Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

I love when the flag comes out to measure the height,
And that one only goes to 21 inches.. I'm going to need a taller flag in a day or 2...
Looking spot on in there Carcass, and it's another masterpiece grow.
Thank You, Shed! She's really reminding me of the GSC from awhile back.. :love:
(I'm still smokin' on that one daily- best weed ever, imo)

the perfect addition to any garage.
It really is- a 120v outlet, 4 square feet of floorspace, and a little ingenuity is all you need...👍
She's behaving just like a CarcassPlant®!

You just keep repeating yourself. (Hope you're not like that in conversations. ):)

That second pic really messed with me!

I was like, "That's what he's found to do with the Easy Weed?"😁
She's behaving just like a CarcassPlant®!
Thank You, GDB- she'd be even better-behaved if she stopped getting bigger right about now...
I was like, "That's what he's found to do with the Easy Weed?"😁
Ha!- Tbh, I forgot I had that stuff till Justin mentioned that he was using it- so I dug it out of "storage" to use on this plant...and, the container happens to be just the right size to hold the light open a little...(if I open it any further, everything on top of the light slides off onto the floor)
I'm also adding a smidge of it to her water every day now, since she's starting to flower...
Thank You, GDB- she'd be even better-behaved if she stopped getting bigger right about now...

Ha!- Tbh, I forgot I had that stuff till Justin mentioned that he was using it- so I dug it out of "storage" to use on this plant...and, the container happens to be just the right size to hold the light open a little...(if I open it any further, everything on top of the light slides off onto the floor)
I'm also adding a smidge of it to her water every day now, since she's starting to flower...
Is that all you're gonna' do to supplement the Dots?
Is that all you're gonna' do to supplement the Dots?
No, that's just a part of it.
I've got 2 or 3 Prescription Blend kits, might as well start using that stuff up.
If it works, I'm set for a year or so, if I can't make it work, I'm going to order some of the same nutes you use "after Dots"...:)
No, that's just a part of it.
I've got 2 or 3 Prescription Blend kits, might as well start using that stuff up.
If it works, I'm set for a year or so, if I can't make it work, I'm going to order some of the same nutes you use "after Dots"...:)
PB should do really well!

I wish they were still around.
No, that's just a part of it.
I've got 2 or 3 Prescription Blend kits, might as well start using that stuff up.
If it works, I'm set for a year or so, if I can't make it work, I'm going to order some of the same nutes you use "after Dots"...:)
PB is some great nutes and I have a couple left myself. But I really wish they were still available. CL🍀
PB should do really well!
So far, so good, GDB- I actually started adding the PB nutes about 5 days ago, at the first sign of the Grow Dots wearing out (rusty/yellowish spots on lowest leaves)
But I really wish they were still available. CL🍀
I've never used them before, but I can't recall ever reading anything negative about them..except that they went out of business.... :straightface:
Good morning C Sparkles ✨

She looks great! Fingers crossed I do better on our Take 2.

I have PoTM aspirations for this one. I really do.

And finally- a shot of the ugly ol' box...

Don't let anyone put down that cardboard box!
So true!

I remember teasing him about his ugly grow box when I first joined (coz in my country sledging is a sign of love) and I had a gaggle of angry posters wanting to lynch me over it! I even got serious PM’s saying “don’t diss da box”.

Fun times.

So far, so good, GDB- I actually started adding the PB nutes about 5 days ago, at the first sign of the Grow Dots wearing out (rusty/yellowish spots on lowest leaves)

I've never used them before, but I can't recall ever reading anything negative about them..except that they went out of business.... :straightface:
I think you’ll be impressed with the PB. It’s ez 2 use and customize if necessary. CL🍀
She looks great! Fingers crossed I do better on our Take 2.
Thank You, T! I know you'll do just fine, probably better than me...👍
I even got serious PM’s saying “don’t diss da box”.
the ugly is only skin deep....
It's what's on the inside that counts...😉
I think you’ll be impressed with the PB.
I am impressed! this was her, first thing this morning- she couldn't be much happier...👍
This is day 5 of the Rx Blend nutes, so I'd say they're definitely working, and working well.. :)<-(me)

bg41 day 14d.jpg
Thank You, T! I know you'll do just fine, probably better than me...👍

the ugly is only skin deep....
It's what's on the inside that counts...😉

I am impressed! this was her, first thing this morning- she couldn't be much happier...👍
This is day 5 of the Rx Blend nutes, so I'd say they're definitely working, and working well.. :)<-(me)

bg41 day 14d.jpg
Looks healthy n happy praying to the light 💡. CL🍀. :thumb: :welldone:
Man look at her show out! :Rasta:

A begin-to-end, water-only nutrient would be nice, but it's probably a bit much to ask. But having something like Dots will let you go for a while with water only and build you a nice looking plant. Then they disappear and allow you to use whatever you like to finish the plant off. And that's kinda' nice too, IMO!
Yeah, that's pretty cool- almost two months of "water only" growing with the Dots, then just feed your choice of (mostly) flowering nutes till she's done.

It's looking like it might just be that easy...I'll know for sure in a week or so...
Time for the "last Monday before Christmas" Update!
(sorry it's so late, had a family thing earlier...)

The 75 day old Blue Gelato 41 is doing pretty well, she grew 5.5 inches in the last week..for a total of 16" of stretch- she started 12/12 - 20 days ago @ 10 inches tall...

She's 26" tall now, which, coincidentally, is also the height limit in the ol' box...:oops:...fortunately, she got done stretching yesterday (🤞)...It's also day 12 of the RxBlend nutes, which I started using on her day 50 in the Grow Dots/SIP- and they seem to be working very well.

That blue sticker on the back wall marks the height limit in the box, so she's right there...nice that she's big, but it makes it hard to get good pics when I/you can't see the whole plant at once...I'd like to bring her out for pics, but she no longer fits through the door.
I turned the light down to 175w (from 210) so the tops don't get fried- 57k lux at the canopy should be enough to keep her happy..the canopy is 12" from the light...

The view through the big's pretty dark down at the bottom of the doesn't really look like it, but I did remove about a pound of leaves and branches on Tuesday...

Had to lay on the ground for this shot...

Through both doors

I added a dark background so you can see how she's stacking up- this one is over a foot long.

A bud- starting to see some trichomes ..

Another bud- I don't think she could be any healthier right now...I hope that continues..

So, I think we've finally figured out what to do when the Grow Dots run out of gas.
The Dots feed her for apx. 50 days, so, at the 50 day mark, you start feeding her your nutrients of choice, and it makes for a seamless transition from Dots to conventional nutrients.
No need to wait till things start turning yellow...

It is just that easy...👍

And that's about it for this update,
Thank You for stopping by,
I appreciate your support..:love:

I hope everyone's week is a good one!
A wonderful plant! And she stopped moving on up right on time!

You off the floor yet? 😁
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