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Update on Bassman tribute plant "Jamaican Sugar"
2 weeks old
I'd probably scrap that particular girl after harvesting her and all her clones, although I'd also give a seed or two from her a whirl to see what comes of them; and yes they should hypothetically be femmed.
They are looking great! Good luck on that harvest. Make some room for some new ladies!!!
Hi Canna, I once grew for seed, just kept feeding. I only use worm wee for the most part, so just continued with that.

I don't know if you SHOULD or SHOULDN'T do this...seemed to work for me but, can't answer the question with any knowledge.

Just saying hi, more than anything :)
Taking me a week to catch up. Just wanted to chime in.
Hey Canna... Is the season long enough to grow outside there? If so are ya gonna do it? I've planted an entire little garden to make my potted up flux all stealth like and the thought of leaving it outside to her own devices is starting to cause me stress so maybe if you were doing it too.... seeing you got all them seeds and stuff..... well it's something to think about. I'll give ya plenty of time..:popcorn:.. really no pressure here...Oh if I didn't tell ya I love that SBR. I am so glad there are so many of her still to come. Just sayin'.:circle-of-love:
Okay all you seed lovers....If I wanted to allow a plant to seed should I keep feeding it nutrients or would plain Ph'd water be sufficient?


I would imagine that in order to form an abundance of healthy seeds, nutrients should be applied as normal, it's no different than growing a seedless orange vs. a regular orange. Each one needs those lovely nutrients to grow healthy :Namaste:
Hi Canna, I once grew for seed, just kept feeding. I only use worm wee for the most part, so just continued with that.

I don't know if you SHOULD or SHOULDN'T do this...seemed to work for me but, can't answer the question with any knowledge.

Just saying hi, more than anything :)

Hi back atcha TassieDevil! And I think the general consensus is that I should keep on with the nutes. So I will do that. :)

Congratulations Canna 10K likes!
Wow, thanks for posting that screen shot! I haven't looked at that number in ages. Thanks EVERYONE. :circle-of-love:

Taking me a week to catch up. Just wanted to chime in.

Take your time Cannabis 1, I changed my mind on a lot of things during this grow as you will see. LOL Glad to have you here. :)

Congratulations :party:


Hey Canna... Is the season long enough to grow outside there? If so are ya gonna do it? I've planted an entire little garden to make my potted up flux all stealth like and the thought of leaving it outside to her own devices is starting to cause me stress so maybe if you were doing it too.... seeing you got all them seeds and stuff..... well it's something to think about. I'll give ya plenty of time..:popcorn:.. really no pressure here...Oh if I didn't tell ya I love that SBR. I am so glad there are so many of her still to come. Just sayin'.:circle-of-love:
Hi Dennise, yes I plan to grow outside as soon as the frost warnings are done. The season should be long enough and I have plenty of seeds to play with. I am going to be working on the area where I will plant over the weekend. It has to be a locked area, so I have to get some permanent doors on it with locks. SHeesh. LOL It's going to be interesting....the bugs ya know. I have lots of SNS spray in case I get the dreaded mites and aphids. :)

I would imagine that in order to form an abundance of healthy seeds, nutrients should be applied as normal, it's no different than growing a seedless orange vs. a regular orange. Each one needs those lovely nutrients to grow healthy :Namaste:

Makes perfect sense Lester. I guess I'm just being a cheapy and thought I could save on the nutes. LOL I'll keep feeding it till flush time. :thumb:
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