Cannafan's Adventures With Pollinating Master Kush X White Widow

Hey gang, a new grower with a slight opportunity needs some help. Had a plant hermie in with some girls only a week on 12/12. No big pistils showing, just some small hairs as he calls it. The hermied plant definitely opened the flowers exposing the pollen before he got it out of there. He isn't sure what to do with the girls in flower right now, cross his fingers and leave them there for a while or put them back in veg or what. How soon can he tell if the girls were pollinated? Here's the thread:
Question on pollination
:thanks: Jay and all! I really try hard to make sure things go right....when they go wrong...they go REAL wrong. LOL
Have a great day!
Don't I know that! Especially in the real world.
Hey DonPaul, I see you are out and about tonight...can you check out this thread and see if you have any solid advice or answers for this grower with a "possible" pollination issue please?
Question on pollination

Here's the original post I made on it for help:
Hey gang, a new grower with a slight opportunity needs some help. Had a plant hermie in with some girls only a week on 12/12. No big pistils showing, just some small hairs as he calls it. The hermied plant definitely opened the flowers exposing the pollen before he got it out of there. He isn't sure what to do with the girls in flower right now, cross his fingers and leave them there for a while or put them back in veg or what. How soon can he tell if the girls were pollinated? Here's the thread:
Question on pollination..
My guess is new guy had no idea what nanners/bananas are, I remembered when I was brand new, I sure learned the other meaning of banana, after joining here, then reading it here. Best of luck to Rupture.

I am still bummed that "lobbying votes" is banned.

Hi Canna :ciao:

Rapture's male flowers didn't look open,

just all sticky-out and bananaey, but not open :)
Here's a quick pic series for today. I'm working on some much better shots tomorrow. I've been in the grow room since 6:00 a.m., and there's wood to be brought in. YUKKKK!
Hi canna ! ... How are you chick !? :)

Nice to see the experiment turned out to be a good one ! ... + reps for those amazing pictures !

Sorry I've been away for a little while, super busy with the new job and all !

Peace and love to you my friend !
Hi canna ! ... How are you chick !? :)

Nice to see the experiment turned out to be a good one ! ... + reps for those amazing pictures !

Sorry I've been away for a little while, super busy with the new job and all !

Peace and love to you my friend !

Hey Dr. Pepper!! Thanks so much!
I know what super busy is, and I hope the new job is going well for you. :)
We miss ya! :circle-of-love:
I'll pop over to your journal later, expecting a load of firewood any minute here. I'll be busy with that a couple hours for sure.
:peace: & :green_heart: to you too!
I've missed you all too !

Ohhhh you've got a log burner have you !? ... If you lived close to me I could have gotten you unlimited firewood for free hahaha ! :)

That's cool sugar ! ... I've updated both of my threads and I'll think you'll be impressed with all the hard work I've put into them ! ;)
I've missed you all too !

Ohhhh you've got a log burner have you !? ... If you lived close to me I could have gotten you unlimited firewood for free hahaha ! :)

That's cool sugar ! ... I've updated both of my threads and I'll think you'll be impressed with all the hard work I've put into them ! ;)
Yeah, outdoor wood burner. Very very old one, but it works. LOL I live in the woods....lots of dead stuff and trees that should come down. I planned on starting last spring to get enough wood cut and split for this winter. Ha, sick relatives and work kept taking all of my time, the poor guy who helps me cut/split got throat cancer so he can't do it anymore... and I wind up having to pay for deliveries this year. Damn!
Next year WILL be different. I absolutely refuse to pay propane prices here and I don't have natural gas service to my home. on a rant there. Your plants look great dude!:thumb:
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