Celt’s 2020 Grows

Way to sneak through without too much damage Celt! :welldone:

Except for the steak of course...

Little water didn’t stop me from eating it :rofl: Sirloin marinaded for over 24 hours and then slow cooked on the bbq, could cut it with a fork. Was a little overdone for my liking but was still awesome :)
Thanks @stoneotter ,

I was the same as you until I had 2 close calls. First one about 50’ from me while picking mushrooms, the 2nd time while out on a small lake (10 acres maybe) when it struck shore about 100’ feet from us. I decided back then, that as much as I like a good storm, I’ll watch from under cover and not give Ole Mamma Nature a third chance to get me :rofl:
No third chances! Now you mention it. My buddy and I are canoe fishing in a pretty good size pond when a surprise storm came up on us. We couldn't get in fast enough with bolts hitting everywhere and our poles up in the aluminum canoe just asking for it. We made it. So it's my second strike as well. Yep sofa storm watching these daze.
Been slack updating my grow, but as things outdoors change relatively slowly compared to indoor grows, there really isn’t a lot to share weekly lol

Since the last update, I’ve made some hash, some of which went out in a couple care packages to friends and family :) should be arriving in the next couple days.

So now for the girls and some young bud porn

First up are one of the Double Tap Twins who has 3 main tops of her own doing, and the The monster Cluster Bomb.



These 2, the other ClustEr Bomb in the 5gal bucket, and the Blue Dream at the south point of the garden, are the farthest behind in bud development, suggesting they will be the last to get harvested, sometime mid to late October for the Cluster Bomb (from past experience) and guessing the same for the 2 Blue Dreams as they are all 4 at about the same point.

Next up, the other Twin (in the blue tote) and the bucket girls. All Blue Dream except the last one on the left, she is a Cluster Bomb clone.




This next picture is of the bud on the Blue Dream above, girl on the right, starting to show some colour


Now we will move on to the garden girls, loving the LOS life :)

First up, we have the girl at the north point. She is the smallest of the 4 (no idea why), and she started initiating flower before ALL the other girls by about a week. Even though she started flowering ahead of the others, her node structure and leaf structure makes me think she may be the Sativa dominant pheno I have been searching for. Her node spacing is nearly double any of her sisters. Another couple of weeks, I will be able to judge better when the terpenes start to really develop.



Going clockwise to the east, we have another whose developing some early colour.



Guess I am at 10 pics, rest in the next post :)

Continuing on in the garden, this is the girl at the south point, grew with 3 limbs per node. She was topped, leaving 6 branches that were then pulled down and out. A couple weeks ago, I put the fence around her and pulled limbs away from Center and out through the fence opening up the Center to better light. She is the other girl I expect to be a mid/late October harvest, but time will tell.


Lastly, some shots of the “block” girl. I drove conduit into the ground, at a steep angle, tied a grating to it, and the. Pulled her back and stretched her limbs out. Medieval Torture :rofl:

First looking north, those poles are 4 feet apart. You see she now has a big hole in this side, wind completely broke a major limb off. You can see some of it wilted at the bottom.


This shot is looking east. From the poles to the far left of her, is over 5 feet and she is 5 feet tall on average.


If half these girls make it, through hurricane season here, to harvest, I should be well supplied for smokable bud, oil and hash for months :)
Hey Otter, thanks :) I have only watered the garden girls 3 times all summer, but I dug holes down an average of 20 inches deep, until I got in damp clay. And the hole that the North girl is in, I hit shale and a small water seam. Its been really dry here, but I think I got lucky putting the garden where I did with a high water table :)
Thanks DAB, frost here usually doesn’t hit until October and usually November before we see a hard frost, barring any severe storms coming up the coast, these should finish no problem.

Budrot (and wind) is usually my biggest concern here in the fall. Cluster Bomb I’ve grown in the past seems immune to it and as for the Blue Dream, 1st I have really grown her outside so time will tell :)
Sadly, I didn’t bother with clones of the outdoor girls. With so much seed in the fridge, both Blue Dream and other strains, I haven’t bothered with clones at all this year, even though I am thinking a clone of the girl in the north point of the garden would have been a good idea :rofl:

As for that old shed, whoever built it, put in on stilts and a bad storm last winter took it, a big piece of a tree next to the house, glad it fell into another tree rather than the roof :)

On the plus side, Blue Dream being my main goto atm for pain, I will have enough of it to last till spring, giving me time to rework my indoor grow spaces and play with other strain again lol

For the past 2 years, I’ve grown nothing but BD, Cluster Bomb, and THC Bomb other than one PC girl and one unknown purple girl that I unintentionally killed the mother I kept of her. She reminded me of DDA for smell growing, which I don’t care for, but like the DDA, she cured into a beautiful fuely grape smell and taste, she also made great hash.

I know the guy who bred that seed, so I may be able to retry her of he has any left.

Oh and BTW, BD makes great hash as well although not great hash yields, maybe 10%, but damn it’s good, been smoking it all day for my back :lot-o-toke:
A picture to make your mouth water, 11g of hash being pressed


I would love to allow it a proper cure but it never lasts long enough lol sent a couple care packages out with a couple of grams each to friends/family. When I run out, it’s always because I gave too much away:passitleft:
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