Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I'm keeping the gallery moderator busy......:laughtwo:

The plant I supercropped day before yesterday repaired herself already.I guess I didn't do it right, I sure pinched it and twisted though... :laughtwo:


The flowering has begun in the Haven!



This is some kind of egg sac I found in the center of a leaf on one of the Wildlings. Very small, but you can see it's full of some type of eggs or pupae critters. Anybody know what these are? It's wet because of rain, but it would still be slimy if not raining.

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I know one thing... it's nasty looking...:)..... My replacement beans got here today...:yahoo: and I think I am more excited about the freebies than the beans I ordered...:straightface:..... They sent me a high CBD Lemon something or another.... and a few special edition beans.... Kinda kewl....;).....:circle-of-love:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Now that's what I call customer service!

Smart Grow Technologies is going to replace my LED unit that isn't functioning fully, and I don't have to pay for the return of it. They will send a return shipping label.

This is just outstanding of them, considering I'm not the original recipient of the light.

I'm just tickled pink!


Dorm grow did the same for me. Doc Bud was the original owner. Dorm Grow paid for all shipping and had it back to me refurbished like new in under two weeks. I'm glad yours is getting repaired.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Definitely use those castings as a top dressing for your plants. You struck black gold girl!!! That's what I hope to see in my no-till pots someday. Envy Canna. :battingeyelashes:
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I know one thing... it's nasty looking...:)..... My replacement beans got here today...:yahoo: and I think I am more excited about the freebies than the beans I ordered...:straightface:..... They sent me a high CBD Lemon something or another.... and a few special edition beans.... Kinda kewl....;).....:circle-of-love:

You are just rolling in the beans girl. :) Lemon sounds great. You can sing the "Lemon Tree" song to her as she grows. {{singing}}: "Lemon tree very pretty...and the Lemon flower is sweet....." :circle-of-love:

Damn they're looking healthy girl.
Happy Trees Award...


Dorm grow did the same for me. Doc Bud was the original owner. Dorm Grow paid for all shipping and had it back to me refurbished like new in under two weeks. I'm glad yours is getting repaired.

They are actually sending me a replacement, not fixing this one. So I don't have to have any downtime without the light. :)

and that's the way it should be....:high-five:....:circle-of-love:


Definitely use those castings as a top dressing for your plants. You struck black gold girl!!! That's what I hope to see in my no-till pots someday. Envy Canna. :battingeyelashes:

Going out this morning to harvest some of it. :)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Too bad, so sad....the Cannabis Cup is this weekend, right down the road from me...went on the web site and they want $40 entrance fee for tomorrow and $30 for Sunday....I will not be going then...what a rip off....
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Too bad, so sad....the Cannabis Cup is this weekend, right down the road from me...went on the web site and they want $40 entrance fee for tomorrow and $30 for Sunday....I will not be going then...what a rip off....

Well, that shuts me out too. I have the weekend off, but with the cost of gas/food and then the entrance fee...there is no way.
Thanks for letting me know! I had almost forgot about that. Need to check my events calendar more often. LOL

We can stay home and talk to plants.......

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I was looking forward to seeing all the product vendors and viewing the medible entries and their packaging, but I can view it online after the fact for free....they certainly have created a barrier of entry at that price...what a shame, the weather is supposed to be stellar as well....
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Too bad, so sad....the Cannabis Cup is this weekend, right down the road from me...went on the web site and they want $40 entrance fee for tomorrow and $30 for Sunday....I will not be going then....
I hear you Shawnee, I wouldn't either.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I'm going to have a lot of updating over the weekend, my internet connection is extremely slow today, so pics are going to take forever.
I'll probably be chopping two plants tomorrow. I have to get a closer look at the trichomes first. I'll have an update on those later.

