighting 1200 watts to be installed by a PROFFESSIONAL ... yearly check(by theweedinspectors) up costs will be for owner of homegrow(because he dont have to buy at weeddistrubutionpoint(aka coffeeshop) he saves money for the check up!)
problems solved.

hahaha....from newcastle it aint that far.....and dont be spliff is your spliff . .... nekkid chick :welldone: ...
Vannelle, you're preaching to the perverted, I mean converted! Hell, this whole site is the converted! LOL!

Hey, Miwa, now I know why you use peat cubes for your clones. I transplanted mine yesterday. I thought it would be like transplanting seedlings: let the pot dry out, thump the bottom and place the seedling in a larger pot.
No way! The soil crumbled and the clone slipped out of the soil. I was expecting a root ball that would hold the soil together. I could barely see any roots and put the clone into new soil as quickly as possible. If I had it in a peat cube, I could just bury the whole thing without distrubing any developing root system. Not sure how they're going to fare. All I can say is:

Sigh, Clones !!!

Clone Chateau


Best of Breed


The one shown could be a bonzai tree, but it's 3 weeks old.

And now for something completely different. I'm thinking about my next grow. Not sure if the clones will make it. So to hedge my bets, and to add a little variety, I was thinking of growing a seed from a new variety and turning it into a mother for cloning and also learning more about cloning, pick up the right stuff. Would Clonex and peat pots be basically what I need? Don't want to spend any big bucks.

The seed that I'm thinking of growing is Paradise Seeds Nebula.

This is the seed producer's description:

She is bound to get you into the realm of space. Her buzz is typically transcendental and it is known she takes you far beyond your grasp. When you want to join the worlds of nebula, she is waiting to give you universal depth.
And now for something completely different. I'm thinking about my next grow. Not sure if the clones will make it. So to hedge my bets, and to add a little variety, I was thinking of growing a seed from a new variety and turning it into a mother for cloning and also learning more about cloning, pick up the right stuff. Would Clonex and peat pots be basically what I need? Don't want to spend any big bucks.

The seed that I'm thinking of growing is Paradise Seeds Nebula.

This is the seed producer's description:

She is bound to get you into the realm of space. Her buzz is typically transcendental and it is known she takes you far beyond your grasp. When you want to join the worlds of nebula, she is waiting to give you universal depth.

clonex is good....for sticking it in, i always use....oasis floral foam....its available at every floral shop ....and the good thing is its cheap and you dont need much....make a cube the size of 4 gamble dices and stick in your clone...dipped in clonex your clone humid and warm a nice bright lighted area...and youll have clones in no time....i would take clones when the motherplant is like, big....i want clones that are 20 centimeters long....i would cut them everywhere, not neccasseraly the bottom area, and they have to be nice and green...if so you will have a 100% survive rate.
good luck....
Vannelle and Miwa, you guys are the greatest! Thanks for all the cloning information. I have a lot to read and learn.

VtecHoe and Frank, welcome aboard!

Vanelle, I'm still blown away by your grow space. I expect to see Nymphs and Satyrs dancing in there (I certainly would if I were in there)! If not Nymphs, then at least Curupira, who is an elemental forest spirit.

I couldn't find a full body picture, which is too bad. When people try to find her by following her footsteps, they alway fail because her feet point backwards!

Miwa, I like your idea of building a cloning chamber, so I decided to take it one step further. I setup a walk-in clone room. I have a small laundry space that I sometimes use for vegetation. The humidity is really low as it's wintertime and the furnace is on most of the time.

So I soaked a bunch of T-Shirts in water and hung them about the room. Then I put in an electric space heater and closed the door. Water dripping in puddles and an electric heater on the floor, what could possibly go wrong? Every time I go in there, I feel like I'm in a scene from Final Destination.

There was a big snowstorm yesterday and I had to get my presciption filled:

After I got back, I smoked a bowl, lit a candle and sat in a hot bath with some hot chocolate laced with my medicine and a box of tissues. (Eew! It's not what you think - I have a bad cold!)

You're probably asking yourselves, "Why all the digressions?"

Think of them as Hamburger Helper, something to fill out the meager news I have to report. Without these frills, my journal would be something like (imagine a BBC announcer):

A local farmer stuggles to eke out a bare subsistence. The Marijuana Crop grows apace.

Speaking of the Beeb, I miss the old days when, after they reported the news, they would say, "This is the end of the World News, but it always sounded like "This is The End of the World news.
Vannelle says:
Ive seen the beastmaster ....when i was just a wee lad....ah the mammories.

When I was a wee lad, television hadn't been invented yet. Instead, we spent our time sitting around the Victrola listening to Bing Crosby and learning new slang like "Swell" and "So's your Mother!" . We didn't spend a lot of time indoors, but did wholesome things like shoplifting candy from the corner store, putting pennies on railroad tracks and throwing rocks at old people. Ah, simpler times!
Miwa says:
wowww...a cool Avatar...can i have that??

You're welcome to it, Miwa, but it's not half as scary as your present Avatar. When I first saw it, I hid under the bed for a week!

Vannelle says:

Wow, I must live in a cultural vacuum! I've never heard of Robbie Williams. That is one crazy dude!

So without further ado, here is a picture of the one of the clones I've been trying to grow. I've decided it's sink or swim time for them. No more mollycoddling. I've dismantled the "Final Destination" humidifier and the clones are one their owns.

Three of them are still the exact same size as when I planted them. One has really perked up and is twice her original size.

Here's a picture.

Nothing Madder 'n a Wet Clone

Sorry to have scared you, Miwa! Now you know how I felt about your avatar when I first saw it.

Hey V-man, I just noticed that the three runty clones seem to be perking up a bit. Maybe the tough love is paying off!

Here's an update on the current crop:

I was thinking of leaving the leaves (wow, that phrase leaves me speechless!) alone, but not much light was making it down to the lower buds, so I did another trim. These babies just do NOT stop producing fan leaves. Kinda like Medusa: cut one head off and she grows back two more!

Big Hunkin' Pile of Leaves


Here's a picture of the entire crop:

Back Forty


And finally, here's a picture of one of the nicer buds. I usually reduce the size of the photos I upload, but I kept this one orignal size (although I cropped it). Not sure how it will show up. Sometimes the photos on this site just don't seem to expand to full size. Let me know if you can see it properly. It should be huge. If not, try opening it up in a separate window. That usually works for me.

The reason I didn't reduce it is so that you can see the trichomes.

Big Bad Bud

SO ..... robbie williams ...u dont like in my must be like ancient.....Bing crosby....thats my dad s era.......i shall call you Mr. u can call me wee lad.... :thumb:
Well, that didn't work! It seems there is a size limit (not storage size but dimension size) to the photos you can upload.

I cropped the picture again and am uploading the new one.

Wow, it still got shrunk but not by much. It's almost the same size as the original. I had to open it in a new window to see it properly.

Big Bad Bud Trichomes

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