Cannabis Oil Dosing Tutorial: Tacking Method

Re: How to Dose Correctly Using Rick Simpson Concentrated Cannabis Oil

@ Motoco: Hi Oracles, Welcome to 420 Magazine. I can give a more detailed answer. We have seen two people treat BMS with cannabis concentrated oil. One didn't know what it was called and neither did we. The other one was diagnosed (this ones started after using Listerine?). The concentrated oil they were using was a 2-1 ratio (Sativa dominant hybrid/cbd strain). The first person got BMS under control in a couple of weeks and stopped using the oil (on vacation, went back to work and random tested). The one that BMS started after using 'Listerine' took longer (about a month) but still using the oil for pain management and weight loss among other ailments. No more issues with BMS but cannot confirm if its gone as mentioned. One Dr. said 'it was caused by 'lack' of drinking water/dehydration and their was an issue with saliva glands not working properly. Both these persons used 'tacking' for resolve. Hope this helps


Thank you so much, Motoco! This information is very valuable to me. I needed to know whether it works on BMS and since it does, I'm about to use it now. Thanks again for the encouragement and clear facts.

Have you read the dosing instructions? Take your time and follow instructions, if you make a boo boo let me know and we can move on from their. Any questions please ask!

Hi Motoco. Sorry for late response. The last two days have been pretty busy. On Tuesday I went to bed earlier because I had to get up early to take mom to the hospital. We went to the ER but after several hours they sent her home and told her to come back the next day (!). So today we went again and they drained 8 liters of fluid out of her stomach and then said she needs to stay overnight so she can get IV fluids also because of the dehydration. Unfortunatelly I wasn't able to give her the oil while in the hospital :( So hopefully they'll let her go home tomorrow so we can continue where we left. But she's feeling a bit better after the stomach drain and did eat a little more.

Thursday 4pm your time would be ok :)

Hi Flore, glad to hear your Mother is able to eat a little more now and as soon as she gets home (hopefully soon as you do not want to stop treatment). See you in an hour. Make sure you get some rest also, it is hard on everyone.


Question about "tacking": I have Burning Mouth Syndrome which is extremely painful, almost unbearable. When I do the tacking method, the oil is inside my mouth and increases the pain more than I can stand.
I think that the only way I can use it is to swallow it.
I see "If you're not tacking, you're not healing" on this site and need to ask - will I still heal if I swallow instead of tacking?
I will appreciate any replies.
Thank you.
Question about "tacking": I have Burning Mouth Syndrome which is extremely painful, almost unbearable. When I do the tacking method, the oil is inside my mouth and increases the pain more than I can stand.
I think that the only way I can use it is to swallow it.
I see "If you're not tacking, you're not healing" on this site and need to ask - will I still heal if I swallow instead of tacking?
I will appreciate any replies.
Thank you.

Hi Oracles, a good question to start with, did you make your own oil? If so what carrier/solvent was used? Does it have CBD in the oil also? Also if sloppy dosing (digesting more than tacking) the pain can be amplified and could be even stronger when straight digested as the euphoria will be stronger. Lets start with the first question about the oil then we can move forward. Thank you.

Question about "tacking": I have Burning Mouth Syndrome which is extremely painful, almost unbearable. When I do the tacking method, the oil is inside my mouth and increases the pain more than I can stand.
I think that the only way I can use it is to swallow it.
I see "If you're not tacking, you're not healing" on this site and need to ask - will I still heal if I swallow instead of tacking?
I will appreciate any replies.
Thank you.
Hi Oracles, a good question to start with, did you make your own oil? If so what carrier/solvent was used? Does it have CBD in the oil also? Also if sloppy dosing (digesting more than tacking) the pain can be amplified and could be even stronger when straight digested as the euphoria will be stronger. Lets start with the question about the first then we can move forward. Thank you.


