Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

I’m with you on the sativa CL ,, love that cerebral buzzzzzzzzzz
If I was going out for some fun I would probably prefer a Sativa. But I pretty much stay home when not working. Haven't gone out to a bar or anything in over 20 years. I don't drink at all as I don't like the taste of alcohol so the bar scene really doesn't fit my lifestyle. Kind of wish it did so I could meet some people. Kind of lost all my friends when I got married 22 years ago. Probably a good thing though, because they were all prison buddies that could have influenced me in the wrong way.
You should email Herbies and let them know how disappointed you are with their product
Kind of hard to complain about Freebies. I did tag them though so maybe they'll see this. I have about 15 different seed strains so I can always change strains if this one doesn't sprout.
If I was going out for some fun I would probably prefer a Sativa. But I pretty much stay home when not working. Haven't gone out to a bar or anything in over 20 years. I don't drink at all as I don't like the taste of alcohol so the bar scene really doesn't fit my lifestyle. Kind of wish it did so I could meet some people. Kind of lost all my friends when I got married 22 years ago. Probably a good thing though, because they were all prison buddies that could have influenced me in the wrong way.
It's hard being alone in middle age. I feel a pang when I hear people speaking about their wives and husbands / partners. Having that friendship and support is a very special privilege and when it's gone there is a huge sense of having lost part of oneself. I moved to a new town four, going on five years ago and it is hard to navigate life solo. Not having kids of school going age and not having a place of worship, or sports meetings, there is little chance of meeting people. Do you have any hiking clubs, photography clubs, that sort of thing? Have a look at a website called Meetup. It is a public platform where interest groups are formed in geographically specific locations and then advertised.
It's hard being alone in middle age. I feel a pang when I hear people speaking about their wives and husbands / partners. Having that friendship and support is a very special privilege and when it's gone there is a huge sense of having lost part of oneself. I moved to a new town four, going on five years ago and it is hard to navigate life solo. Not having kids of school going age and not having a place of worship, or sports meetings, there is little chance of meeting people. Do you have any hiking clubs, photography clubs, that sort of thing? Have a look at a website called Meetup. It is a public platform where interest groups are formed in geographically specific locations and then advertised.
Thank you for the compliment (middle age). I'm closing in on retirement so I consider myself an "Ole Fart" .... lol.
Seems like at about 45 the body starts slowing down & before you know it you're in your 60's & wishing you still had some of that spunk you once had. I keep thinking of getting back into playing guitar for example. But, going on 62 my fingers can't move the way they did 25 years ago, so I'm on the fence about investing in it. I was pretty good back then. I was in a Hard Rock band called Sins on Sunday.
Thanks for the tag Buds, I’m caught up. A day late and dollar short but at least I’m here now! I’ve seen your tents before and mine always pale by comparison. Your shite is always impeccably immaculate, centered up, squared off. The Budsmeister runs a tight ship that’s fo sho…

I remember your quest for busting the 1 pound per 5 gallon bucket harvest goal and damned if you didn’t bust the heck outta that one. Killer fixture and @ViparSpectra is lucky to have you demo it.

sorry for your troubles as of late… some days you are the dog… other days the fire hydrant. Hang in there big guy!

Same boat on recent bean drops that failed to germ. I don’t scarify the seeds and hate the paper towel. My gig is to waterboard for 24 hours in water with splash of H2O2, then straight into soil or rapid rooter

Still had germ problems so I added a heat mat and thought I was done. However my last auto bean didn’t sprout until about 24 hours after I added a humidity dome. In my case the dome may have helped or may have been cowinkydink but my rooms suffer from low rh in winter. I don’t like using a dome and recognize they are not needed for germ / seedling purposes. As soon as she popped above ground and spread her wings I yanked the dome and lit her up

Oh yeah - just ran across tidbit other day which claims green light is fastest for germination as opposed to any other spectrum, but once it sprouts the green light should be discontinued in favor of better spectrum from blurples or led. Otherwise green light will have negative effect on plant growth.

