CaptainLucky's First Indoor Golden Tiger Grow 2023

Update: I still haven’t received my lime from zon so I have to wait another day before I uppot my GT or do any more training. But now that I already put my poped beans into Solos my perlite arrives but with a tear in the bag. Smh All my girls were fed their usual diet of @Prescription Blend with the ph at 6.4% + 71degrees. I’m happy to see that my Chocolate Thai has taken to the car hooks without any issues and is still looking happy n healthy. As are all my ladies and with the cooler weather it’s not been as difficult to keep the tent temperature within the 80s. I did notice a little nute burn on my Golden Tigers leaf tips and adjusted accordingly her percentage of nutes. I hope everyone’s doing well and their gardens are too. That’s it for today and please remember to support the Sponsors and vote. CL🍀 :welcome: :thanks::420:










Update: I just got back from the post office to find out why my Panama X Bangi beans 🫘 haven’t been re delivered. It seems that a certificate was missing and the U.S. Department of Agriculture destroyed them. Unbelievable! CL🍀




Update: I just got back from the post office to find out why my Panama X Bangi beans 🫘 haven’t been re delivered. It seems that a certificate was missing and the U.S. Department of Agriculture destroyed them. Unbelievable! CL🍀




That Sucks
:welcome:Update: The latest news from zon is that my lime is out for delivery today sometime before 10:00 pm. Since it’s already too late today for any kind of work with my Golden Tiger it’ll be tomorrow. But the ladies were all fed their individual diets of @Prescription Blend ph 6.4 @ 71degrees. Will update with pictures tomorrow. I hope everyone is having better luck than me and remember to support the Sponsors and vote. CL🍀. :thanks: :420:
have better luck with Amazon than you do, that's for sure!
Maybe it’s just because of my local distributor is overestimating their capabilities. Idk? Sometimes they’re spot on but whenever I need an item it’s seems like it’s always late. But I forgot to mention that I received it today @9:30 . CL🍀 :thanks: :420:


Maybe it’s just because of my local distributor is overestimating their capabilities. Idk? Sometimes they’re spot on but whenever I need an item it’s seems like it’s always late. But I forgot to mention that I received it today @9:30 . CL🍀 :thanks: :420:


Btw @InTheShed how much do I use for a 5gl bag?Directions say 2-4 tbsp. per plant. CL🍀 :thanks:
I pH tested first and ended up around 3 Tbsp/gallon. I'd say you're fine at 1Tbsp/gallon since you're just reusing good soil.
Thank you kind Sir you are a Gentleman and a Scholar 🧐. 🤔. CL🍀 :thanks:
Update: Prepping for the Golden Tiger uppot. I added 5tbsp. of lime,I then added 2 quarts of perlite and 1quart of bokashi and some Frass. I then mixed thoroughly and wetted to activate the bokashi and Frass. I’m going to wait until tomorrow to uppot to give the bokashi n Frass time to activate per @Bill284. And since it’s lightly raining it’s on my deck collecting some. Happy 420 everyone and remember to support the Sponsors and vote. CL🍀
Edit; After looking at my half empty bag of perlite I realized that I prolly put 2 quarts in the bottom of my grow bag. CL🍀






Update: Prepping for the Golden Tiger uppot. I added 5tbsp. of lime,I then added 2 quarts of perlite and 1quart of bokashi and some Frass. I then mixed thoroughly and wetted to activate the bokashi and Frass. I’m going to wait until tomorrow to uppot to give the bokashi n Frass time to activate per @Bill284. And since it’s lightly raining it’s on my deck collecting some. Happy 420 everyone and remember to support the Sponsors and vote. CL🍀
Edit; After looking at my half empty bag of perlite I realized that I prolly put 2 quarts in the bottom of my grow bag. CL🍀






Don't forget to mist it to activate it. :thumb:

#VIVOSUN #Love What You Grow
Bill284 😎
Update: Happy 420 Everyone! :welcome: I had quite a busy day preparing last year’s soil for my Golden Tigers uppot along with trying to organize my growing supplies. I then fed all my ladies their individual percentages of @Prescription Blend.I think it’s one of the best and easiest to use cannabis fertilizer on the market. If you never used it I highly recommend it. Look 👀 at any other members thread that uses it and see for yourself what a great product it is. It’s a great feeling when you open up your tent in the morning and see how much growth you’ve had overnight. They were fed with a ph @6.4 + 71degrees until runoff. I’m noticing that my Chocolate Thai seems droopy until I feed her. I’m going to try cutting back the percentage on my light from 100% to 80% and see if that makes any difference. With the thinking 🤔 that she wasn’t just droopy but canoeing to. If that doesn’t work I’ll cut back on her watering/feeding some more. That’s it for today so until tomorrow please remember to support the Sponsors. Without their support @420 Magazine couldn’t do all the amazing work that they do and couldn’t provide us with this site. Also don’t forget to vote for your favorites in the contests. CL🍀:thanks: :circle-of-love: :circle-of-love: :420: :party: :cheer:










Update: Happy 420 Everyone! :welcome: I had quite a busy day preparing last year’s soil for my Golden Tigers uppot along with trying to organize my growing supplies. I then fed all my ladies their individual percentages of @Prescription Blend.I think it’s one of the best and easiest to use cannabis fertilizer on the market. If you never used it I highly recommend it. Look 👀 at any other members thread that uses it and see for yourself what a great product it is. It’s a great feeling when you open up your tent in the morning and see how much growth you’ve had overnight. They were fed with a ph @6.4 + 71degrees until runoff. I’m noticing that my Chocolate Thai seems droopy until I feed her. I’m going to try cutting back the percentage on my light from 100% to 80% and see if that makes any difference. With the thinking 🤔 that she wasn’t just droopy but canoeing to. If that doesn’t work I’ll cut back on her watering/feeding some more. That’s it for today so until tomorrow please remember to support the Sponsors. Without their support @420 Magazine couldn’t do all the amazing work that they do and couldn’t provide us with this site. Also don’t forget to vote for your favorites in the contests. CL🍀:thanks: :circle-of-love: :circle-of-love: :420: :party: :cheer:










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