Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

OK, after looking at Leaf Hoppers I think @Jonny5 is right. It looks like a potato leaf hopper nymph. Not sure if all Leaf Hoppers start out with the curved spine looks, but the Potato one & mine both have it. There's a striking similarity between the 2. All the other Hopper pics had straight backs.
Gotta go to that dirty 4 letter word again.... WORK ! Catch ya'all later !
I think it's a Thripe. Not sure as I'm no expert on bugs. Anyone know if pet stores carry ladybugs ? Takes a week to 10 days through Zon to get them.
Here's a couple pics. Can anyone confirm the type of bug it is ?
DSCF1911 (2).JPG
DSCF1912 (2).JPG
DSCF1913 (2).JPG
It almost looks like an immature leaf hopper?
I think it's a Thripe. Not sure as I'm no expert on bugs. Anyone know if pet stores carry ladybugs ? Takes a week to 10 days through Zon to get them.
Here's a couple pics. Can anyone confirm the type of bug it is ?
DSCF1911 (2).JPG
DSCF1912 (2).JPG
DSCF1913 (2).JPG
@Sierra Natural Science can probably identify it…
If you ever do need ladybugs for aphids/thrips (but may you never need them):
But I'm also wondering about using ladybugs in my tent / indoors. Has anyone used them indoors ? Do they end up all over the house ? Might have to put the plant in the shed & then release the ladies.
Some will end up in your house, but if you want to keep them alive in the tent I would follow Grandpa Tokin's advice here.
Checked around town (Hydro store, Home Depot & a couple of Nurseries) but nobody carries Nematodes or Lady Bugs.
I can order the stuff on Zon but the 20th is the earliest delivery. Seems like a lot of damage could be done in 8 days. I need an immediate fix. Does the Peroxide & Water kill all Larvae or just gnat larvae ? -OR-
I have on hand something called ECOWORKS EC. Botanical Insecticide, Miticide, Nematicide & Fungicide. Says can be used on the day of harvest. For the control of Insects, Mites, Nematodes & Fungal Diseases. I also have Neem Oil, SNS 209 Systemic Pest Control & SNS 217 Spider Mite Control.
Any thoughts on using any of these things ?
Checked around town (Hydro store, Home Depot & a couple of Nurseries) but nobody carries Nematodes or Lady Bugs.
I can order the stuff on Zon but the 20th is the earliest delivery. Seems like a lot of damage could be done in 8 days. I need an immediate fix. Does the Peroxide & Water kill all Larvae or just gnat larvae ? -OR-
I have on hand something called ECOWORKS EC. Botanical Insecticide, Miticide, Nematicide & Fungicide. Says can be used on the day of harvest. For the control of Insects, Mites, Nematodes & Fungal Diseases. I also have Neem Oil, SNS 209 Systemic Pest Control & SNS 217 Spider Mite Control.
Any thoughts on using any of these things ?
At this point I'd go with what Jonny recommends.

Beyond ladybugs and lacewings, the recommendations are for Safers Insect Killing soap spray (which I've used in flower but needs to be rinsed after it dries to prevent build-up), along with some bacteria that seems to be in a petroleum-based mix :eek: .

ECOWORKS EC. Botanical Insecticide
I also have Neem Oil
Ecoworks is cold pressed neem oil, and I don't use oil-based sprays in flower. Not sure on the SNS 209 as the active ingredient is rosemary, but it doesn't say if it's oil-based or what.
I've searched the plant up & down, inside & out & all I found was 2.
If this is a Potato Leaf Hopper (looks like one), is it possible I brought it home on a bag of potato's ?
I don't see any of these critters on the flowers in my yard. I'm wondering how I got them. Maybe the Larvae was in the soil already ? That's how I got gnats once before.
You could use a molasses spray, soft bodied insects don’t have a Pancreas and cannot process the sugar.. even though they suck sugars from the sap , kind of a contradiction , But it works,, and you could lay some sticky traps, Have you suffered any leaf damage??? YET..
You know, now I'm really not sure if the leaf damage is a "P" def. or from the Hoppers or a combination of both.
When I found the 2 yesterday, I searched the entire plant. Under the leaves, stems, everything & didn't find any more.
This morning when I watered I checked again & didn't find anything. Now I'm wondering if there are more or not or if I should just take precautionary measures & treat it like there is more.
I did add the "P" to the soil yesterday. Top Fed to water it in. Top Fed again today. Back to the res. tomorrow. I guess I'll know if it is just a "P" def. in a week or so.
The Molasses.... Does it need to be the Black strap from the pet store or just any grocery store stuff for making the spray? I was planning to get more traps today since yellow attracts them & I only found the 2.
The Molasses.... Does it need to be the Black strap from the pet store or just any grocery store stuff for making the spray? I was planning to get more traps today since yellow attracts them & I only found the 2.
I don't use it myself, but I think you're supposed to get the unsulphured version.
Alright, Here we go now, my latest update......

We'll start with my little "RUNTZ PUNCH" girls. All I can really say is.... So far, So good ! They are starting to look a little hungry so I'll be starting to feed them next feeding time. But, today I plan to separate them into their own 1 gal. pots.
Going to add the @DYNOMYCO to my soil when I do this. Sure hope it helps with the "P" uptake in Flower. @Emilya Green says it will & she's usually right (maybe not always.... but damned close). Hope all goes well with the transplant. I know they are way young still, but I don't want the roots getting too long in this 1 gal. pot. They are currently 8 & 9 days above ground.

And here we go with my Gorilla Glue Auto. Yeah, she's giving me a slight problem. But all in all, she still looks pretty good to me. I'm loving the way the buds are staking up. Should get some nice colas on her (I Hope).
I've only found the 2 leaf hoppers on her. I searched high & low twice now. Just not sure what to think since I haven't found more. I added the "P" to the soil & Top Watered it in twice now. Going back to the res tomorrow.
I'm currently feeding her at 3 ml. per gal. Cal-Mag, 5 ml. per gal. of Crystal Burst & 7.5 gr. per gal. of Maxi Bloom.
I always pH to 6.3. I'm still wondering if I should try 5.8 pH in this type of grow with soil to see how it goes. Anybody tried this yet ?

Today, I finally get to start building my 12 gal. SIP. Nothing big I have to do this weekend. So glad of that ! I'll post pics when done.
Probably the Black strap then as I heard that's the type used for flowering. Pet / Feed store just 1 mile from me so no big deal.
Yes I think black strap, but not with any sulphur dioxide preservative (some have it), but not good for plants.
For those 2 little gals I think the @ViparSpectra KS5000 is doing a great job. It may even be just a little too bright for the seedlings being so close. But the plants look great for their age. Can't wait to get one in the 12 gal. SIP. The other will go in a 5 gal. Geo Pot & used for clones.
Alrighty Then .... Transplant is done ! Hope it's successful. Roots were only about 2" deep so were easy to split up.

They look a tad bit overwatered & underfed to me. But since they are in fresh FFOF with Dynamyco I just gave 4 oz. water to each. I'll feed lightly next time & ramp it up pretty quickly.
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