As per usual I had reached the end of the internet and didn’t leave suitable bread crumb trail to find my way home- so no sources are cited on the green light for germing thing… I’m considering buying a few green bulbs.
If I was going out for some fun I would probably prefer a Sativa. But I pretty much stay home when not working. Haven't gone out to a bar or anything in over 20 years. I don't drink at all as I don't like the taste of alcohol so the bar scene really doesn't fit my lifestyle. Kind of wish it did so I could meet some people. Kind of lost all my friends when I got married 22 years ago. Probably a good thing though, because they were all prison buddies that could have influenced me in the wrong way.
Know exactly how you feel I stopped drinking about 20 years ago and now I hate the taste. Also my old friends are in to things I want no part of. CL🍀
Thank you for the compliment (middle age). I'm closing in on retirement so I consider myself an "Ole Fart" .... lol.
Seems like at about 45 the body starts slowing down & before you know it you're in your 60's & wishing you still had some of that spunk you once had. I keep thinking of getting back into playing guitar for example. But, going on 62 my fingers can't move the way they did 25 years ago, so I'm on the fence about investing in it. I was pretty good back then. I was in a Hard Rock band called Sins on Sunday.
I’m close to your age and I still play also you can pick up a Squier Strat or Tele for little $. They play and sound as good as a MIM. CL🍀
I'm an Epiphone Les Paul kind of guy. Love the drive of humbuckers.
I’m a Strat man myself, I just love that single coil tone. And I can rip on Fender neck. I got a SG I mess around with but when you’re used to playing a Fender it feels like playing a bass. lol CL🍀
ya I have always been suspicious of “ free seeds “ give a ways,, I think they are just cleaning out the drawers , all the 2-3year old shit,,, You have been growing for years so you know to plant them pointed end up,, paper towels work and it lets you know within 4 days the likely hood of a good germination

6 of my top 10 strains have been freebies including my legendary Widow
Well I'm not so sure this Humidity controller I bought is going to work out. I also have a Temp/ RH monitor in the tent. The controller says 51% RH & the monitor says 35%. So I put 2 more RH monitors in the tent all next to each other. All 3 monitors are 35%-37% RH & the controller is 51%. I think the controller is wrong.
Can you re-calibrate the monitor and if so how’s about hooking me up with the info? CL🍀
I’m close to your age and I still play also you can pick up a Squier Strat or Tele for little $. They play and sound as good as a MIM. CL🍀
Thank you for the compliment (middle age). I'm closing in on retirement so I consider myself an "Ole Fart" .... lol.
Seems like at about 45 the body starts slowing down & before you know it you're in your 60's & wishing you still had some of that spunk you once had. I keep thinking of getting back into playing guitar for example. But, going on 62 my fingers can't move the way they did 25 years ago, so I'm on the fence about investing in it. I was pretty good back then. I was in a Hard Rock band called Sins on Sunday.
Arthritis is having it’s way with my hands. I’ve played my whole life & it was great therapy at the end of the day but over time became a source of frustration. Then I discovered alternate tunings & found it much easier to shape chords. I’m not as good as I used to be but that helped me enjoy it again…
Arthritis is having it’s way with my hands. I’ve played my whole life & it was great therapy at the end of the day but over time became a source of frustration. Then I discovered alternate tunings & found it much easier to shape chords. I’m not as good as I used to be but that helped me enjoy it again…
I love hearing things like that. I’m not as fast as I was but I’m playing for my own pleasure so I don’t care. CL🍀
I love hearing things like that. I’m not as fast as I was but I’m playing for my own pleasure so I don’t care. CL🍀
Exactly! I’m 65 & still fronting a rock band but I’m just a singer on stage. I play my guitar for me…
Exactly! I’m 65 & still fronting a rock band but I’m just a singer on stage. I play my guitar for me…
I’m also learning Spanish on a free site called Duolingo, I’ve been at it off n on for over a year now. Keeping the grey matter sharp.lol CL🍀
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