Thanks, Motoco,
Yes I made it myself after asking Rick Simpson a few questions. He suggested 99% isoproply, 1% water, no other ingredients.
CBD is in the oil. I've been very careful with dosing, so I'm pretty sure I have the amounts right. The problem with Burning Mouth Syndrome is that even plain water hurts my mouth, so something this strong is about impossible for me to take. I just want to know I can still heal if I can't do tacking. The pain is bad all the time but becomes intolerable when anything aggravates it
Thank you for your quick reply! I really appreciate your help.
Question about "tacking": I have Burning Mouth Syndrome which is extremely painful, almost unbearable. When I do the tacking method, the oil is inside my mouth and increases the pain more than I can stand.
I think that the only way I can use it is to swallow it.
I see "If you're not tacking, you're not healing" on this site and need to ask - will I still heal if I swallow instead of tacking?
I will appreciate any replies.
Thank you.
Hi Oracles, a good question to start with, did you make your own oil? If so what carrier/solvent was used? Does it have CBD in the oil also? Also if sloppy dosing (digesting more than tacking) the pain can be amplified and could be even stronger when straight digested as the euphoria will be stronger. Lets start with the question about the first then we can move forward. Thank you.


Thanks, Motoco,
Yes I made it myself after asking Rick Simpson a few questions. He suggested 99% isoproply, 1% water, no other ingredients.
CBD is in the oil. I've been very careful with dosing, so I'm pretty sure I have the amounts right. The problem with Burning Mouth Syndrome is that even plain water hurts my mouth, so something this strong is about impossible for me to take. I just want to know I can still heal if I can't do tacking. The pain is bad all the time but becomes intolerable when anything aggravates it
Thank you for your quick reply! I really appreciate your help.

I honestly don't know if you can heal BMS digesting as I have never treated any ailment by digesting. The two people I mentioned didn't have oil made with ISO. I made oil with ISO for some time and I can tell you it has chemicals in it and could taste it when tacking. It definitely would make the burning worse. That is a mute point but does cause more agitation. Also what is your dosing regimen and how much are you trying to tack? Both people with BMS mentioned the pain got worse (oil on the gums trigger the saliva glands) here is what they did to relieve the pain. Tack very small amounts and after tacking take some ice water, take a shallow drink keeping it in the front of your mouth, no swishing let it sit a couple of seconds and gently spit it out. Cannabinoids are very bitter, yes, but when they did this in a couple of minutes the pain subsided. Suppositories are another option but they have to be taken correctly.
I honestly don't know if you can heal BMS digesting as I have never treated any ailment by digesting. The two people I mentioned didn't have oil made with ISO. I made oil with ISO for some time and I can tell you it has chemicals in it and could taste it when tacking. It definitely would make the burning worse. That is a mute point but does cause more agitation. Also what is your dosing regimen and how much are you trying to tack? Both people with BMS mentioned the pain got worse (oil on the gums trigger the saliva glands) here is what they did to relieve the pain. Tack very small amounts and after tacking take some ice water, take a shallow drink keeping it in the front of your mouth, no swishing let it sit a couple of seconds and gently spit it out. Cannabinoids are very bitter, yes, but when they did this in a couple of minutes the pain subsided. Suppositories are another option but they have to be taken correctly. Check your PM please for this info. - Motoco

Thank you, Motoco It's hard to locate anyone who knows about BMS, so the info you've given me about their experiences with RSO tacking are a huge help to me. I have to use the oil I made (all so expensive!) but next time what do you think I should use as a solvent? I live in CA, where pure or 99% pure alcohol is unavailable. Highest Everclear content is 150 proof, and Rick Simpson said that is too impure to make healing medicine. If you hear of anyone else with Burning Mouth, please tell me.
Thank you,
I honestly don't know if you can heal BMS digesting as I have never treated any ailment by digesting. The two people I mentioned didn't have oil made with ISO. I made oil with ISO for some time and I can tell you it has chemicals in it and could taste it when tacking. It definitely would make the burning worse. That is a mute point but does cause more agitation. Also what is your dosing regimen and how much are you trying to tack? Both people with BMS mentioned the pain got worse (oil on the gums trigger the saliva glands) here is what they did to relieve the pain. Tack very small amounts and after tacking take some ice water, take a shallow drink keeping it in the front of your mouth, no swishing let it sit a couple of seconds and gently spit it out. Cannabinoids are very bitter, yes, but when they did this in a couple of minutes the pain subsided. Suppositories are another option but they have to be taken correctly. Check your PM please for this info. - Motoco

Thank you, Motoco It's hard to locate anyone who knows about BMS, so the info you've given me about their experiences with RSO tacking are a huge help to me. I have to use the oil I made (all so expensive!) but next time what do you think I should use as a solvent? I live in CA, where pure or 99% pure alcohol is unavailable. Highest Everclear content is 150 proof, and Rick Simpson said that is too impure to make healing medicine. If you hear of anyone else with Burning Mouth, please tell me.
Thank you,

Hi Oracles, your very welcome. You do not hear much of anything about BMS. Not much on the web either and there seems to be some confusion what causes it also (more like guessing). One question; do you drink much water? I'm trying to contact one of the two I have helped (one lives in Australia, recently moved there) the other one will be back tomorrow or Wednesday. Wednesday by the way Mo and I will be at the Dr.s Office working so we will be asking a lot of questions about BMS, hopefully someone will have a good answer. The three Dr.s we work with have a lot of experience between them. At least to knock down the pain some so you can tack. Also there is a way to tack to keep the saliva from draining down and causing more pain.

