Buds growing

You're looking in the right spots, but you're going to have to wait a bit to be sure for most of those.
However pic #5, I would put money on it being male. That cluster at the top.
ok, didn't know there were 3 plants 1st plant can't tell, 2nd looks like a male but can't tell if new growth or balls, 2nd plant Pic 5 - could be male i have never seen new growth pile up like that,
third plant (Pic 7) is what i said is showing female trait with the hair.

keep watching you will know soon enough!!!
Even on cloudy days any plant out in the middle of the garden is getting more light than your plants are getting right now if they are still in that alcove. Even if it is cloudy with light rain they would be getting more light. Only time they would not be getting a good amount of light would be when it is a strong storm with heavy dark cloud cover.

Except for the first hour in the morning and the last hour in the evening you are still getting 13 and a half hours of decent quality light just about every day anywhere in Germany from Hamburg in the north to Munich in the south. You might not get buds forming for another 3 weeks which is plenty of time to help build nice strong and healthy plants if you can get them out into a sunny part of the garden.
Alright i Put them in my Garden inside a small Greenhouse. Lets Hope it will start getting better

The earliest visual indicator of cannabis plant sex comes in the form of “pre-flowers”, which develop between the fourth and sixth nodes of the plant.

Male pre-flowers appear as tiny, smooth, egg-shaped pollen sacs about three to four weeks after germination. Female pre-flowers emerge a little later, between four and six weeks after germination, in the form of small V-shaped pistils with white or pink hairs.

hope that helps - it's what i look for to rid any males from seed that show their face

f's have more of a tear shape, sometimes hard to tell
So both of the bigger ones are males the one smaller is a Female. Now i have a new question cause i never grew Male plants! When are the seeds ready? Im planning on planting them in December and letting them grow over the summer.

Some are bigger and Look Like there almost ready while some are still small
So both of the bigger ones are males the one smaller is a Female. Now i have a new question cause i never grew Male plants! When are the seeds ready? Im planning on planting them in December and letting them grow over the summer.

Some are bigger and Look Like there almost ready while some are still small
Those pollen sacs will burst and release pollen in 1 to 3 weeks, at which point they'll pollinate any mature stigmas on your female plant.
Then you have weeks to wait until the seeds are mature. 6 to 8 weeks if I'm remembering correctly.
I've had better success germinating seeds when I let them rest for a month after I remove them from the buds.
Assuming you're harvesting in October, that should give you plenty of time to germ some in December.
Those pollen sacs will burst and release pollen in 1 to 3 weeks, at which point they'll pollinate any mature stigmas on your female plant.
Then you have weeks to wait until the seeds are mature. 6 to 8 weeks if I'm remembering correctly.
I've had better success germinating seeds when I let them rest for a month after I remove them from the buds.
Assuming you're harvesting in October, that should give you plenty of time to germ some in December.
So i have to Look Out when they pollinate to collect it and pollinate the female one i have? Then wait Till the Female is finished harvest her and wait another Bit until the seeds are mature If i understood it correct?
The males are about to start releasing their pollen, but is the female in flower to be able to receive the pollen?
You do recognize that unless you only (carefully) isolate and pollenate certain buds, all of your buds will have seeds. Probably a lot of them, depending on how the pollination occurs.

I'm trying to figure out, but I'm not clear on, was the plant that I originally said looked male, one of the males you now have, or was it the only female ?

Also, by your wording, I was confused, but to clarify if you don't mind ... you didn't think the sacs on the male contain seeds right?
The males are about to start releasing their pollen, but is the female in flower to be able to receive the pollen?
You do recognize that unless you only (carefully) isolate and pollenate certain buds, all of your buds will have seeds. Probably a lot of them, depending on how the pollination occurs.

I'm trying to figure out, but I'm not clear on, was the plant that I originally said looked male, one of the males you now have, or was it the only female ?

Also, by your wording, I was confused, but to clarify if you don't mind ... you didn't think the sacs on the male contain seeds right?
So the female has started to flower and has some small buds. Idc If every bud has seeds or Just a few to be honest. The Female is infact the one small weird looking plant that looked Like a Male😂 and the 2 that looked Like a Female are males (i told you all These plants are weird af😂). For the seeds Problem its Just translating words😂 (im from Germany so sometimes i dont know the right words or meanings for example someone Said Something about root ball and i was confused and had to ask cause i never Heard of it😃👍)
I didn't think any of them looked like females, I thought they were just too immature period, and offered a guess.

