Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg & More! CFL's - LED - HPS

You all are so sweet. I can't tell you how much I enjoy growing these plants! I could spend all day with them, it's such a relaxing feeling. LOL
The room that the veggie girls are in is a spare bedroom with a bed, I've fallen asleep in there twice just sittin' and thinkin'
Don't even have to smoke the stuff and it relaxes me.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter! I'm not saying one darned thing about the weather.....learnt my lesson there. :biglaugh:
You all are so sweet. I can't tell you how much I enjoy growing these plants! I could spend all day with them, it's such a relaxing feeling. LOL
The room that the veggie girls are in is a spare bedroom with a bed, I've fallen asleep in there twice just sittin' and thinkin'
Don't even have to smoke the stuff and it relaxes me.
Hope everyone has a wonderful Easter! I'm not saying one darned thing about the weather.....learnt my lesson there. :biglaugh:

I love growing these plants too! It's the only thing I really want to do anymore:laughtwo: I'm hopeful that as the movement gains momentum and my knowledge and skills increase, that there will be a spot for me to jump in so I can spend my time growing and helping people heal. That or live on the beach in Tulum drinking pina colada's in the sun all day. Either or would be just fine :)
Canna...just went through the last 10 pages...beautiful plants!

I was are the THC bomb plants doing?...also I noticed your auto question on 12/12...I have just started growing autos but I am very happy with the results of my first two grown 12/12 from seed...I just started two more under 18/6 to compare but so far I am sold on 12/12 ...DP had some very interesting observations in his thread on 12/12 actually increasing grow time and subsequently yield

Can't wait to catch up more on your excellent thread when I can see better (tiny iPhone lol)...great growing Canna!
I shall be naming my Revegging Plant in honor of one of our members, Bassman59 who is a new fallen warrior to these unjust laws.
The plant will be named B59.
I'll try to get some details, I just read a post from Light Addict on it.

Bassman Jamaican Sugar tribute plant I got for him is the biggest seedling I have atm :) good vibes for our fallen soldier! I hope he has victory in courts!!!!
Canna...just went through the last 10 pages...beautiful plants!

I was are the THC bomb plants doing?...also I noticed your auto question on 12/12...I have just started growing autos but I am very happy with the results of my first two grown 12/12 from seed...I just started two more under 18/6 to compare but so far I am sold on 12/12 ...DP had some very interesting observations in his thread on 12/12 actually increasing grow time and subsequently yield

Can't wait to catch up more on your excellent thread when I can see better (tiny iPhone lol)...great growing Canna!

Some autos are bred in winter in places like California , if this occurs they will flower better in 12/12 conditions.
If you back cross them they will want the 18/6 eventually more so than 12/12. Or that is my observation from experience and research lol... I watch closely the value of light hours and see how it triggers metabolism as well , your comparison will be vital important for us who might be interested inthe strains you are using. I am eager to find out for sure!
Some autos are bred in winter in places like California , if this occurs they will flower better in 12/12 conditions.
If you back cross them they will want the 18/6 eventually more so than 12/12. Or that is my observation from experience and research lol... I watch closely the value of light hours and see how it triggers metabolism as well , your comparison will be vital important for us who might be interested inthe strains you are using. I am eager to find out for sure!

Very interesting info...makes sense to me...I'll post my diva auto was 12/12 only because I only had one seed but the heavyweight vast & fast I have a bunch of so I will be able to do a fair comparison...going to do 12/12, 18/6 to 12/12, and 18/6
One pic today:
This is B-59 Reveg White Widow, White Widow Boo boo girl, and Fruit Auto.
I've been rotating the plants every morning so they get an even amount of light.
I am really happy with how the B-59 is doing! Really full. :)


And here's the white widow clone in veg:

Happy 420 Canna, and a wonderful Easter to you and yours!

So jealous of yous guys who get to grow outside. Someday. Are you going drop some seeds or get some clones vegging indoors and them put them out side so they get a longer season and grow a little larger?

That B59, is AWESOME! Still totally into that reveg. It took a while, but what a beaut. Thinking about re-vegging my Obama to make some feminized Obama Kush seeds!
Happy 420 Canna, and a wonderful Easter to you and yours!

So jealous of yous guys who get to grow outside. Someday. Are you going drop some seeds or get some clones vegging indoors and them put them out side so they get a longer season and grow a little larger?

That B59, is AWESOME! Still totally into that reveg. It took a while, but what a beaut. Thinking about re-vegging my Obama to make some feminized Obama Kush seeds!

Hi SweetLeef and happy Easter/420 to you too!
I am not sure If I am going to drop any seeds outside, I have enough from the home grown seeds that I could do it. But I have to watch my plant count here. I have some clones in the bubble cloner now, so I'll see how many of those come through for me. I really am excited to try some outdoor and this week I will be working on the "green house" area to get set up for it. It's really a great spot, there is running water there in case of any droughts. I might even rig up a soaker hose to go around it on a timer. Like a kid at Christmas. LOL
I agree with you on the reveg, if all of them turned out wild like this one did it would certainly be worth the effort. I will reserve that until I see what the buds will turn out like though. You can get a plant really full by using the fluxing technique on a plant, that's a bit more work, but the way it spread out is well worth the effort too.

Here's one that I started out fluxing a bit late, but you can see how full it is:


Experiments....gotta love em!
Thanks for the pics Canna, and the update, and the lovely ladies you have...neigh are :)

Thanks for labeling the pics too, I'm trying to catch up with everyone's grows, but when you got 30 different plants in your head its get's a bit makes keeping current, whilst catching up way easier... :)

Happy Easter and 420 day to you.
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