Carcass' $150 Low Budget Grow 2019

Happy Holidaze Carcass!🎄
That plant is a Christmas miracle just what we expected!
She's a little more than I expected- I guess she wasn't quite done growing last week..😬
Happy Holidaze Carcass!🎄
Thanks so much, CM! I hope your Christmas was a good one!

In fact, I hope everyone's Christmas was a good one, and you all have an awesome New Year:love:

And now it's time for a little Update on the @Barney's Farm Blue Gelato 41- She's 84 days old, in her SIP for 70 of those days.
Her Grow Dots ran out of juice about ten days ago, on day 60..fortunately, I started her on Rx Blend nutes 14 days ago, so I skipped the usual yellow-leaf dropping thing that happens when the Dots stop working...


She's getting a bit close to the light (10") so I'm watching for light damage- but, so far she's handling the 59k lux pretty well..
It's day 28 of 12/12, but she's only actually been flowering for about 19 days..even though she's stretched 18", her canopy still looks pretty good...

A little peek thru both doors

Here's the 20" of her that you can see through the big door...
Bottom 20 inches.jpg

A closer look- those red leaf petioles must be genetic, because I don't think her feed is lacking anything right now...

It's a battle to keep her (what I think is) warm enough out in the cold garage (50f in there today)...although, her SIP sits on a heat mat, so her roots stay toasty warm all the time, and that seems to keep her pretty happy- her leaves are praying 95% of the time when the light is on.

And finally, a couple of happy little buds..

Happy bud #2:
bud 2.jpg

And that's where she's at today...
Thank You for looking, I appreciate your support..:love:
And have a Happy New Year!
Thanks, Shed!
Perfect time for Jack Frost to come nipping at your nose leaves!
I think the low temps are bothering me quite a bit more than they're bothering her...🤔

Thank You, Stone!
Seamless nute blending man!
My Rx Blend kit is no longer a doorstop! and I'm actually amazed at how well it works!
it's a real shame that they went out of business...😦
Those heat mats work wonders too!
It seems like warm feet will keep just about anything happy... 😁
She's a little more than I expected- I guess she wasn't quite done growing last week..😬

Thanks so much, CM! I hope your Christmas was a good one!

In fact, I hope everyone's Christmas was a good one, and you all have an awesome New Year:love:

And now it's time for a little Update on the @Barney's Farm Blue Gelato 41- She's 84 days old, in her SIP for 70 of those days.
Her Grow Dots ran out of juice about ten days ago, on day 60..fortunately, I started her on Rx Blend nutes 14 days ago, so I skipped the usual yellow-leaf dropping thing that happens when the Dots stop working...


She's getting a bit close to the light (10") so I'm watching for light damage- but, so far she's handling the 59k lux pretty well..
It's day 28 of 12/12, but she's only actually been flowering for about 19 days..even though she's stretched 18", her canopy still looks pretty good...

A little peek thru both doors

Here's the 20" of her that you can see through the big door...
Bottom 20 inches.jpg

A closer look- those red leaf petioles must be genetic, because I don't think her feed is lacking anything right now...

It's a battle to keep her (what I think is) warm enough out in the cold garage (50f in there today)...although, her SIP sits on a heat mat, so her roots stay toasty warm all the time, and that seems to keep her pretty happy- her leaves are praying 95% of the time when the light is on.

And finally, a couple of happy little buds..

Happy bud #2:
bud 2.jpg

And that's where she's at today...
Thank You for looking, I appreciate your support..:love:
And have a Happy New Year!
Nice buds forming there ,looking good :welldone:
I hope you had a good holiday. Sending you lots of Xmas loves! :love:
Thank you, HH! And a belated Merry Christmas to you and yours (sorry- I didn't get by your journal before Christmas) I hope the new year is good to you and the family! :love:
Nice buds forming there ,looking good
Thanks, Absorber! ...and she's got a few more than I expected...
I’m in love with her!
I'm finding very little about her that I don't like...🤔
That's a stunner.
Have a great day and a winning new years.
Thank You, Lerugged!
I hope the new year is a good one for you and yours, and your @Table Mountain Sativa Co really takes off in '24!👍
Wishing you and your fam the best and healthiest of new year’s.

I also thought it to be a good time to let you know you’ve had a few more offspring come to fruition this past year. Not sure how it works for your taxes but you are the responsible one.

Cannabiogen Destroyer not one of my better grows but the finished bud is absolutely my fav smoke right now. full flavored and rock hard nugs. A delicious heavy hitting smoke. Love it.

Wookiees. Same grow as the destroyer and it just wasn‘t nice. It was actually down right ugly.
Only one seed popped and came up, but the problem was it came up 18 days after the other plants had already started and it was in with another plant at the time. I had to get it out and having no more room I put it in a solo cup and made a 1/2 gal wick hydro base. A nice 😂 6” cola was the result. I’ll probably give it a try tomorrow it’s been curing for 90+ days now.