You won't just get a few seeds per bud, unless you only have a few pistils per bud. Every pistil that receives a piece of pollen will produce a seed. You do have the option of selectively pollinating by collecting the pollen from the males and doing the actual pollination yourself (lots of methods to do it)
Also, this plant which was identified as definitely female is in fact a male?
I didn't think any of them looked like females, I thought they were just too immature period, and offered a guess.
Spot on. Give the plants several more days, maybe even a week to let them mature a bit more. There really is no point in "jumping the gun" as the saying goes and in this case making decisions before the plants are mature.

Also, this plant which was identified as definitely female is in fact a male?
So the female has started to flower and has some small buds. Idc If every bud has seeds or Just a few to be honest.
This is thread is getting really confusing. I think the best thing to do now is to get a photo of this plant that is supposed to be the female and has some small buds. And, just the one plant and not the other two that are males.

(i told you all These plants are weird af😂).
The plants are not weird. It just seems that deciding which ones were male and which were female was done before any of them were mature enough. Now after several days the two are starting to show signs that they are actually male. The third plant might now be mature enough to know if it is male or female.
I didn't think any of them looked like females, I thought they were just too immature period, and offered a guess.

You won't just get a few seeds per bud, unless you only have a few pistils per bud. Every pistil that receives a piece of pollen will produce a seed. You do have the option of selectively pollinating by collecting the pollen from the males and doing the actual pollination yourself (lots of methods to do it)

Also, this plant which was identified as definitely female is in fact a male?
Alright! No the one thats actually Female was the one that was small and Had a good amount of space between the nodes
Spot on. Give the plants several more days, maybe even a week to let them mature a bit more. There really is no point in "jumping the gun" as the saying goes and in this case making decisions before the plants are mature.

This is thread is getting really confusing. I think the best thing to do now is to get a photo of this plant that is supposed to be the female and has some small buds. And, just the one plant and not the other two that are males.

The plants are not weird. It just seems that deciding which ones were male and which were female was done before any of them were mature enough. Now after several days the two are starting to show signs that they are actually male. The third plant might now be mature enough to know if it is male or female.
I know that the small one is def a female! (Orignally the smaller one)

One of the bigger plants is also a Male and is almost ready to pollinate and the other bigger plants is Not quite ready to See it but it Looks Like Sacks are coming .

Those are stipules not pistils, that is not evidence that it is female. Didn't you say the female was budding? I don't see any evidence of flowering on this picture? IMO that plant is still strongly suspect of being male, based on the fact that you now have alternating branches which means it is mature enough that you should be seeing pistils. Assuming this just started, it is *possible* that it could still be developing them.

Also, I thought you said both of the larger plants are male, so only one is flowering? If only one has visible flowering (sacs) how did you determine the other is male?
Those are stipules not pistils, that is not evidence that it is female. Didn't you say the female was budding? I don't see any evidence of flowering on this picture? IMO that plant is still strongly suspect of being male, based on the fact that you now have alternating branches which means it is mature enough that you should be seeing pistils. Assuming this just started, it is *possible* that it could still be developing them.

Also, I thought you said both of the larger plants are male, so only one is flowering? If only one has visible flowering (sacs) how did you determine the other is male?
Nah you cant really See the White hairs on them Trust me they are pistils. Here is another angle maybe it can be Seen better there. For some reason my camera isnt Picking it up that good when its Just a Bit brighter outside🤷🏻‍♂️
Those are stipules not pistils, that is not evidence that it is female. Didn't you say the female was budding? I don't see any evidence of flowering on this picture? IMO that plant is still strongly suspect of being male, based on the fact that you now have alternating branches which means it is mature enough that you should be seeing pistils. Assuming this just started, it is *possible* that it could still be developing them.

Also, I thought you said both of the larger plants are male, so only one is flowering? If only one has visible flowering (sacs) how did you determine the other is male?
The other Male Had started to get tiny/medium Sacks thats why i knew its a Male.
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