Also many don't know if you know someone in the military they sell the 190 proof everclear on base. Guess its alright for the troops :). Also little known fact; at speciality liqueur stores in Cali there is Polish Vodka 'Spirytus' is 96 Proof and makes excellent oil. The Wine Cellar in Costa Mesa sells it. You can call it in and I think if you buy a case they ship it for 12 $ anywhere in Cali.
Best regards,
Good morning Motoco,
Sorry I have not been on. I have a lot of catching up to do but I don't have the time right now. I have a HUGE delima on my hands. My dad's wife has been fighting ovarian cancer for a year now. 6 months after her last chemo her cancer came back. During chemo treatments they made friends with several cancer patients that are all dead now. They are desparate and my dad says to me, " Is there anything else we can do?? Your husband is the only one we know that has survived this" I want to tell my dad about the oil but am so very afraid of the legal issues. She went to an alternative cancer treatment center and they gave her one dose of chemo and she ended up hospitialized. That is where she is right now.

I have something that could help but am too afraid to tell them. I guess I am just venting here. I don't even know what I am asking you. My dad's wife's life is on the line. Do I tell them and risk people finding out?? This question is killing me. :-(
Does anyone know if cannabis oil is effective on actinic keratosis? I think that's what I have on my skin.

Also, can the oil cause the keratosis to evolve into cancer? I know that actinic keratosis can evolve into squamous cell carcinoma on its own.

I've been using the oil on my lesion and now it's itching quite a bit. Also seems more red and agitated.
Does anyone know if cannabis oil is effective on actinic keratosis? I think that's what I have on my skin.

Also, can the oil cause the keratosis to evolve into cancer? I know that actinic keratosis can evolve into squamous cell carcinoma on its own.

I've been using the oil on my lesion and now it's itching quite a bit. Also seems more red and agitated.

Hello, I know that Motoco has a lot of experience with using the oil on the skin for just about everything. I'm sure he will show up soon to give advice. But in the meantime may I ask you some questions about your oil?? How was the oil made? With what solvent?? And how long have you been using the oil on your skin??
Hello, I know that Motoco has a lot of experience with using the oil on the skin for just about everything. I'm sure he will show up soon to give advice. But in the meantime may I ask you some questions about your oil?? How was the oil made? With what solvent?? And how long have you been using the oil on your skin??
Hi there! It's from Yak Edibles and it says "Organakoil whole plant goodness...concentrated and purified medicinal extract of fine cannabis which were produced with all-natural techniques and nutrients prepared with natural drinking alcohol (grain neutral spirits) and filtered through natural activated charcoal. Please note that ethanol (drinking alcohol) concentrates chlorophyll and many other water-soluble elements of the cannabis which contribute to the dark color and thick consistency of this oil.
Many believe that cannabis' 'other' elements (non-THC) contribute greatly to the kind herb's healing power. This is referred to as the 'whole plant' effect. Excluding mainly cellulose and woody, non-soluble plant parts, this extract has been prepared to contain as many of the different healing elements present in the whole plant as possible while still providing patients with a smooth, clean, pure, very natural medicinal oil. This oil was not processed with butane. Oil may not flow easily if too cold. Gently warm to 100 degrees. THC content 44%.
Prepared from fine, naturally grown flowers of a sativa-dominant phenotype of OG Kush."

edit to add: After using the oil, one of my lesions, which was flat, developed a little bump. The other one already had little bumps. They also became more inflamed and red with the oil. They're about 1/4 to 1/2 inch in size. One I've had for a couple years, at least. The other is a bit newer...maybe a year now.
You asked how long I've been using the oil on my skin. I tried it a couple days a week or so ago but stopped because it was at a time I couldn't be consistent. I began again yesterday morning. Here's what they look like:

