Carnival: A Community Grow Experience

Geez.... When it takes four attempts and three minutes to get it typed in correctly it's time to call it a night. :rofl:
She’s foxtailing like crazy. :yahoo:

The hash tips are going pink. Has anyone seen this happen before?

Even the low-lying fruit is foxtailing. :slide:

Looks like some mighty nice bud Sue most excellent!

Thank you SOG. :hug: She's throwing nanners all over the place. I'll be harvesting next Tuesday.
High Guys,

@mouser - She's beautiful. That's the best bud porn I've seen. Well Done!! Of course, Carnival is a beautiful chemovar in itself. But, still, She's gorgeous.
High Guys,

@mouser - She's beautiful. That's the best bud porn I've seen. Well Done!! Of course, Carnival is a beautiful chemovar in itself. But, still, She's gorgeous.

Thank you :) Those glossy leaves get me every time!
Thank you :) Those glossy leaves get me every time!

She holds herself well in the current field mouser. They grow so beautifully for you. :bravo:
...annnnd THAT's what Im talking about :) Beautiful!

Why thank you mouser. :hug: She only came in at around 3 oz dry, so not what I was expecting, but damn! She came in the prettiest and possibly the heaviest. I’ll have to check the numbers when I get home.

She had more than her share of nanners. Lol! Quite impressive, really. I’m hoping she impregnated my Red Diesel. :cheesygrinsmiley:

She was the most beautiful Carnival I’ve grown. :battingeyelashes:

I have one cob in steaming, 280 grams drying in the fridge, and two branches waiting to be cobbed on Thursday.

From the looks of them these buds should be at least the equivalent of the 33-gram cob in the dehydrator.

It’ll be a while before I start the next genetic line. It makes me nervous to be this far from the next harvest. I prefer to have one every month, or at the very least, every two months and I’m looking at much longer.

Keep breathing Susan. Lol!

I have cobs. :slide:
Maybe your daughter will surprise you and have some growing while you're gone, besides what she wants for herself. A hint might further the possibility along, lol.
Maybe your daughter will surprise you and have some growing while you're gone, besides what she wants for herself. A hint might further the possibility along, lol.

Lol! I'm putting together a tutorial for her to follow while I'm gone. She'll still have two in veg and one in flower to keep an eye on. By the time I get back she's either going to enamored with cultivation or ready to turn it all back over to me. Lol! I'm insistent she learn to grow her own. I may be here for decades to come, but no one lives forever. She's better off knowing how to grow than leaving that power in someone else's hands.

Even if that someone else is her mother, who just happens to be SweetSue. :battingeyelashes:

I jarred up Carnival 4.6 the other day, and forgot to stop and make a note. I ended up with just what I'd expected, just above 2.5 oz of dried bud.

I also got two cobs in process, in their first week of curing. They were each an ounce wet, the top one cobbed at harvest and the other two days later. I'm expecting between 1/4 and 1/2 oz dried and cured.

I won't be testing either of these until they've been curing at least a month. This morning I'm treating myself to the deliciousness that is fresh Carnival. OMG.....the smell when you break open a bud! :yahoo:

I'm in heaven. Kuddos to any other moms out there lucky enough to celebrate the day with Carnival. :high-five:
Thank you SOG. :hug: She's throwing nanners all over the place. I'll be harvesting next Tuesday.
You suing tweezers sue to remove them ? Sorry just curious ?
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