Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

a cerebral kush..that will do! me want too =D

P.s what does k-8 mean, youve used it lots of times but i cant find the first usage =/

K-8 is my Vegetative space for all clones that have rooted, and have survived Neonatal Care.

Okay, here's the layout.

Maternity Ward: Houses all my mother plants; supplies clones
The Hatchery: Not often used, but is a mini greenhouse for germinating seeds at precisely 84*F and RH of 45%
Neonatal Care: Receives new babies, and gives them a comfy place to root. 84*F and RH of 95%
K-8: Vegetative Space for rooted clones and sprouted seedlings. No longer babies but kids that are growing and heading toward young adults... 77*F RH 30%-45%
The Cardboard Flower Box (a.k.a High School or 9-12): This is where all my young adults go to blossom into mature full-flowered plants. 80*-88* and RH ~35%
And of course there is behind the scenes, College: (The Curing Jars) Where all graduates go to refine themselves, and improve upon what has been accomplished thus far.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

So, I'm trying something new in Neonatal Care. I have resurrected the abandoned aquarium pumps that used to be in my various reservoirs and run the tubing into the vent holes in the top of the Humidomes. Once rooted, clones will stay inside the domes for up to an additional 2 weeks before introducing them to the harsher environment outside of the domes.

I have a theory: The air pumps will increase air movement inside the humidomes and introduce drier air gradually "hardening up" the clones which will help to reduce the shock of taking them completely to open air. The rooted clones will also receive VEG1 nutes on the Blue Planet Nutrients Elite 3-part Application Guide with added SuperThrive and silica in a still-water bath to help new roots become accustomed to the nutrients and to prepare the correct type of roots for hydroponics earlier.

The reason for this is that I've noticed with all of my current clones, there is a period of time that the new clones seem to "stall" while they become accustomed to the new environment in K-8. This has taken up to a month for some of the strains to recover from the shock of leaving Neonatal Care. I am attempting to ease this transition, and speed recovery of the new clones to get better vegetative growth, before they are placed in 9-12 for flowering. I will also be adding 1ml per Gal of SuperThrive into K-8's reservoir to aid in reducing shock, and to speed recovery.

Results to follow in 2 months when the current clones are placed.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

So....What are going to name your new strain?

purple jumping jandre?:love:

ROFL! I like it! I'm going with Jandre Kush right now until I get the stable pheno of one I like, and then I'll spend some time with her, just like I did with my daughter, before I name her. The only reason for Jandre Kush, is the simple fact that I can't claim Purple Kush, because these seeds may be crossed with something other than Purple Kush. We'll see on the smoke report if it is still pure Purple Kush or not.

LOL! I really like the purple jumping jandre, though.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

K-8 is my Vegetative space for all clones that have rooted, and have survived Neonatal Care.

I do appologise for not explaining clearer ;)
I understand the phase, but i dont know what 'k-8' means...if you spoke to a random non grower in the street, the words 'maternity ward', The hatchery' and 'Neonatal Care' would all prduce an image in the mind of that person...what is a k-8? ;)
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I do appologise for not explaining clearer ;)
I understand the phase, but i dont know what 'k-8' means...if you spoke to a random non grower in the street, the words 'maternity ward', The hatchery' and 'Neonatal Care' would all prduce an image in the mind of that person...what is a k-8? ;)

Kindergarten through 8th grade
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Finally caught up. Had an insane busy two weeks. Now I have 6 pages of email notices to respond to threads. Lookin really good Jandre.

I know what your heat is like. We hit 113 this week. My AC bill will probably be near $500 for the month damnit. Fortunately I harvested and all my lights n fans, but my T5's for veg are off so I'm saving probably 1500 watts per hour for a couple weeks.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Yeah, my back shaded porch thermometer read 114* and the one in the sun was pegged at 126* at 1500 yesterday 7/12/2012. here's the stupid part... Overnight low was 62 so that means the mean temp was 89...

Right now it's 56.7* and 97% RH... I love the cool nights after days like yesterday, but the humidity being at 86% just SUX in the heat.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

ROFL! I like it! I'm going with Jandre Kush right now until I get the stable pheno of one I like, and then I'll spend some time with her, just like I did with my daughter, before I name her. The only reason for Jandre Kush, is the simple fact that I can't claim Purple Kush, because these seeds may be crossed with something other than Purple Kush. We'll see on the smoke report if it is still pure Purple Kush or not.

LOL! I really like the purple jumping jandre, though.

Talk about personal stash!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

HAHAdamn man your on ur grind here

reading and catching up on your journal reminded me how this could be funn again..

ugh i hate how i ended up mentally at this stage of the game!

oh well brother keep at it!

i love your setup and organization skills

something i seriously lack....


Damn, it's good to see you up and about. I was worried about you my friend. Please don't stay gone this long again. I err... ahem... I uhh...

*fuckit* I missed you bro.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Lmao- nice...i get it completely now.
divided by a common language ;)
here we start with a nursery, then they move up to pre-school and then primary school, which goes from year R (reception?) to year 6.

I have to concede, frankly, that I'm amazed and surprised to find that Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha has such a similar lexicon, when it comes to levels of schooling, as the land of the "free" and the home of the indebted... Who 'da thunk it?!
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

I have to concede, frankly, that I'm amazed and surprised to find that Galactic Sector ZZ9 Plural Z Alpha has such a similar lexicon, when it comes to levels of schooling, as the land of the "free" and the home of the indebted... Who 'da thunk it?!

LOL! It's all about the improbability drive. At a probability of 345,354,765,123,786:1 it happened to have the same names! Once you think about it, it'll hit you like slice of lemon, wrapped 'round a large gold brick.

As for the rest of it... remove the "R": Land of the FEE and home of the indebted.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

im gonna be a little cheeky here guys, but im going to take advantage of this captive audience to steer our collective knowledge.
could you pro's (especially those already into highbrix please take a peek into this thread.
Curso's Semi-High Brix Take One - Featuring Blueberry Gum - La Musa & Purple Urkle

I found a bit of data that i think is solid gold and im bringing it to a jeweller to get it appraised (you guys).

if this data is as useful as i think it is, combined with our growing knowledge of highbrix and organic living, the merging of all these facets of horticulture may even mean that we at 420 bring our plants up to and maybe even exceed (because every boffin thinks their way is the best way and will rarely use someone elses methods untill the benefits are undeniable) the level at which standard leading edge growers are at.
re: Cardboard Flowerbox Test 3 - 41 Week Perpetual SOG

Awww, NUTZ!! it seems that I was confused as to what was what while looking at the canopy....

These are 2 jandre kush seedlings...culled of course as I am not prepared to house males at this time, however, since I know these are regular seeds now, I can set up for housing and flowering males in the future.

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