Hi there! It's from Yak Edibles and it says "Organakoil whole plant goodness...concentrated and purified medicinal extract of fine cannabis which were produced with all-natural techniques and nutrients prepared with natural drinking alcohol (grain neutral spirits) and filtered through natural activated charcoal. Please note that ethanol (drinking alcohol) concentrates chlorophyll and many other water-soluble elements of the cannabis which contribute to the dark color and thick consistency of this oil.
Many believe that cannabis' 'other' elements (non-THC) contribute greatly to the kind herb's healing power. This is referred to as the 'whole plant' effect. Excluding mainly cellulose and woody, non-soluble plant parts, this extract has been prepared to contain as many of the different healing elements present in the whole plant as possible while still providing patients with a smooth, clean, pure, very natural medicinal oil. This oil was not processed with butane. Oil may not flow easily if too cold. Gently warm to 100 degrees. THC content 44%.
Prepared from fine, naturally grown flowers of a sativa-dominant phenotype of OG Kush."

Hi Naturalway,

Actinic keratosis (pre-cancerous) will look nasty when treating topical. The oil is doing its job and pulling out toxins. Many who use cannabis oil topically do not know what to expect after they start treating skin diseases, freak out and stop the treatment. Like any treatment of skin cancer (Pre skin cancers) when stopped comes back stronger. Using the concentrated oil is the best natural way to heal cancer topically or internally bar any other methods done correctly.

Prepping the concentrated oil to apply topical; Take an oral syringe and syringe up 1/2 ML (1/2 gram) of grape seed oil (health food store). Take an 1/4 cup size stainless steel measuring cup and add a gram of oil, take the oral syringe with grape seed oil and add about 4 drops (be careful as it comes out fast). Put the cup on a plate warmer, coffee cup warmer and stir ( I use a SS cuticle pusher) and stir until well blended. If wanting to blend more just multiple. The grapeseed oil makes the concentrate much more pliable. When you keep heating every application it degrades the potency, not much but after repeated times heating the oil up, not good.

The proper way to apply the oil topically; take a small amount of oil and rub into the area to treat thoroughly. Next take a larger amount and lightly place directly to the top of the area being treated. Next take a waterproof band-aid and cover sealing the edges good. Leave on 3-4 days. Remove and repeat application. This is kept up until gone and then continue for a couple of weeks to make sure. When treated this way a good sign when to change the dressing is when it itches. Make sure you stay consistent in the dressing procedures every 3-4 days for best results. A worthy mention; using gum absorption also can help press nasties out of the skin also from the inside.

About whole plant extraction (my opinion). When growing MJ and harvested the purpose of hanging the plant upside down to dry the flowers absorb anything left in the plant or most. Personally for me the 'flowers' are what I'm after. Everything else just adds volume. I can testify that using flowers only it has healed just about anything Mo and I have came across topically and via 'tacking' (modified gum absorption). Cannabinoids are what kills the cancer cells and CBD's remove inflammation and pain. Here is a quick comparison; your THC content of the oil you have is 44% potency (roughly around 15%THC flower). When using a flower around 25% THC potency your oil will be around 75% +THC potency on the low end. The difference in healing is close to twice as fast. Also a worthy mention; Using 100% Organic Corn Ethyl Alcohol makes a very clean extract using a 'quick wash' method. Also freezing your flowers and getting the alcohol to 0 f keeps excessive chlorophyll and plant waxes to a minimum. My concentrate for an example is a medium amber color, not black. Is this your wording or the companies wording about how the oil is processed? Reason why I'm asking is you say they do whole plant, yet the last sentence it says naturally grown flowers. Always keep in mind when dealing with concentrate potency %; the higher the potency the better. The lower potency oils are usually trim left over from the flowers they sell at the dispensaries. I would always advise people to make their own oil and either grow or purchase flowers.
Hope this helps.
420 Motoco
Well I solved my issue. I had a private talk with my dad. He said he was all for it and asked a ton of questions. lol But for now he does not want to share the info with his wife. The topic may come up later when chemo does not work. So now I can sleep better at night. I did my part.
Hi Naturalway,

Actinic keratosis (pre-cancerous) will look nasty when treating topical...
Hi 420 Motoco!

Yeah, I am freaking out a little bit because I feel like I'm making it maybe I'm unnecessarily pulling cancer to the surface and it's scaring me a bit. I guess in order to get rid of it, that has to happen anyway.

