Carnival: A Community Grow Experience

Given your name, also the Oysterfest in October?

Carnival is easy to grow and forgiving, but then so is Amherst Sour Diesel, and, I assume Hashplant.

Good growing to you.
Ha! I grew Carnival right next to an Amherst Sour Diesel and the ASD threw some viable naners. I now have 8 seeds of Carnival x ASD. I like them both so I'll grow some out eventually.
Harvesting mid next week
Given your name, also the Oysterfest in October?

Carnival is easy to grow and forgiving, but then so is Amherst Sour Diesel, and, I assume Hashplant.

Good growing to you.
Oh Yes! I still have plenty of stock in Wellfleet and yes the best sweetest oysters, clams and scollops. I was just in Wellfleet and my girl and I went to the Friendly Fisherman 2xs their opening weekend (Eastham) and got everything good!!! Got a beautiful place on Lieutenant Island. Wicked lucky!
Harvesting mid next week

:yahoo: Enjoy. I think Carnival is my favorite plant to harvest. I’m a little partial. :battingeyelashes:

Sitting by the pool list in the delicious buzz from the gifted buds of @Chris Scorpio.

He trims prettier than I do. Lol! Frosty as all get out. A yummy buzz.

This is the only time of the day I can smoke, and even then I’m hiding it, but OMG, this is euphoria worth chasing.
High BH,

Mighty nice looking carnival lady there, man. I'm thinking she'll be some nice smoke around Christmas (harvest + time to cure). Hope she grows well for you!

One of the people I've supplied is a cancer patient who recently chose opioids over cannabis and returned all the buds he had on hand. *sigh*

Today we were coming back from grocery shopping in his vehicle when he informed me that he'd found a small jar with a few good-sized Carnival buds. He'd been having headaches that responded to none of the medications he'd tried so he thought "Why not?" and fired up a couple hits in the pipe.

Instant pain relief.

This is not the first time he's had this reaction. Previously it was intractable neck pain from a pinched nerve. Repeated surgical intervention had been unsuccessful in reducing the pain. It was Carnival that gave him his first pain-free sleep in years.

And then they offered him. Demerol. :confused:

This time he may stay the course. I don't control that, nor do I desire to. I offer the opportunity for relief, and Carnival's been the best pathway we've found for him. The choice to continue is his alone.

This is potent meds. It's also a damn good buzz. :slide:
I know you guys grow a different style than me - but would you call carnival a light, medium, or heavy feeder? So far I’ve been assuming light with an eye towards medium- and feeding her the same as the pure sativas.
I know you guys grow a different style than me - but would you call carnival a light, medium, or heavy feeder? So far I’ve been assuming light with an eye towards medium- and feeding her the same as the pure sativas.
You're soil, correct?
Actually, I'd say Carnival is probably more medium to heavy feeder. It's basically a sativa leaning hybrid with a speedy sativa buzz. It's not a "light" feeder.

I’ve fed mine in the medium to heavy range with the kit. With my RX Green Technologies they burn when I get to the higher numbers so I stop right below that.
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