Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Im just glad I was wrong lol, at first I spotted the nooses and thought you gone all medieval on some poor Moles :) :) then I read on and relaxed he he!


You're giving me

Hey, if you're out and about, I have a question.
How far apart would you think the optimum spacing should be for these light clusters? I'm going to make a new housing to separate them more for the light to spread more.

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Good lord, Canna, always thinking and on the make my head spin....have to shout out about the Canna touch with the table cloth over the work bench...that's so clean, efficient, and simple...I like the way your mind similar to are absolutely killing it.....:thumb:

I like to plan early for the winter. You never really know when it will hit in this state, I want to be prepared this year.
If you're like me, there is a place for everything and everything in it's place. ;-) I hate cluster "F"s and disorganization. :loopy:

I am really excited about how this new grow space is going to work. I'm finding it to be much more convenient in many ways than in the house. Everything is one place and I don't have to burn my needed calories trucking around from room to room to outside, to the garage for dirt and water....etc. etc.

How are things going for you? Got the clean up all done for the indoor grow?
BTW, did you send a friend request on Skype? I got one I don't recognize and I don't answer them unless I know who they are. Got bitten once doing that by someone trying to get me to their porn site and then couldn't remove them from the friends list. Grrrr.. LOL
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

<<<"Let's talk about sex, Baby....">>>

:thedoubletake: :bigblush: :love:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Yeah, I know...Mom would give me a fairly stern "the look" on that, but that song kept running through my head while I was checking for pistils.


not "THE LOOK" :rollingeyes:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I like to plan early for the winter. You never really know when it will hit in this state, I want to be prepared this year.
If you're like me, there is a place for everything and everything in it's place. ;-) I hate cluster "F"s and disorganization. :loopy:

I am really excited about how this new grow space is going to work. I'm finding it to be much more convenient in many ways than in the house. Everything is one place and I don't have to burn my needed calories trucking around from room to room to outside, to the garage for dirt and water....etc. etc.

How are things going for you? Got the clean up all done for the indoor grow?
BTW, did you send a friend request on Skype? I got one I don't recognize and I don't answer them unless I know who they are. Got bitten once doing that by someone trying to get me to their porn site and then couldn't remove them from the friends list. Grrrr.. LOL

Like you, Canna, I am always 2 seasons we are in the dog days of summer, but I am already planning for the middle of winter...

I did not send a friend request on skype....

I am almost finished with the cleanup...what a cluster f that was, so daunting to sanitize everything, thank god it was in the summer; most things I brought outside, which was much easier.....

I have been new seedlings, now 6 weeks old are under CFL's in the dining room facing east, and they go out on the front porch facing west for 15 hours a day....3 clones have been taken from them so far....I want to get a perpetual going with 12 plants a month.....

anyway, getting excited to get my official grow on again, make some improvements and adjustments in the rooms after lessons learned.....and there has been a lot to learn, always.....keeps us humble, eh?
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

UPDATE 8-8-15

"Let's talk about sex, Baby...."

I have female confirmation on two more plants in the screen house. Sleestack Skunk #2, and THC Bomb #2 which is a beautiful full plant.

The Wildlings are now at 6 female and one DUDE. Still waiting on two of them.


Thats a pretty nice ratio, if you ask me. :blushsmile: Very nice.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

UPDATE 8-12-15 Seedlings/Garage grow room and indoor stuff:

First off, I decided to wait another week on the Pyramid purple plant for chopping. Saturday will be chop day for sure. I may be chopping two more the following weekend, one being the Buddha. I will have pictures of the indoor girls and the outdoor kids over the weekend too.

I have the garage room all set up and in use. I took the seedlings out there and put them under the CFL fixture until I get one of the LED's out there after chopping. Two have been up-potted and I will hopefully do the rest this morning before work.
I also decided to fim all of them. The tallest one is the White Widow Feminised, I topped it and put the top in to root. Hopefully it works out. I did that with one of the other WW x MK also. I actually fimmed all of them, and will begin some LST soon.

I'll label them all as they get new pots and get some better pics over the weekend.
There is quite a bit of heat generated by the CFL fixture, so I don't think I will need to worry about that for a little while yet. :)

I have some minor organizing, wiring and electrical set up things to do yet, but it's ready now to use. Things got a bit cluttered while getting everything out there.




re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!


Well, my weekend got booked up so I decided to go ahead with chop day on Pyramid Purple.

All in all I'm very happy with what this plant did under the Budmaster LED and using the home brew soil mix I made with PeeJay's recommendations. I did not have to use any nutrients throughout the cycle, I only used an additive with molasses etc. for flower a couple of times. No problems with leaves, normal lower leaf yellowing as the plant used them up.

Here she is before chop:





I like to trim my buds while still on the stalks, I can pull most of the leaves off with no problem and it gives me stability for the rest of the trimming. These aren't trimmed real close, this isn't for smoking bud, it's going to be used for RSO. There's no sense getting all fancy and purty with the trimming. LOL





Here's wet weight, 6.25 oz. This includes the stems, which weigh very little. Not too bad for an Auto Flowering? I've never grown them before.


Nothing will go to waste on the plant. The stems/stalk and large fan leaves will be used to infuse cooking oils. The popcorn bud, which there weren't too many of, and the sugar leaves will be used for Cannabutter.


All hung up in the closet to dry. I use the clip style hangers with clothespins too, they work out pretty well.


I'm happy. :surf:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

UPDATE 8-13-15 Wildlings:

:thanks: guys for the reps and comments on Pyramid Purple harvest!

Here are the Wildlings this week. They do look like they are doing better. I didn't see near as many of the Leafhoppers, this could be due to the breeding season over with. Not sure, but it's a good thing. :)

First up, there is no doubt on the boyhood of this plant. It was one of two smaller plants that were found a few feet away from the others in the woods. It could be a totally different strain, no clue. It got yanked and out of there! RIP



The rest of them are girls! 8 gals:









Two of them are pretty lanky and tall. I think this is due to the area they are planted in. They aren't getting as much light as the other plants due to a large oak tree shading that corner.

I'll have the screen house gals and Top Gal in a bit.

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

UPDATE Screen house and Top Gal 8-13-15

I'll update this post as I get pictures. First up is Top Gal. She is looking mighty fine!



I'm going to be chopping down the problem purple plant this morning. There is literally not much to her and it's starting to look a bit dying. Not sure what happened to that plant, but it's not going to produce anything in the way of seeds or anything else for that matter. Lower bud looks musty. I'm not sure I will even use it for anything, needs a good bud wash for sure before I decide.
I'll have a pic of what I chopped later. Trust won't be much to look at other than a pretty color. LOL

Pics of screen house girls in a bit.

Okay, finally done with pictures today!
I'm thinking if these girls in the screen house spread out anymore I'm going to run out of walking room in there and have to water them from outside.
Here they all are, still waiting on sex on a couple of them. One of them needed a drink pretty bad, she sucks up a lot of water probably because she's up front getting more sun. I'm going to rotate this weekend.








re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Congrats on the PYRAMID PURPLE chop Partner...
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

How are the Wildlings?

HI Cajun, update a couple days ago.
Here's the post:

Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I may have to take some water in there tomorrow, we have had very little rain and it's supposed to be 90-ish the next two days.
I've had to water the screen house gals more often again.

Garage grow is in progress, all the seedlings have been up-potted and are under the Smart Grow Tech. LED light. I have started a gentle LST on them also. Pics in a bit...

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