Cannafan's Perpetual Grow White Widow-Master Kush Reveg & More! CFL's - LED - HPS

Hi Dennise, yes I plan to grow outside as soon as the frost warnings are done. The season should be long enough and I have plenty of seeds to play with. I am going to be working on the area where I will plant over the weekend. It has to be a locked area, so I have to get some permanent doors on it with locks. SHeesh. LOL It's going to be interesting....the bugs ya know. I have lots of SNS spray in case I get the dreaded mites and aphids. :)
Plant a little corn and some tomatos close to them; the bugs that like corn are repulsed by tomatos and the bugs that like tomatos are repulsed by corn...that should knock out a bunch of them from the git
Plant a little corn and some tomatos close to them; the bugs that like corn are repulsed by tomatos and the bugs that like tomatos are repulsed by corn...that should knock out a bunch of them from the git

As the plants move into flower and the corn ripens there will be an added bonus. Skunks love corn! You'll be able to blame the odor on the skunks when they move in. I know how much you miss the skunks living under the shed, Canna. :blunt:
I have played skunk soccer many times and never seen a skunk spray lol When I worked at the mink ranch as a pelter I found Mink stank worse haha cutting a musk gland by accident would often clear the entire room of pelters in a hurry lmao.... I am glad I do not do that sort of work anymore though , it has no purpose and is just plain mean to critters for money. But skunks are naughty since they roam free and love living near people. If you chase them they musk the ground as they run away and that is how it gets on me. I use Mink Soap to get rid of skunk and Mink Musk when I get contaminated lol Can not find it anymore since they shut down the ranch.....
Peejay, I just about rolled off the chair laughing at that. :rofl:

WildroseBud, I hear ya. LOL I must have some really mean ones here, I can't even count the number of times I've had to douse a dog with several baths of tomato juice to clear the well as a couple of cats. I had one cat that I had to push into the shower and close the shower doors. She was yelling "MOMMMMM" I swear she was yelling MOM! LOL
They spray on a whim 'round these parts.
And don't let anyone tell you that baby skunkies can't spray...they love to practice. Maybe not as much spray as Momma...but it's there.
No skunks. One advantage of city life but when it gets cold we see zillions of fox & minks. (On human backs) LOL...
What's a Fricker?
I thought he was referring to another wild animal. So is Jam trying to say New Yorkers eat Skunk? If he is he may be right. In this city, if your moneys right you can eat nearly anything from anywhere on earth.
Did you think I would miss that JOURNAL link in your signature??? Finally you got one going! I'm heading right over there to sub up. :cheer:
Yeah, took your advice and got a inexpensive camera back in Feb; frick'in kids bolowed on me for both my B-day and X-mas on the "hopeful" gift factor, lol. Finally put the DVD in the other day to semi-learn how to use it...btw, what the ef is the "macro" on/off crap?
I thought he was referring to another wild animal. So is Jam trying to say New Yorkers eat Skunk? If he is he may be right. In this city, if your moneys right you can eat nearly anything from anywhere on earth.
Only the "foxy" ones wearing "minks" my brother...although, me thinks perhaps Michigan has the monopoly on foxes.
Nah Jam. Even the ugly ones wear mink here. :laughtwo: Guys & gals.
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