Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

You gotta be shitting me! :thedoubletake: Time for easier things Buds!

These things can and will come in waves. We've had years to forget and we did!
No, not shitting you. My dad called me last night said my stepmom's kidneys are shutting down & she will most likely pass soon. He asked for the info on cremation. Most places want $1700 & up. But, I found an on-line place that does it for $695.
I'm sure things will get better. Can't really get worse unless Nostradamus' predictions for 2023 come true. Then we're all in big shit !
I had a bad germ. period last winter. Two orders of 5 seeds gave me 1 seeding and I ended up root-rotting it. My first journal was cancelled. :(
The seeds are probably the problem considerring your experience. I ended up using a well-watched heating pad during the winter and got 9 on 10. 7 got up-potted and had a nice harvest.
How old were the seeds?

I just got them about a month ago from Herbies. They were free from a contest. Maybe old stock. Don't really know how long they had them. But I think it's a fairly new strain they came out with, so seeds shouldn't be that old.
I had almost 99% success planting straight in the soil.... until I started asking others why they don't do it the way I do. Then Karma or something bit me in the ass & I've been struggling ever since.
That cracks me up Buds, Murphy's law eh.

I've germinated directly in soil, and also in zip lock bags on some moistened paper towel. As an outdoor grower I had some disappointments germinating directly in soil then wasting valuable time of the outdoor growing season waiting for sprouts to come up before doing the same again with a similar bad result, it ended up costing too much time of the season, so since then I have gone for germinating in zip lock bags, then at least for each pot I am confident of having a live sprout in it.

While I forgot to do this in my current grow, I'd usually to scour the surface of the seeds with a nail file before soaking them for 12-24 hours in diluted H2O2. That is the only 'help hints' that I am aware of for getting seeds to sprout, so I am very interested if anyone's got any good methods to help too.
Sorry about your wife and other issues. Life can be a little rough at times. Wife and I went through a period where we were wondering what could possibly happen to make things any worse. Both of us were dealing with life threatening issues. It gets better but certainly not overnight. Hang in there.

As to your germinating issues.. do you use a heat mat in a dome? That has worked very well for me. I use the paper towel method also. The last two grows I have had a seed or two that just wouldn't go. Never had any issues in the past. Most of the time the heated domes at 80 degrees F is a sure thing.
No, I don't use a dome or heat mat. Never have. That's just it. I'm doing things the same way I have for years without any issues. Now all of a sudden.... problems germinating. That's why I'm leaning toward it being the seeds. Hopefully, the seed I dropped yesterday pops. Otherwise, I guess I'll have to do the dreaded paper towel thing I hate so much. I just believe mother natures way is best.... straight in the soil.... lol.
Sorry to hear about your Wife Buds! Hang in there buddy.
It's kind of weird. I got her ashes back yesterday & I kind of feel better since she's home.... kind of. Not entirely. But, I almost feel like her spirit is here now with me. Like I said, it's kind of a weird feeling.
Hope all is going well for you. I'll be alright. Time heals all wounds.
If it cuts time off your growing time sounds like it would be great for a long flowering Sativa strain.imho CL🍀
Might be. I don't really grow many Sativa. I prefer Indica or Indica dominant strains because I have trouble getting a full nights sleep. My mind is constantly thinking of what I have to get done the next day & keeps me awake. Indica helps me get to sleep.
ya I have always been suspicious of “ free seeds “ give a ways,, I think they are just cleaning out the drawers , all the 2-3year old shit,,, You have been growing for years so you know to plant them pointed end up,, paper towels work and it lets you know within 4 days the likely hood of a good germination
Hey Bro you have all the reasons under the sun to gripe at the world. If you want to gripe some more you can on my thread anytime. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family Brother. CL🍀
Really no since in complaining. Wont change anything. But it does feel better to say something. Thanks for your offer though. Much appreciated.
Might be. I don't really grow many Sativa. I prefer Indica or Indica dominant strains because I have trouble getting a full nights sleep. My mind is constantly thinking of what I have to get done the next day & keeps me awake. Indica helps me get to sleep.
I’m just the opposite I hate feeling couch locked and because of family responsibilities I can’t be high except to wake n bake. I love a good Sativa in the morning with my coffee ❤️. CL🍀
Well I'm not so sure this Humidity controller I bought is going to work out. I also have a Temp/ RH monitor in the tent. The controller says 51% RH & the monitor says 35%. So I put 2 more RH monitors in the tent all next to each other. All 3 monitors are 35%-37% RH & the controller is 51%. I think the controller is wrong.
That cracks me up Buds, Murphy's law eh.

I've germinated directly in soil, and also in zip lock bags on some moistened paper towel. As an outdoor grower I had some disappointments germinating directly in soil then wasting valuable time of the outdoor growing season waiting for sprouts to come up before doing the same again with a similar bad result, it ended up costing too much time of the season, so since then I have gone for germinating in zip lock bags, then at least for each pot I am confident of having a live sprout in it.

While I forgot to do this in my current grow, I'd usually to scour the surface of the seeds with a nail file before soaking them for 12-24 hours in diluted H2O2. That is the only 'help hints' that I am aware of for getting seeds to sprout, so I am very interested if anyone's got any good methods to help too.
I use Ed Rosenthal’s method and had very good success. It’s very similar to Stuger’s. CL🍀
Well I'm not so sure this Humidity controller I bought is going to work out. I also have a Temp/ RH monitor in the tent. The controller says 51% RH & the monitor says 35%. So I put 2 more RH monitors in the tent all next to each other. All 3 monitors are 35%-37% RH & the controller is 51%. I think the controller is wrong.
It would be cool if you did a post about how you setup your tent. I’m in the process of doing mine and could use any tips I can get. CL🍀
It would be cool if you did a post about how you setup your tent. I’m in the process of doing mine and could use any tips I can get. CL🍀
I pretty much did that at the beginning of this journal. Any additional info you would like.... just ask. I do put some equipment in my tent that I might not even use during the grow. Just depends on RH & Temps if it gets used.
I pretty much did that at the beginning of this journal. Any additional info you would like.... just ask. I do put some equipment in my tent that I might not even use during the grow. Just depends on RH & Temps if it gets used.
Hey buds, do you have a sprout yet?
Sometime tomorrow I'll be starting the new SIP build. I'm kind of excited to be building this thing & will take pics of how I do it to post while I build it. Hope it goes as planned. The idea sounds great in my head. I figure it's something to keep others interested while I'm trying to get a seed to pop.
No, not yet. Hopefully soon ! If this one doesn't sprout I'll try the paper towel & baggie that I'm not a fan of.
I think it was Roy Growings. I can't remember for sure. Anyway, the grower suggested putting the damp paper towel upright in a cd case so that gravity makes the taproot grow downwards perfectly. It works for me and it makes life easier when popping the sprout into its little pot.
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