I have a son who just turned 4 months and has been keeping me busy so I haven't been home so much since me and his mom don't live together but I sleep over to help out.
In Costa Rica its still quite illegal (although legalization is being discussed) so getting your hands on any strain its still quite difficult and most strains in the black market are high THC and quite expensive so you end up with similar sativas and very little room for experimentation. People react differently using the same strain, dosage and dosing method. Just because I'm not tacking now doesn't mean I haven't tried it. It did work for me on many levels but I did notice some negative side effects like a loss of balance; perhaps a more balanced 1:1 strain would help but I can't get that here.
My illness is a cavernous angioma in the brainstem; out of all cavernous angiomas (which are quite rare to begin with) only 5% are in the brain stem and oficially have no treatment other than surgery . A cavernous angioma is a vascular mutation, like a ball of veins so its not really a tumor and therefore behaves differently than a tumor and most of the healing effects of THC are lost on me. I've found that higher CBD Indica strains work better on me but "the medicine" varies from illness to illness.
I recently attended a lecture at congress about MMJ and got to speak to Dr. Denis Petro after his presentation.
Denis Petro, MD - Medical Marijuana - ProCon.org
He's a neurologist and a MMJ activist; I asked him why (as per your thread) different dosing methods (digested, rectal, sublingual and tacking) had different effects on the body. His reply was that with those dosing methods the main difference was absorption speed and therefore effects varied but that the strain and not the dosing method was responsible for how much the CB1 and CB2 was stimulated.
The main reason for my "loss of health" has been the fact that I've been running out of oil (new priorities); even with my higher yield methods I can't buy the stuff as often as I need an my mom can't be swayed into letting me grow my own as long as its illegal. I'm currently waiting for a friend who will smuggle a 5ml syringe of oil from a high CBD strain from SC Labs in California.