Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Hi Cannafan,

It took me awhile, but I am all caught up! :reading420magazine:

Great journal, well documented & very, very professional & successful! I can tell you take pride in the things that you do & finish the things that you set out to accomplish. I have gained tons of new knowledge and I really appreciated the effort that you put into your pictures with detailed explanations! The pictorials were simply outstanding & was of great assistance in training my eyes in several different areas of key development in regards to the stages, processes and development of the plant. Plants can' talk, but if your eyes are trained properly, you can see they are communicating in regards to their needs.

Also, the information provided by the advanced growers was simply jaw dropping and how humbly the information was provided.

I will definitely be sticking around here for some time to come. :bravo:

:thanks: Sabo, I'm glad it has been beneficial to you! If you have any questions, ask away. When others ask questions...I learn too. :)
One of our members, I believe it was Ajagunle, made a comment one day about how the times they are changing with the acceptability of Cannabis use becoming more and more positive.

How true that is.
Yesterday my co-worker (when he woke up from his nap. LOL), got to checking out Craigslists' personals ads and showed me one that he thought was really bad. It was, but it prompted me to take a look myself out of pure curiosity. After the big Craigslist killer thing happened, I wondered how women could possibly even think to do that. I discovered that in my area, it's mostly hookers looking for income under the guise of looking for mates. Okay. What I found the most interesting however, was the number of people who wrote things like "420 friendly" or "420 okay and I grow", etc. Without fear of reprisal. This tells me we are winning the tiny steps it takes to win a war.
you can do it every couple days it doesn't really matter
I forget whos thread it was on she cloned exclusively by putting it in a cup of water
the changing of the water is just to keep it clean and when roots do start coming out whatever oxygen in there is gonna be used
so it also will be adding oxygen back to the cup when you change the water especially when it does start to root
I tried doing one cutting like that after about a month it looked like it mights have been trying to root but I couldn't wait any longer and into the bubble cloner it went
rooted quite quikly after lol but theres at least a few people around here who uses a cup of water to clone cause it does work
ive done it with other plants with no problem im talking the kinda plants you put water in a bucket and throw the cutting in lol
so it does work getting it dialed in so its consistent and doesn't take months too root is something else
but it does matter what kind of cutting your using as far as how long it would take to root
I have info somewhere lemme see
so the tips of growth is the best place to take your cuttings to clone in a cup of water is basically the same take your cutting get it into the water as quickly as possible to avoid air going in and just leave it in there
make sure to use a dark cup that light cant get through and leave about an inch of stem in the water
you can just stick this on a windowsill don't forget to check water lvl every so often
I wanted to copy and paste this info but the damn pdf is secured and wont let me copy
oh yea one of the reasons I probably had trouble with the cutting I had in water is it was in a clear plastic container lol
so light all around
you can do it every couple days it doesn't really matter
I forget whos thread it was on she cloned exclusively by putting it in a cup of water
the changing of the water is just to keep it clean and when roots do start coming out whatever oxygen in there is gonna be used
so it also will be adding oxygen back to the cup when you change the water especially when it does start to root
I tried doing one cutting like that after about a month it looked like it mights have been trying to root but I couldn't wait any longer and into the bubble cloner it went
rooted quite quikly after lol but theres at least a few people around here who uses a cup of water to clone cause it does work
ive done it with other plants with no problem im talking the kinda plants you put water in a bucket and throw the cutting in lol
so it does work getting it dialed in so its consistent and doesn't take months too root is something else
but it does matter what kind of cutting your using as far as how long it would take to root
I have info somewhere lemme see
so the tips of growth is the best place to take your cuttings to clone in a cup of water is basically the same take your cutting get it into the water as quickly as possible to avoid air going in and just leave it in there
make sure to use a dark cup that light cant get through and leave about an inch of stem in the water
you can just stick this on a windowsill don't forget to check water lvl every so often
I wanted to copy and paste this info but the damn pdf is secured and wont let me copy

Thanks Chronic! That totally makes sense about the oxygen. I have rooted cuttings in water before, but not cannabis cuttings. What I have done that way are plants that are so easy root you couldn't possibly mess it up. Willow branches, spider plants. etc LOL
I did everything as you suggested, now we wait. I will put it in a darker cup though. I put it in the water 3 days ago, I think, and the leaves are still that's a good sign.
Willow has it's own rooting hormone in the branches, and bark.

That's why it roots so easily. :)

I see!
Yeah, and they are extremely difficult to kill. My Pops brought me a small willow log, about 4" around..he thought I might like to use it because of it's unusual shape. It looked quite dead to us then. I had it sitting in my garage for a couple of months, when I went to get rid of it there were branches with leaves shooting out all over it. No feed...nuttin' for two months. LOL
yea I forgot about that willow water don't have any of that to use here just read about it
Yeah there are lots of methods, or recipes I've read.

In some bark is used, others branches, some cut, some pounded into pulp, some boiled, and some soaked only.

I can't wait to see how it works out. So cool you gotta tree nearby.
If I tried it I pound the small branches with a hammer, and soak them 24 hours.

I don't think hormones would survive boiling, but maybe I'm wrong.

Maybe try both ways, and document the results? idk
If I tried it I pound the small branches with a hammer, and soak them 24 hours.

I don't think hormones would survive boiling, but maybe I'm wrong.

Maybe try both ways, and document the results? idk

I will probably try a couple different methods. I did read about boiling them, but the instructions on the process didn't make much sense to me. I should be able to find something better when I have more time to search thoroughly. I'm thinking crockpot method for lower heat.
I will probably try a couple different methods. I did read about boiling them, but the instructions on the process didn't make much sense to me. I should be able to find something better when I have more time to search thoroughly. I'm thinking crockpot method for lower heat.

Yeah I was just thinking to boil, and then maybe take it off the heat, and add branch pulp.

Crockpot is a great idea tho!
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