I did try the oil a couple times a week or so ago and stopped because I knew it was at a time I couldn't be consistent, and after a week or so, it did look a bit worse. I began again yesterday morning and wore the bandage all day and night. This morning, it really itched and one of the lesions developed a little bump. It's not a waterproof Band-Aid, though, because my skin breaks out in a rash from that. So I use gauze pads and first aid tape.

Thank you for the info on prepping and proper way to apply. As far as the wording about how the oil is processed, it's not my wording, it's the company's wording that's written on the package.

edit to add: You mentioned it's time to change the bandage when it itches. I put a new one on this morning and it pretty much continuously itches.
honestly don't know if you can heal BMS digesting as I have never treated any ailment by digesting. The two people I mentioned didn't have oil made with ISO. I made oil with ISO for some time and I can tell you it has chemicals in it and could taste it when tacking. It definitely would make the burning worse. That is a mute point but does cause more agitation. Also what is your dosing regimen and how much are you trying to tack? Both people with BMS mentioned the pain got worse (oil on the gums trigger the saliva glands) here is what they did to relieve the pain. Tack very small amounts and after tacking take some ice water, take a shallow drink keeping it in the front of your mouth, no swishing let it sit a couple of seconds and gently spit it out. Cannabinoids are very bitter, yes, but when they did this in a couple of minutes the pain subsided. Suppositories are another option but they have to be taken correctly. Check your PM please for this info. - Motoco

Thank you, Motoco It's hard to locate anyone who knows about BMS, so the info you've given me about their experiences with RSO tacking are a huge help to me. I have to use the oil I made (all so expensive!) but next time what do you think I should use as a solvent? I live in CA, where pure or 99% pure alcohol is unavailable. Highest Everclear content is 150 proof, and Rick Simpson said that is too impure to make healing medicine. If you hear of anyone else with Burning Mouth, please tell me.
Thank you,
Hi Oracles, your very welcome. You do not hear much of anything about BMS. Not much on the web either and there seems to be some confusion what causes it also (more like guessing). One question; do you drink much water? I'm trying to contact one of the two I have helped (one lives in Australia, recently moved there) the other one will be back tomorrow or Wednesday. Wednesday by the way Mo and I will be at the Dr.s Office working so we will be asking a lot of questions about BMS, hopefully someone will have a good answer. The three Dr.s we work with have a lot of experience between them. At least to knock down the pain some so you can tack. Also there is a way to tack to keep the saliva from draining down and causing more pain.

Also many don't know if you know someone in the military they sell the 190 proof everclear on base. Guess its alright for the troops . Also little known fact; at speciality liqueur stores in Cali there is Polish Vodka 'Spirytus' is 96 Proof and makes excellent oil. The Wine Cellar in Costa Mesa sells it. You can call it in and I think if you buy a case they ship it for 12 $ anywhere in Cali. The link I will give you is the best of the best. Check your PM please. By the way, did you read my other PM? Was curious to see what Rick Simpson said about BMS. Thank you.

Best regards,

Thank you once again, Motoco. You have been more than helpful. I have not been able to get any ideas from Rick Simpson about BMS - he may be unfamiliar with it. The reply he emailed to me was only about solvent, when he said that 151-proof everclear or vodka was too impure for this medicine, and that since higher alcohol content is unavailable in CA, that I should use 99% pure isoproply instead.. Next time I will use something else as a solvent. To your other question - yes, I am known for drinking much more water than normal - sometimes a gallon a day, so I am definitely hydrated. I so much appreciate your offer to contact the other BMS sufferers and to ask questions about BMS at the doctor's office. Again, thanks for everything! - Oracles
Motoco, I just love you and the vast information you give to all of the people that ask of you. You are a man among men. :adore:

FSC, good job on over coming your fears with your father. I have found that most people are receptive when I talk about MMJ as a healing herb. I stay away from the stoner talk and just talk about the healing power and how to dose correctly. It's my guess that you are standing at the ready to give the oil and instruction when asked. Love and respect to you my friend.


AKA 60cal
Okay, I'm worried. You said actinic keratosis will look nasty when treating topically, so I hope what I'm experiencing is normal. I think they're actinic keratosis. The doctors I've seen didn't say what they were, just that they weren't skin cancer. Whatever they are, they are itching like mad and also burning. It's only been 2 1/2 days. I just took the bandage off hoping to get a little relief. They're raw with a few open holes and some parts with pus oozing out. I hope I'm doing the right thing.
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