Ilikebike's Soil Bagseed Grow 2011

Set all fans to exhaust and see how the temp goes.

Your thinking SCrog = Screen of Green. Thats when you use the "chicken wire" or something similar. I Suggested SOG = sea of green. Its when you do A LOT of little plants. In your grow area you would prob flower clones right away. So basically grow out a mother plant. Take like 20 clones, root them up, then flower them right away. You will maximize your yields for the space you have.

i say the same thing, use the fans for exhaust and you can use the box fan to blow the cooler air out of your room into your grow area, because if you use them little fans for intake your gonna bring all that hot air from outside into the grow room, and i dont know if you ever been like dead under that part of the roof from outside but underneath the part of the roof that hangs off is sooo hot under that little ass peice of roof, yea its def. not a good idea, i also seen what a difference it is to have the fan blowin in the cab then havin it suckin the air out and its def. better to have the fan blowin in the cab, so i was wrong earlier by sayin to put the fan to suck it out, so i would turn your fan around and let it blow the cool air from your room and let it blow in your grow area, it made a 5 degree difference and rite now thats a big deal because its 91 rite now in my cab..or you can do what i did and sit in there for like 20 min. and try each way and see what way brings the temps down the lowest and that would def. be the best way, i dont know if you already did that or not but i would check it out...let me know what happens.. :tokin:
cool thanks for that info man helps alot, sukafr i hope you succeed in getting your temps lower. that has been my biggest problem so far. its kinda late right now so i am going to put all the fans to exhaust tomorrow. the problem with the door thing is i can only keep it open at certain times of the day (When i am not expecting any guest's) im Honestly thinking of gettin an a/c just for the grow room. but i will see if i can lower the temps before i go spend a bunch of money on an a/c unit. Can i start taking clones from my plants as soon as i know its a girl? also, should i give up on plant "C"? its not looking too good and i think it is gettin nute burn because it is younger than the other 2 plants. Rek i am definatly going to try the SOG method next time (as long as i can clone the female plant) thanks for all the help guys~!
well you figure the larger you let the plant grow the more clones you'll be able to get from it...and i think you should go ahead and let plant c go, theres no reason to keep it around if its doin that bad, and no reason to keep feedin it nutes and waistin them rite?? but thats up to you...and thanks too, i hope the ac gets fixed in the next couple days then i wont have to worry about the temps until then they'll be up around 86-94f the next couple days until then.. so yea its gonna suck, i'll just have to make sure they stay watered, and puttin the rocks on top of the soil is definitely helping keep the soil wet and keepin it from dryin out faster... hope you get them fans fixed soon.. wouldn't want nothin to happen, i know what this heat can do, i would leave the cab open overnight if possible..
you can get some of them fly strips that hang, or i been lookin at this sns 203 soil drench stuff and its suppose to be really good, this stuff should help, or if you wanna look into gettin somethin to spray on your plants but thats up to you..
For my plants I do a foliar spray that consists of Neem Oil, Mild "natural" dish soap, and pH'd water. You want 1tsp of neem oil and 1tsp of the dish soap per gallon of water. I purchased a weed sprayer that you fill yourself for $10. You can get everything you need for $25...and it will last you QUITE a while. Make sure you spray the tops of the leave and especially the under-side of the leaves! That's important

the temps are staying pretty comfortable. i have 3 fans set to exhaust and 1 set for intake. i have the box fan in taking cold air from my room and blowing it into the grow cab. it is then being exhausted through the 3 vent fans inside the room

plant A and plant B are both still showing signs of growth. plant C looks a little healthier but still is very week.
ok well i seem to have the temps under controll, they are a little high but theres not much else i can do i have 3 exhaust fans plus the 20'' box fan in the door way sucking the hot air out into my room. i bought Green Light Fruit Tree Spray Concentrate For control of insicts, dieseases, and mites. Contains the neem oil that rek was talkin about. i made a small spray bottle containers worth and sprayed it all over the plants and soil. also bought some expanded foam insulation which is 1/2'' thick styrofoam with a reflective surface on one side. i am going to have to get more but heres what i got so far. (Its actually starting to look like a grow room!)


heres the ventilation system. 3 of the ducts are outake and the lower one on the floor is an intake (From outside the house)


and here are the plants

lol its cool, y.t. is crazy, and i know for a fact the cops watch the videos on there to try and catch people, around my way there was a younger white couple that got jumped on by like 50 young black people, guys and girls, and they were beatin this couple up so bad, they were so helpless, and they idiots taped it and posted it on y.t. and the cops seen it and i guess locked up the people that they could identify, but yea i feel the same way about postin shit on the computer, it dont matter what anybody says, shit one day i was so paranoid i was gettin ready to throw everything away lol, but yea you can never really trust anything on the computer now days..:tokin:
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