Charly's 4th Grow - G13 Haze Soctober 2011

Thanks Vannelle,

I'm not sure what you aim for in your grows, but I want something trippy: as close to 100% THC and 0% CBD. I've grown enough Indica strains, which usually have higher concentrations of CBD than Sativas. (This is my first Sativa grow.)

I definitely don't want to go past amber, I'm wondering if I should shoot for milky white?

I guess I could trim off some buds along the way and test it out.

I always say this and never do this. There's always a little voice in my head that says
If you wait a little bit longer, that bud will be so much bigger ...

I wait, and then the next time, the liitle voice says .... and so on.
And its true...the last days they can explode...its yield you lose when you are to quick ...i wanna see a indian summer when i open a closet ....then you know they are done..
fixed it....on the previous reply....good thinking..:thanks:
Thanks Vannelle,

I'm not sure what you aim for in your grows, but I want something trippy: as close to 100% THC and 0% CBD. I've grown enough Indica strains, which usually have higher concentrations of CBD than Sativas. (This is my first Sativa grow.)

I definitely don't want to go past amber, I'm wondering if I should shoot for milky white?

I guess I could trim off some buds along the way and test it out.

I always say this and never do this. There's always a little voice in my head that says

I wait, and then the next time, the liitle voice says .... and so on.

I usually harvest sativas when all cloudy or when i see 1 amber.
Thanks for the link, Miwa.

I just read the whole thing.

If you prefer a very psychedelic head high, then an early harvested Sativa might do best.

This is exactly what I'm shooting for. I'm going to keep posting trichome pictures so you guys can give me your feedback.

As I said in my last post, the trikes are still clear. When they start to turn cloudy, you guys will be the first to know.
thanks for the link, miwa.

I just read the whole thing.

This is exactly what i'm shooting for. I'm going to keep posting trichome pictures so you guys can give me your feedback.

As i said in my last post, the trikes are still clear. When they start to turn cloudy, you guys will be the first to know. them close..they can start changing fast...:thumb:
Miwa said: them close..they can start changing fast...

You bet. Last grow (all Indica strains), after they had turned cloudy, I thought I'd let go a little more until they turned light amber. Next thing I know they're almost the color of maple syrup!

Vman Said:
Christmas would be complete if it was harvest time.

Amen to that, brother!

Got a quick question for the clonologists (that probably means you, Miwa!):

Here's a couple of pics taken 5 minutes ago.

Biggest Clone




In the second pic, you can see how much bigger this clone is than the other three I tried to clone.

I topped her like you said, Miwa, but the leaves are all kind of weird. Most of the new grow consists of three blade fan leaves, not five, and there are a couple of leaves that have just one blade. There's lot of new growth, but it's kinda twisted and gnarly looking.

Is this normal or do I have a District 9 mutation?
glad your clones are growing and stuff now im too high to read alot of the stuff i missed. lol

i guess they got to you and took down pics and stuff that trailed off of topic lol they did that to me too but its understandable i guess, i was just trying to spread some music though! haha :)

i lost my big plant. only got my clone left now :eek:
Miwa said:

You bet. Last grow (all Indica strains), after they had turned cloudy, I thought I'd let go a little more until they turned light amber. Next thing I know they're almost the color of maple syrup!

Vman Said:

Amen to that, brother!

Got a quick question for the clonologists (that probably means you, Miwa!):

Here's a couple of pics taken 5 minutes ago.

Biggest Clone




In the second pic, you can see how much bigger this clone is than the other three I tried to clone.

I topped her like you said, Miwa, but the leaves are all kind of weird. Most of the new grow consists of three blade fan leaves, not five, and there are a couple of leaves that have just one blade. There's lot of new growth, but it's kinda twisted and gnarly looking.

Is this normal or do I have a District 9 mutation?

No that is not normal..Frank...You have created a Monster..:oops:.never saw that before...i'm sure leaf production will get back on track...i don/t know whats going on...i got one side branch got bud sites from the tip to the stem ...the only one on the plant like that..on another plant one of the side branches i topped split into two shoots with bud sites...i don't know...climate warming maybe...
Pooh Said:
i was just trying to spread some music though!

Oh, yeah! When I first met you, we talked about music all the time.

Thanks, Miwa! I also cloned it from a plant that was 3 weeks onto flower. Maybe that's part of the reason. The stalk on the upper part is thicker than the stalk on the bottom.

Are you saying I've created a​

FrankenStone ?

Anyway, since you and Pooh are the only ones awake now, Miwa, I'm going to give you a sneak preview of my new movie. I promise you'll go ape!

In the jungle, an

Eerie Dawn Approaches


Suddenly, a great crashing noise can be heard.

Trees are snapped like twigs and

The Beast Emerges !

i see tits flying in the background.

LOL! Thanks guys.

I got the idea to do the King Kong remake when I was trying to get some better trichome pics. I swapped out the HPS for the MH because the photos come out much better.

I had set everything to take my photos. Then I turned on the MH. As you all probably know, these bad boys take a while to heat up and when you first turn one on, they emit an eerie glow. The photo has not be retouched. Here it is again for reference:

Eerie Glow


And here's a couple of pictures of the trikes I was able to take:



Trikes Too


It's fun watching the mini-colas grow. I don't think they will ever get very fat, but a couple are filling out.

Cola Schnozola


After I took these, I noticed the trikes photos weren't quite as sharp as I wanted. I went to the grow room and tried again. This is the best shot out of the last set I took:

Sharper Trikes


I want to thank you all very much for your support and stopping by:

Thank Ya Very Much !

and I wish you all a

Merry Christmas !

Miwa siad:
Wowww...i wish i could get my camera working right...what good is a micro mode if you can't shoot closeup...DAMMIT

I feel your pain, brother! That sucks. You should see how many crappy pictures I take before I find one I can post here. But don't worry, I'll take pics for both of us!

