Celt’s 2020 Grows

Yes PC, it’s going to be a busy time at harvest here, biggest (potential) harvest since I started 5/6 years ago when I had a 4/5lb harvest. This crop has the potential to double that one and since my young fella moved to Alberta last month, Dad’s passes on and Krista with her issues, I am likely going to be trimming solo this year :rofl: Since I don’t like to “count my chickens before they hatch” and not one to worry and fret over anything, I’ll figure it out and get it done :rofl:
Morning all :)

Not an update, just quick note about one of my girls after last nights deluge of rain.

This girl, my favourite for suspected Sativa dominance, is going to need some healthy support to make it to harvest. About midway through flower and the extra water weight is weighing on her.




Still showering here off and on so she will get some needed support this afternoon.

Other parts of the province got hit even harder with severe flooding in Halifax and places along the eastern shore. How did your girls fare the weather @Hplar, I know you are NE of the city?
Last year we had a lot of rain from this point on to harvest. My plants were on the deck so I had the advantage of tying a clear tarp over them. It protected them from the rain but gave them whatever light was coming through the overcast. The weather is so hit and miss and one of the reasons I didn't go outside this year.
I here ya MrS, but I love the way they grow under the big light in the sky and will likely always have an outdoor grow even though this time of year we are always at the mercy of Ole Mother Nature and in the heart of hurricane season.

Knock on wood, living in the Valley, gives me a longer season and this close to the bay, we tend to have breezy weather most days and usually strong winds with the wet weather, so long as the girls are well supported to withstand the wind, the bud doesn’t often stay wet for long :)
Morning all :)

Not an update, just quick note about one of my girls after last nights deluge of rain.

This girl, my favourite for suspected Sativa dominance, is going to need some healthy support to make it to harvest. About midway through flower and the extra water weight is weighing on her.




Still showering here off and on so she will get some needed support this afternoon.

Other parts of the province got hit even harder with severe flooding in Halifax and places along the eastern shore. How did your girls fare the weather @Hplar, I know you are NE of the city?
I left for work at 3 this morning and it was coming down hard...my money bush is almost hanging on the ground FFS..gonna get the leaf blower out now and blow off what water I can..then she's comin down tomorrow
Miss “droopy drawers” got the attention she needed and should be good until harvest now



Hopefully, the rest of the girls won’t need too much support, that’s 40+ feet of the 50’ roll of fencing I had bought. I guess if any of the rest need help, it will be provided by haywire and baler twine :rofl:
I am already planning next years grow :rofl: the garden the LOS girls are in was intended to be under a domed greenhouse, but with Krista’s illness and COVID, that plan was put on hold.

Next year, I will grow 4 more girls there, starting earlier (early May) like I used to. But next year I am thinking of training the 4 girls to be flat and wide (SCROG like) and see if I can fill the whole 28 foot round area lol leaving just walking space between them so I can access them :)
but I love the way they grow under the big light in the sky
Well that is something I miss for sure. Waking up with the sun shining on them early in the morning was relaxing and very enjoyable. Watering them I could make a day of it, as much as some people don't like hearing that.
Morning all, we had fog and heavy dew here over night and although I hate to see that much moisture on the girls, they are still early enough into flower that it won’t hurt them.

Some pics about an hour after sunrise after the fog was mostly burned off



Just beautiful...
Wow Celt Looking Good in your garden. You have some Really nice plants out there, You are going to be Very busy come harvest time. Looks like a Long trim jail sentence in your future
If I am lucky, it will be a staggered harvest over 3-4weeks, otherwise it will likely be more than one tired old guy can handle alone :rofl:

But, a young fella I used to apprentice was up over the weekend with his wife, and they both offered to help :) He has always stayed a friend and always gets bud from me when he knows I have some. He and his wife would even rather have my untrimmed and seedy bud from my last grow, than what they can get from the LC or other growers :rofl:
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