Buds growing

Is the plant in these last three pictures the same one I said looked male earlier? I assume you have been giving them more light, this one in particular looks like it is making a flurry of new leaves, excited to see the sun I'd guess. If it is the same plant, I wouldn't count it out (as male) yet, as it was not yet mature enough to see clearly.
Nope that was one of the other 2 that Had more fluff (but they did get more leaves after i Put them under more sun)
The earliest visual indicator of cannabis plant sex comes in the form of “pre-flowers”, which develop between the fourth and sixth nodes of the plant.

Male pre-flowers appear as tiny, smooth, egg-shaped pollen sacs about three to four weeks after germination. Female pre-flowers emerge a little later, between four and six weeks after germination, in the form of small V-shaped pistils with white or pink hairs.

hope that helps - it's what i look for to rid any males from seed that show their face

f's have more of a tear shape, sometimes hard to tell
The earliest visual indicator of cannabis plant sex comes in the form of “pre-flowers”, which develop between the fourth and sixth nodes of the plant.

Male pre-flowers appear as tiny, smooth, egg-shaped pollen sacs about three to four weeks after germination. Female pre-flowers emerge a little later, between four and six weeks after germination, in the form of small V-shaped pistils with white or pink hairs.

hope that helps - it's what i look for to rid any males from seed that show their face

f's have more of a tear shape, sometimes hard to tell
Alright👌 imma wait 1-2 weeks maybe they are Just a Bit shy or something😂😂 (i meant they Had to grow 10 weeks to get it too)
The earliest visual indicator of cannabis plant sex comes in the form of “pre-flowers”, which develop between the fourth and sixth nodes of the plant.

Male pre-flowers appear as tiny, smooth, egg-shaped pollen sacs about three to four weeks after germination. Female pre-flowers emerge a little later, between four and six weeks after germination, in the form of small V-shaped pistils with white or pink hairs.

hope that helps - it's what i look for to rid any males from seed that show their face

f's have more of a tear shape, sometimes hard to tell
But im kinda confused in what this could be (they are White/brownish small Stripes) but only on 2-3 of them!


ah i see what your talking about - the 4th pic looks like it might be balls coming. I can't tell if others pic is new growth or what's going on. the pic i circled is def a female part, so You don't have a male, But you might have a he-she. what i circled is female but in the 4th pic of your post it's suspect and I cant tell - you'll have to wait and see unless you have a pic like the one i circled and a clearer shot of it. Fortunately, I don't have any hermies I can show you or any male plants. heres a better pic for what to look for for a male plant - still hard to tell at this stage but will rear its ugly head soon enough. time to watch!

It could be the beginnings of showing sex, but I would say it isn't clear enough to be sure. Nothing to worry about tho.
Well yes but what confused me is that many Look Like 1 ball 1 stipules or 2 stipules and only 2-3 have These Strings! (First plant Pic 1-3 second plant 4-6 third plant 7-8 who everyone taught is a Male) but idk im confused af😂 maybe they are in the lgbtq and identify as she/him💀🤷🏻‍♂️ @BigBudsBunny @Melville Hobbes








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