My camera's a bit of a pain, too. It does not have a hair trigger, quite the opposite. It takes a fair bit of pressure to get the shutter to release. When it does, there is a big click and the camera shakes (Bravo, design team - take a well-deserved bow!). It's bad enough that my hands shake already (LOL). Makes it really hard to take closeups. I've tried leaning against a wall and I've tried propping the camera on a box. That works a little bit better. What I really need is a tripod, but I don't have the bucks.

Anyway, I did take a bunch more pictures that I can show you.

This post is going to be mainly on topic, so I aplogize in advance if anyone was expectiing my usual witty repartee.

I was stoned and sitting in my grow room when a couple of things crossed my mind. The first was the

Leaf Snapping Technique
After I had finished trimming the leaves on my crop, I noticed a couple more leaves that were blocking some tasty buds below them. This is why God created the Lazy Gene. Rather than schlep around to get a pair of scissors, I just snapped the leaves off the plant.

I'm sure everyone's done this to dead or dying leaves. It works on healthy leaves as well. You hold the stem just above the fan leaf, then put out and down on the leaf and it snaps off its stem. It's actually a fast way to trim leaves and makes it easier to reach leaves in the center of the plant.

I tried it on a few small fan leaves inside a developing cola. Not a good idea! Whereas the older fan leaves are a bit "woodified" and somewhat brittle, the fan leaves inside a cola and the cola stem itself are still pulpy, and the leaf doesn't snap but instead tears the cola stalk, and the leaf hangs by a thread, which is actually hemp fiber. Then you have to pull hard to break the thread or get a pair of scissors. (Remember the whole idea was not to find a pair in the first place!)

Anyway, not a good experience, but no big deal. Fortunately, I didn't tear off any of the developing buds. These babies get attacked by critters in the wild all the time, and they just shrug it off and move on. They can repair themselves quickly.

By the way, the leaves snap off right at the base of their stems, without leaving (no pun intended) a protuding dead stem. Here's what I mean. I actually found a node that was cut on one side and snapped on the other:

Cut and Snapped Leaves


The only drawback with this tachnique is that you have to hold the stem above the leaf you are going to snap. After a while you end up with

Sticky Fingers

The other thing I noticed was

Fimming vs. Topping
If you remember, I decided to mega-top my plants to keep them to a manageable size. Before this grow, I had only ever topped a plant once. I did a bit of reading before and saw the "fimming" method. I had heard of it, but never tried it. The diagram I saw had a weird perspective and I couldn't quite figure out what to do.

The description said that the top should have a bit of its leaf set left on. The diagram showed a semicircular looking cut, which seemed impossible to do. I decided to give it a try anyway. I just cut the top barely above where its leaf set was starting to develop.

Most of the nodes that I tried it on weren't successful, a couple ended up with weird-looking leaves growing out of them, and a few look liked they had worked. I didn't pay much attention after that.

Looking at my crop now, I can say:
1) There is no downside to fimming. If it doesn't work, the result is exactly the same as topping;
2) When it does work, the node thinks it's been topped and the shoots on either side of the node start to grow. The stem that you fimmed does not die, but keeps growing! In fact, it is hard to tell that it was cut because stem doesn't have a "scar" indicating where you cut it.

Here are some pictures to show what I mean:

Topped Node


Another Topped Node


In contrast here are a couple of fimmed nodes:

Fimmed Node


Another Fimmed Node


If you look just above the blue semicircle in each of the above two pictures, that is the remainder of the leaf set from where the original fim cut was made.

And, finally, a rarity, a fimmed node whose fimmed stem was topped!

Fimmed and Topped Node


Sorry for the poor quality of the last picture. It's a bit hard to see clearly. I might try taking a better picture of this baby! It may be the only one of its kind!

Until next time, Sky Captain wishes you a better World of Tomorrow!
I think i will stay with LST...i'm so far keeping all bud sites even with each,,,even the ones on the bottom of the main even with the top of the main stem...going to practice with this camera all day..found some good opperating percedures on line...1 clones react to light if they don't have roots..i got one that the leaves on top are almost vertical...maybe i should take it out from under glass...been 10 days cloning...
do clones react to light if they don't have roots

That's a good question, Miwa! Does your dome have space for a little bit of air to circulate?

Basically, a heated dome is the same as a terrarium, and if you've ever seem one, things barely grow inside them. That is because the humidity is virtually 100%. The plants barely respire (the way plants breathe) which slows down any growth and development dramaticaly. As the plants are barely respiring, they need very little water, which is a good thing because the clones have no root system and the only water that can be supplied to the leaves is from the stems by capillary action. Eventually, the slow growth provides enough time for a root system to develop, which is what you want.

At this point, you need to wean the clones off their support system. You can do this by either leaving the dome off for a few hours at a time, or by leaving the dome partially opened.

My clones didn't change one bit in the three weeks that I had them covered. It was exactly like a terrarium. The clones were alive, but they were doing nothing. When I finally decided it was time to sink or swim, they got the idea and started developing.

By this point, the root system was able to support the plant and the open air allowed them to respire, begin photosynthesis, and to start new growth. To make sure they didn't freak out or go into shock, I used foliar feeding. If you haven't tried it, this means putting a 1/4 strength nutrient solution in an aerosol bottle and spraying it directly on the leaves. The leaves can absorb the nutrients directly without getting them from the roots. This helps two ways: first the leaves get the nutrients they need without having to rely on a barely functional root system; second, the spray keeps the leaves from drying out.

As you know, I'm not a clone man, but I think this all makes sense from the point of view of plant biology.

Anyone lurking out there want to confirm, refute or add their two cents worth?
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