Dark Devil. Just finished and she’s in the fridge doing a slow cure. This was a, I'm back on track grow and she came out just as I’d hoped for. For me there’s nothing like starting the 1st winter grow with a Dark Devil. The colors of them are just freakin bold. Love them. She is much darker than the photos show and should finish right at 5ozs. That’s good for me and the autos.

Thanks you SoCal surfer dude for helping to give me a sweet flora and smoke filled 2023

Wishing you and your fam the best and healthiest of new year’s.

I also thought it to be a good time to let you know you’ve had a few more offspring come to fruition this past year. Not sure how it works for your taxes but you are the responsible one.

Cannabiogen Destroyer not one of my better grows but the finished bud is absolutely my fav smoke right now. full flavored and rock hard nugs. A delicious heavy hitting smoke. Love it.

Wookiees. Same grow as the destroyer and it just wasn‘t nice. It was actually down right ugly.
Only one seed popped and came up, but the problem was it came up 18 days after the other plants had already started and it was in with another plant at the time. I had to get it out and having no more room I put it in a solo cup and made a 1/2 gal wick hydro base. A nice 😂 6” cola was the result. I’ll probably give it a try tomorrow it’s been curing for 90+ days now.

Dark Devil. Just finished and she’s in the fridge doing a slow cure. This was a, I'm back on track grow and she came out just as I’d hoped for. For me there’s nothing like starting the 1st winter grow with a Dark Devil. The colors of them are just freakin bold. Love them. She is much darker than the photos show and should finish right at 5ozs. That’s good for me and the autos.

Thanks you SoCal surfer dude for helping to give me a sweet flora and smoke filled 2023

Love that Destroyer, one of the most interesting tastes and Sativa highs ever. It’s gone into a lot of my crosses and always adds flavor and punch, occasionally some purple too.
More eye candy for the huddled masses!

You grow a beauty and repeat, grow a beauty and repeat, grow a beauty and repeat,.

But it doesn't get old! :Rasta:
Have a terrific New Year's Eve Carcass, and even even happier new year to you and all! 🥂
Thank You so much, Shed! Nova and I were the only ones still awake to ring in the New Year..
Wishing you and your fam the best and healthiest of new year’s.
Nev! Great to see you! I hope you and the family have a great 2024!
I also thought it to be a good time to let you know you’ve had a few more offspring come to fruition this past year.
Cool! you grew them all!
Thanks you SoCal surfer dude for helping to give me a sweet flora and smoke filled 2023
You're very welcome, Nev!
Love that Destroyer, one of the most interesting tastes and Sativa highs ever.
I'm going to grow one of those Destroyers outdoors this summer- I dig that name, we'll see if it lives up to it... 🤔
More eye candy for the huddled masses!
I second what GDB said above!
Thanks guys- and she's still doing that "pretty" thing today...:hmmmm:

Seems like a good time for a little Update, so here goes!

The @Barney's Farm Blue Gelato 41 is 90 days old today, 77 of those days in her SIP...flipped to 12-12 35 days ago, flowering for apx.28 days...

The SaugaView:

I turned the light down to 60w (from 170) for the overhead pics- it makes her green look a little different...

She's 28" tall, for the most part- but there's a few 29's in there too. she's 9 or 10 inches from the light- definitely almost too tall..(57k lux @ the canopy):oops:

Here's the 20" of her that you can't see from the top..that yellow string is still doing a good job of keeping her buds off the walls..

She's all up in the fans- it gets a little noisy when the leaves get sucked in...

The buds are usually 3 or 4 inches below the fans...but not this time...
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A few of her buds:

Things are getting a bit frosty in there...
11 J.jpg

this bud looks like it means business...we might see a little color on her before she's done..:ganjamon:
10 J.jpg

It's also her 21st day of Rx Blend nutes, and she's extremely happy with them...

I also want to mention ProMix HP- I've been growing in it for 2 years now- no need to ph your water with this stuff- the buffering (lime) in it does that for you. I haven't pH'd anything for the last 2 years.
So, if you're looking for a potting soil that makes your job a little easier, think about giving ProMix a shot...

A special "Thank You" goes out to @Trala ❤️- this grow wouldn't have been possible without her generosity..👍

And that's about it for my first update of 2024..
Thank You for looking, I appreciate your support...:peace::love:
Have a great week, see you next time!
So evenly green
Thanks, Shed- It's nice not having the yellows show up when the Dots wear out...
NYE must have been a blast with just you and Nova. What a memory!
It was fun- We listened to all the illegal fireworks that, apparently, all my neighbors were firing off- sounded like a battlefield around here!🧨💣
Great pics! 📸
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