First off, I waaaaayyyyy underestimated how much worm poo I would get from this planter. The planter area is 6' x 5' with a few plants and an old dead white birch stump in the middle. This layer of castings is almost an inch thick in areas. I harvested a small corner today and I got a plastic tub full that weighed 2 lbs. 7 oz. I only quit because it was full. LOL
The great thing is that it's night crawlers in there. They leave BIG castings. ;-)
Here's some pics:



I top dressed one of the Garage girls with it already. We'll see how she grows!


I have piles of these castings all over the lawn too. I'll collect those as I go.

When I turn on my underground sprinkling, or after a heavy rain, the yard is full of night crawlers. :)
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Well, after almost an hour to upload 4 pictures...I'm finally ready to post results for the Purple Cheese plants. One under the Budmaster XG and the other under the Mars Hydro.
I will be chopping both of these over the next day and a half. They both have almost all cloudy trichomes, with a spot of amber here and there.
Here's the pics for comparison in buds:




Now I don't have a beer can lying around like Peejay to put next to those tops, but just to let you know there's no B.S. going on around here I thought I would use my favorite spray can:



That's it for now, I'll post weight results when ready.

Off to work on an LED project!
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I just spent 20 minutes in a futile internet shopping search to purchase my very own can of Texas Bullshit Repellent. Skunked! Those are nice castings you found. We were going to put some in the dirt back in the late spring and you said you could rake some up. I was a little worried about what you would be raking. Things are in full swing now. Harvest what you find!

If you use them for a topdress use your claws and scrape them into the first couple of inches of the soil. Stick your fingers in there and work it in. Fingers are good because you can feel what is going on with the roots. Give it a good back-scratching. Not a whimpy one.

Pay mind to the fact that not much was growing where you found the castings. It may have been one of the largest patches of bare ground on your property... It's pretty rich stuff. It wasn't growing a ton of weeds or other volunteers. Use some restraint but otherwise carry on.
re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

I just spent 20 minutes in a futile internet shopping search to purchase my very own can of Texas Bullshit Repellent. Skunked! Those are nice castings you found. We were going to put some in the dirt back in the late spring and you said you could rake some up. I was a little worried about what you would be raking. Things are in full swing now. Harvest what you find!

If you use them for a topdress use your claws and scrape them into the first couple of inches of the soil. Stick your fingers in there and work it in. Fingers are good because you can feel what is going on with the roots. Give it a good back-scratching. Not a whimpy one.

Pay mind to the fact that not much was growing where you found the castings. It may have been one of the largest patches of bare ground on your property... It's pretty rich stuff. It wasn't growing a ton of weeds or other volunteers. Use some restraint but otherwise carry on.

Hey PeeJay,
I cannot tell you how many years that can of Texas B.S. has been hanging around on my home bar. I know that I did bring it out on occasion, along with the B.S. bag like you get in the airplane for sickness. LOL

This old planter is flourishing with Hostas.....well as best they can do since the deer or rabbits chewed all their leaves off early in the season. There are also some Clematis vines growing there, I'm trying to train them upward using some tall tomato cages to hide the old stump, which is why I was yanking weeds. So, it's not dead soil by any means.

I'm probably going to get a mini worm farm going in the garage grow room too. It should do well in a heated area. :)
I'll try to get a pic of the whole planter tomorrow.

I'll go out and mix those castings in a bit per your suggestion.

re: Cannafan's Perpetual Grow - Where Everything Changes - Autos - Photos - Seeds & More!

Nice comparison photos Cannafan. What light would you rather have during flowering?

Thanks QKrop,
I'm going to wait until after the harvest and final weight to see what the difference is. I find it odd that there is so much difference in the look of the buds.

Kind of wondering if it's the same strain but different genetics on the seeds?

Or, the genetics can be the same, but the different environments for growing can change the phenotype which is the traits of the individual plants. The temperatures/climate in one room are certainly different than the other. One is a bathroom, so higher humidity because of the water in the toilet etc....and one a bedroom with drier air.

Have I got that right guys? In a basic sense....
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