Bud's Does A SIP Featuring The ViparSpectra KS5000

That's a beast of an auto Buds!
OK, here's my issue. Pistils Browning & what I think is a "P" deficiency. @Emilya Green .... HELP PLEASE ! This has been going on my past 3 grows & I haven't been able to fix it. Tell me how to solve this.
It happened using Mega Crop with added "N & Si". It happened with SoHum & Recharge. Now it's happening with Maxi-Bloom with added Cal Mag. Maxi Bloom says use Cal Mag on the Bag. I've been adding it a 3 ml. per gal. I've tried adding Humbolt County's Own - Crystal Burst 0-15-15 to no avail. I've tried Terpinator 0-0-4 to no avail. How do I fix this problem that keeps persisting ?
Here's some pics to show the damage. It's all on the very bottom & a little in the center of the plant. I am pH-ing to 6.3 also.
Yes, it does look like a P deficiency on the leaves.... those buds though, that is a mystery. They almost look pollinated. Look around very carefully in that area for hermies. Are you using a myco product when you transplant? Using myco drastically increases P pickup later on.
Yes, it does look like a P deficiency on the leaves.... those buds though, that is a mystery. They almost look pollinated. Look around very carefully in that area for hermies. Are you using a myco product when you transplant? Using myco drastically increases P pickup later on.
I'm not finding any nut clusters or pollen on leaves anywhere. But those buds with the darker hairs have something there. Not sure if it's a calyx or nut yet as it's not developed enough. Kind of looks like there might be hairs coming out of them though.
No, I haven't been using a Myko at all. Never have before so not sure why I'd need to now unless everyone is changing their soil & nute formulas. Not saying it's not a good thing to do so. Just saying I never have & didn't use to have this issue. So something else has got to be causing it & I just don't know what.
I have 2 babies the same strain. I'm putting one in a Fabric Pot & the other in a SIP to see if there's any difference.
Can't help but to wonder ? Hope it's not the case as I love the big plants & big yields.
It's possible you haven't seen this before because your plants never needed this much P & K before. The SIP grows quickly, which means it needs more nutrient uptake. You should definitely look into some type of Myco as Emilya suggests to increase nutrient uptake in your roots. I'd keep up the bloom boosters as well, especially if using MC in flower.
I'm not finding any nut clusters or pollen on leaves anywhere. But those buds with the darker hairs have something there. Not sure if it's a calyx or nut yet as it's not developed enough. Kind of looks like there might be hairs coming out of them though.
No, I haven't been using a Myko at all. Never have before so not sure why I'd need to now unless everyone is changing their soil & nute formulas. Not saying it's not a good thing to do so. Just saying I never have & didn't use to have this issue. So something else has got to be causing it & I just don't know what.
I have 2 babies the same strain. I'm putting one in a Fabric Pot & the other in a SIP to see if there's any difference.
Can't help but to wonder ? Hope it's not the case as I love the big plants & big yields.
P is the hardest element to pick up because it can only enter the plant from the very tips of the roots. This is why nature and evolution produced the symbiotic relationship between myco fungi and our roots. The primary job of the myco is to process P and shuttle it to the roots.

You could supply extra P to offset this deficiency, but I highly recommend using a myco product every time you transplant. Since using DYNOMYCO religiously here, I have not seen any more P deficiencies. You are developing some rather huge and obviously hungry plants these days, and I think you really should consider using myco from now on.
P is the hardest element to pick up because it can only enter the plant from the very tips of the roots. This is why nature and evolution produced the symbiotic relationship between myco fungi and our roots. The primary job of the myco is to process P and shuttle it to the roots.

You could supply extra P to offset this deficiency, but I highly recommend using a myco product every time you transplant. Since using DYNOMYCO religiously here, I have not seen any more P deficiencies. You are developing some rather huge and obviously hungry plants these days, and I think you really should consider using myco from now on.
Do you think there's any chance my Oscillating Fan that sits on the floor could be causing this ? I'm asking because I'm noticing all the damaged yellowing leaves are on the side with the fan. The other side is green as can be. Maybe just a coincidence, but it makes me wonder so have to ask.
I guess we will find out. I just turned that fan off & removed all the damaged leaves. We'll see if it happens again; although some leaves may have already started their damage & may or may not be OK. But, if I only get a few damaged leaves & it stops, I'll have found the problem (I think). I doubt this is the problem though.... but, you never know.
Do you think there's any chance my Oscillating Fan that sits on the floor could be causing this ? I'm asking because I'm noticing all the damaged yellowing leaves are on the side with the fan. The other side is green as can be. Maybe just a coincidence, but it makes me wonder so have to ask.
I remember reading somewhere that the constant agitation from the fans could definitely stress the plants. Might be bro science, but I've experienced the same thing. Also, it was on the internet so it has to be true...
I remember reading somewhere that the constant agitation from the fans could definitely stress the plants. Might be bro science, but I've experienced the same thing. Also, it was on the internet so it has to be true...
Good to know. I might just be on to something then. We'll soon find out.
I'm assuming you're talking about the lower fan leaves? Seems like they get wilty & one day get that weird curl & the rusty spot? I always thought of them as old lions surrounded by young lions, but I noticed the same thing. The ones closest to the fans always let go first...
Hey guys & dolls, I was just on the contest pages & it seems not many people are entering or voting. What's up with that ? First off, I want to say, I am in no way asking anyone to vote for me in any contest. I don't even vote for me.... lol.
But honestly folks, look at the contributions & help the contest members have provided. Look closely at Bud & Plant photo's & choose the one you like best. I choose the one I would want to smoke if I had each entry in front of me. I see the contests as a way to give back to the members who have helped you along your grow journey. Your vote counts !
I'm not sure if I'll get disqualified for posting this or not. If I do, I feel I took one for the cause & to bring awareness to the contests.
This month is your chance to vote for the Grand Champions in the Annual contests. Those are members who won a monthly contest & are going head to head for the yearly title.
In case you're new & not sure how to get to Annual Contest just click on the Entertainment Tab, Click Contests & when that page opens it will say Annual Contest at the Top. Click that to get to the yearly contest.
Take care all & get those votes for your favorites in ! I'd love to see more member participation in both Entering & Voting in these contests. Part of what makes this site better than the rest !
This month is your chance to vote for the Grand Champions in the Annual contests. Those are members who won a monthly contest & are going head to head for the yearly title.
In case you're new & not sure how to get to Annual Contest just click on the Entertainment Tab, Click Contests & when that page opens it will say Annual Contest at the Top. Click that to get to the yearly contest.
And to make it even easier, they've added a banner right at the top of each forum page. Took me a while to notice it, but there it is. :thumb:
I remember reading somewhere that the constant agitation from the fans could definitely stress the plants. Might be bro science, but I've experienced the same thing. Also, it was on the internet so it has to be true...
I need to make a correction here. I read that constant agitation from the fans stresses the leaves .
Usually each day I find new Yellowing leaves with burnt looking edges near the bottom of the plant. None of that today.
There are a couple of yellow leaves in the very center of the plant; but they look different then before. No burnt edges. They just look light on "N". The fan may not be the entire reason for the issue I had or still have? But, I think it does play some part in it since things aren't too bad today.
I need to see when I started this plant. Seems like it's taking a long time for some reason. Thought I'd be finishing it up by now. But it has a good 4 weeks to go from what I see. Auto's aren't really much faster than Photo's & the yield is usually less then a photo. I think that may have been the reason I quit growing autos a few years ago.
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