Cerdito's Soil Autocheese Closet Grow

Thanks all, nice to hear from you!

And Dresney - wonderful to have you back! Bread baking is the new rock and roll!

This will probably be the last post of this journal. I would like to thank you all for your help. Dresney, Budworshipper, Sweetleaf, KingJohn, Dutch Dragon, Danklover,Toker69, Dr P, BAR, and any I forget, thankyou for your time and attention. Best of luck with all your grows ad lives.

I have to go away in the next few days, and will not be back for a very minimum of two weeks, but possibly much longer, so I think the girls are getting an early chop. It is unavoidable that we go away, and we have nobody to look after the plants, so we are looking at only one option.

Worse news - the electric company have changed their meter prices for the New Year, and we will not be able to afford to run another cycle under the lights :( It is just out of our reach financially, so our big plans are shelved. Never mind, our girls will give us enough nice medecine for a few months.

Here are the pictures before chop. It isn't that sad for us - we still get a bit of weed, and it is far more than we could have bought with the same money on the streets, and much better quality. At least we didn't have to abandon them half way through their life. They have been good to us, and all the equipment we bought will be just as useful come tomato season. So, the short weed growing career of Cerdito is over for the time being. Here is to the chop!

It has been a wonderful experience, and even if we never manage to do it again, I have enjoyed it so very much I hope we have the opportuity later in life. This is a magic plant, and learning about it, and all its incredible potentials and varieties, and the wonderful people who cultivate them has been priveldging for me.

This journal is not quite ready for finished journals - I will put up a smoke report and results of weighing etc when I get chance which I don't know exactly when it will be yet.

So pics - 8 days from proper finish.


As you can see Zānē has practically no leaves left, so I think she is pretty ready to finish - it is a bit further back with Līja even though her buds are bigger and better.




There we go, thatš the last update of them! I am really tempted to let Līja go for a bit longer, because she is doing so nicely, but I just can't guarentee I will be around to chop her! I'm quite excited about seeing roots - I've not seen anyone else using pots as big as 25 litres, so I am wondering how well they have filled it,

Best of wishes everybody.

Love Cerdito xxx
Hey cerdito :hug:

May your travels be fruitful my friend.

So sorry to hear of your growing ending. Bloody corporate greedy bastards, i hope that your financial standing gets better very quickly.

Enjoy the fruit of your labours, may the smoke be fine and helps your husbands pain.

Dont be a stranger cerdito, if you can stop by it would be great to here from you.

Great grow, you did yourself pround. :bravo::bravo::circle-of-love::slide::slide::slide:
Thanks very much Mr Sweet and Budworshipper.

Mr Cerdito wasn't convinced that my little grow operation was worth it - he doesn't have the long history of weed use that I have (I've travelled a lot more, and been around many more oportunities for smoking than him.) He thought the pain was just something he had to live with. I think now he is convinced though, that it isņ't just little me using him as an excuse to be able to get what I want.

It normally takes him hours to get to sleep after a dayš work, tossing and turning, sitting up and down trying to find a place where his back doesn't hurt. With my medecine he lays still like a dead fish :) He is on his way to being convinced, but he is more traditional than me - and this is not a weed friendly country!

Thanks for the best wishes - them is the breaks of being an itinerant travelling worker - when opportunities presented you have to take them. Hopefuly travels will indeed be fruitful. (It is also in a very weed friendly country. ;) ) Might just be a short trip, but could turn into a long time (my travels are normally this way.)

But yeah, corporate greedy bastards, - made the cost of growing a cycle nearly double. Maybe these travels will give me finances to overcome that obstacle? Fingers and toes is all crossed.

Does anyone want to take bets on how much it will provide dry weight?

I think I am safe from topless gardening :) Anyone remember when I was first starting these plants and in a plea for attention promised to get the breastlets out if I managed an ounce? Yeah...think I am safe :)

Thanks xxxx
Aw, a bittersweet ending, Cerdito.

I'm thrilled that you got to see your plants through to the end (nearly), but very sad that we might not see you for some time. Your whimsical descriptions have made me smile quite a few times. And who will I trade BSG banter with?!

It's a real shame about the electricity prices... perhaps you can have an outside grow when the season changes? Maybe we'll see another journal yet. ;)

I'm a terrible at guessing weights... for no good reason at all I'm going to go with 13.9 grams. :laughtwo:

Keep safe in your travels, Cerdito.

Stop in and say hello when you can!


Hi cerdito,
sorry to here your leaving us:(. Your journal has been a pleasure to follow.
If your ever in Holland you and mr cerdito are more than welcome to come and sample what I've got in the jars:).
Good luck for the future, and well done on seeing it through to the end:).
An ounce between them is my guesstimate.

Just a very quick visit, I'm only here for a few more hours before jetting off again (jetting figuratively - I'm taking a bus.)

Just wanted to stop and tell results of the lovely Zānē and Lija.

They hung for 13 days in temperatures around 0-5 degrees in the dark. Seemed like the best we could do at short notice.

Coming back the house smelled incredible. Like lemons cooking with sugar mixed in with a whole lot of skunk. Not for covert ops.

I have cutted and weighed - and the result iiiiissssssss.............

50g exactly, with a few stalks left in.

I'll put a pic up when I have more time - becos I know if there is no pic it didn't happen! ::)

Not bad, that comes to 1.8 oz I believe, so much more than I expected.

Incidentally SWIM cooked up all the trimmings from 2 Cheese plants the day before they left and drank the buttery tea that had been steeping all day. SWIM went to bed very very floaty.....and woke up 8 hours later - flying even more! SWIM got their dosages wrong but still had to take a 20 hour bus trip while tripping.


Thanks for all the helps, and of course your guesses of weights!


I'm so glad to see this!

Congrats on that yield - so much more than expected!.... you know that means, right? :trance::partyboy:

I'm relieved to know that the grow was worth it financially.

It's a real shame you may not be using the equipment again though.

Any further news on the electricity front?

I hope your travels are safe and fun!

I love hearing from you!

Good hunting!


You are already missed. I was just thinking about you the other day. Hopefully when you are home next season, we will get to read another Cerdito grow!

Congrats on the harvest! I hope your travels are fruitful!

Happy Trails!
Thanks for sharing your grow with us.

Please head over to the 420 Strain Reviews forum and post your smoke report there too.

I’m moving this to Completed Journals now.

Have you started a new grow you would like to share with us?

If so, please feel free to start a new journal here: Journals in Progress

In the future, whenever you complete a journal, please use the Report Post feature found at the bottom left of every post, so we can be alerted to move it for you.

Hope all is well in your world.

Love and respect from all of us here at 420 Magazine.

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